Dear Brother & Sister in Christ, Samuel Tong's son Wayne is in hospital for an unexpected heart problem in Taipei. Please pray for him. Wayne was in ICU for 7 days, he has been moved to regular room, but still needs to be observed and treated carefully. Please pray for Tong's family. SJCCC Chairboard 親愛的主內弟兄姊妹: 童光輝的兒子因突發心臟問題現在台北醫院搶救. 已經在ICU住了7天, 現在雖然已經轉入普通病房, 但是仍然需要密切的觀察和醫治. 請大家為病人和童家祈禱. 祝耶誕快樂, 主內平安, SJCCC 主席團
Thursday, December 24, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews: Prayer Request
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Please pray for the soul of Alice Koo
Dear brothers and sisters: Please pray for the soul of Alice Koo (吳英傑 女士), who is 陳秀景's sister-in-law. She passed away in the emergency room in San Francisco on 12/15. 請為陳秀景的先生的姐姐靈魂祈禱,吳英傑女士,於12月15日病逝於舊金山。請求天主引領受苦的靈魂歸回天國。 In Christ: SJCCC Chairboard
Monday, December 7, 2009
SJCCC eNews: December Council Meeting
Dear Brother & Sister in Christ, This coming Thursday (12/10) we'll have our monthly community council meeting. Time : 7:00 - 9:00PM Location : St. Clare School, room #5. Tentative Meeting agenda : 1.Faith Sharing - all the recent faith formation talks from various priests. 2.Christmas party - Christmas Carol (Choir group), Catering dinner (Louis Yueh), ticket/gifts (Chen Ching-wen), Christmas performing program (Vincent Lau), Facility setup/clean up (lead It Serve, Rosemary Hua), Decoration (Tommy Liu, Maggie Chen), please come to our meeting and let us know if you have difficulty. Dinner ticket $10 adult, $5 Children under 12. 3.Chinese New Year Celebration (2/14), Mass (Liturgincal group) and Program (Chinese School) 4.Chin-Min mass 5.Hymn book shortage vs using projection during Mass 6.other routine reports - Financial statement, 1/12/2010, Parish Administration Meeting. 7.SJCCC future leadership discussion SJCCC Chairboard
Sunday, December 6, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews: 8-days Spiritual Excercise Retreat
Retreat is a time to Stop, Listen, Watch, and Search. It is a sacred moment to rebuild our relationship with God. Retreat gives us a chance to find who God is and who we are. It gives space to allow us to touch our deepest desires and allow God to talk to us. Retreat is to have a vacation with God!
生命的旅途 有主同行
~~ 預約2010年八天神操避靜
two sessions of 8-Day Silent Retreat
神操是為戰勝自己,整理自己的生活,使不致為任何不正的心情決定自己的生活。" ~~神操21號
2010 年9 月20 日4:00 PM~29日10:00AM
靈修輔導:甘國棟神父 (彰化靜山靈修中心專任靈修輔導)
2010 年10 月1 日 4:00PM~10 日10:00AM
前兩天 靈修工作坊,練習靜默、省察、默想及默觀等靈修方法
後六天 避靜主題:走向天主,個別靈修指導,名額八名
靈修輔導:甘國棟神父 (彰化靜山靈修中心專任靈修輔導)
黃鳳梧姊妹 (Los Altos靈修輔導培訓)
避靜地點:加州 Los Altos 耶穌會避靜院
報名:自即日起至2010 年4月20日止,額滿為止。
膳宿費: $800 ( to Los Altos Jesuit Retreat Center)
神師費: 自由奉獻
聯絡人及報名:黃鳳梧姊妹 Mrs. Ana Tsai
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
SJCCC Seminar: The Church Today and Our Christian Life (English )
Dear SJCCC members, Due to the illness of Fr. Kenan, this afternoon workshop is cancelled. sorry for the inconvenience. SJCCC CB 英文講座: 今日的教會及我們的基督徒生活 因為主講神父生病, 取消. 請為神父祈禱! 祝主內平安, SJCCC 主席團
Dear brothers and sisters, This is a friendly reminder for the seminar this Saturday. Fr. Osborne is a well known theologian in the U.S. and his talks are easy to understand too. Don't miss this opportunity and invite a friend to attend with you. We will hear lots of questions or criticisms of the Catholic Church when we talk to non-Catholics or other Catholics. Let's spend 4 hours with Fr. Osborne, to learn where do we, Catholic stands for those issues and how to response when it happens. Date: December 5, 2009, 1 p.m. to 5:10 p.m. Location: St. Clare Parish, Lower church, 英文講座: 今日的教會及我們的基督徒生活 God bless! SJCCC CM ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: SJCCC Member eNewsSent: Tue, November 17, 2009 8:15:32 PM Subject: SJCCC Seminar: The Church Today and Our Christian Life (English ) Dear brothers and sisters, You are invited to this special event hosted by the SJCCC CM program. Event: The Church Today and Our Christian Life Seminar 英文講座: 今日的教會及我們的基督徒生活 Presented by Fr. Kenan Osborne, OFM Date: December 5, 2009, 1 p.m. to 5:10 p.m. Location: St. Clare Parish, Lower church, Santa Clara, CA Hosted by San Jose Chinese Catholic Community, CM program Topic: The Church and Catholic Faith in the 21st Century. “There are many questions and criticisms of the Catholic church today. How can we maintain our belief in the church?” Fr. Kenan Osborne, OFM is a Franciscan friar of the St. Barbara Province. He is a scholar and teacher of international repute. He has written extensively in the fields of systematic theology, liturgy, and Franciscan Studies. In recent years he has traveled and taught in mainland China, in order to unite the Christian ways of thinking with Asia ways of thought. He is a member of the Core Doctoral Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. Any question, please contact: Jessica Wang at 650-328-3222 or Vincent Lau at 510-668-1377 or Flyer is available at: May God bless your family always, SJCCC CM
Monday, November 30, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews: 150 anniversary ceremony of Catholic Church in Taiwan
Dear Brother & Sister in Christ, This is a URL link of reporting 150 anniversary of Evangeization Meeting Event in Catholic Weekly newspaper in Taiwan. SJCCC Chairboard 親愛的主內兄弟姊妹: 請點下面的連接, 這是台灣天主教週報報導傳愛150照片和實況 祝主內平安, SJCCC 主席團
Dear Brother & Sister in Christ, Please follow the link below to enjoy the Stream Video of 150 anniversary ceremony of Catholic Church in Taiwan. SJCCC Chairboard 親愛的主內兄弟姊妹: 請點下面的連接, 欣賞台灣傳愛150年慶典實況錄像. 祝主內平安, SJCCC 主席團
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
SJCCC eNews: November Council Meeting
Dear Brother & Sister in Christ,
This coming Thursday (11/12) we'll have our monthly community council meeting.
Time : 7:00 - 9:00PM
Location : St. Clare School, room #5.
1. Faith Sharing : Evangelization work in China
2.Christmas Program (12/25) discussion
3.Burning Bush group report
4.Monthly financial statement
5.future community leadership discussion
If you have other agenda, please let us know.
See you then,
SJCCC Chairboard
Friday, October 30, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews: Advent Retreat Registration start now...
再次提醒諸位,將臨期避静已經開始報名,並將於11月15日結止。我們很榮幸請到了聖言會的韓清平神父遠從河北的石家压市專程來帶領這次的避静。主題是 “福傳於華夏" ---天主召叫了我 ,給了我們使命 ,傳福音給我們的同胞以及周圍的朋友們。
第二部份我們將回到聖經 ,看舊約中天主怎樣召叫先知, 以及新約時代 耶穌怎樣召叫門徒。這些被天主召叫的人, 一開始是懷疑的 、徬徨的 、害怕的。接受召叫後, 隨即有奇蹟發生。如果我們想一想,個人被召叫的過程必然也有與門徒或先知相似的經驗。
我們有時會想,如果耶穌生活在華人社會,衪會怎樣宣告這個好消息?我們在信仰中體會到天主的愛和被天主感動的經驗,必然想要去分享給那些在華人社會中沒有聽過耶穌的朋友。這次的避靜, 韓神父帶著他在中國傳教的經驗,邀請我們一起來分享這個愛的使命 --- 福傳。
陳惠群 (408)272-4975
湯明昭 (408)216-9848
牛家元 (650)320-8035
龍侃 (650)571-7102
eNews to SJCCC Members
Would you please use the alias "enews @" when you want to send an email to the SJCCC Community? This way, Xiuli and I can handle the request without duplicating efforts/emails.
We now have close to 600 people in the email list now. We need to respect people's email rights as they are our family in Christ, and we also don't want to get into problem legally (there are government SPAM regulation) and with the Internet Service Providers (they don't deliver our emails if they see a lot of complains). After moving to the current ISP earlier this year, things are much better now, and our emails are being delivered. Here are some best practices/Suggestions:
- Please send us a subject line in English (Chinese do not display consistently in subject line)
- Please only send information that is directly related to SJCCC and of interest to most of the people
- Please address the community and sign your letter. We are not to WRITE the email for you, we are delivering. Think of yourself as the Shepard addressing your sheep. We are just your mailmen, mailmen don't write anything for you. :)
- If possible, please have both English and Chinese in the text. Many people can't read Chinese email (all Youth/most YAG, many older computers, and blackberries), and some people can't read English email (less).
- It's not good to have attachments, we can upload your attachments and send URL to it.
- Usually, try to avoid sending multiple emails per day to the community (our previous stated preference was 1-2 per week). We sent 4 emails in the last 2 days, and we see people unsubscribe when the volume goes up since some people may be annoyed. With this alias, we can try to regulate the flow to avoid this.
May God bless us to do His will,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
SJCCC: Advent Seminars - Register now!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Fr. Bonaventura (Se-Chuan) Lin will be in the Bay Area in mid November. He will hold 2 seminars, one at CCCSJ (Fremont) and one at SJCCC (St. Clare’s).
Topic: How Members of Christian Communities Live Together in Faith?
Date/Time: 11/14/09 (Sat) 9am – 5pm
Location: Sisters of Holy Family (159 Washington Blvd., Fremont CA 94539)
Topic: Who Brought the Faith to Gentiles – Peter or Paul?
Date/Time:11/15/09 (Sun) 9am – 5pm
Location: St. Clare Church Parish Hall (941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050)
Registration: Essen Ching or 高家琳
SJCCC members please register with 程曉淵 (Jennifer Cheng)
For details, please click on link:
時間: 11/14/09 (Sat) 9 AM ~ 5 PM
地點:Sisters of Holy Family (159 Washington Blvd., Fremont CA 94539)
時間: 11/15/09 (Sun) 9 AM ~ 12 PM
地點:St. Clare Church Parish Hall (941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050)
報名: Essen Ching 高家琳
SJCCC 教友請向程曉淵 (Jennifer Cheng) 報名
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews : Funeral Mass
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
A Funeral Mass for 楊樹茲伯伯 is scheduled as follows:
Funeral Mass schedule
主禮:顧光中神父 (Fr. Mathew Koo)
日期 (Date):10-31-09
地點 (Place):St. Clare Church
時間 (Time):9:30 AM 玫瑰經誦禱 (Rosary prayer)
10 AM to 12PM Funeral Mass
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
SJCCC eNews: N1/H1 Prevention seminar/Bring a friend!
SJCCC community announcement:
這個主日天下午一點半, 我們邀請 黃洪光醫師 來談談 如何預防N1/H1流行性感冒,
We’ll hold a Health Seminar on this coming Sunday in Parish Hall. You are welcome to bring your families and friends to attend.
Topic : How to prevent N1/H1 and seasonal Flu
Speaker : Dr. H. K. Wong, M.D.
Date: November 1, 2009
Time: 1:30 – 2:30 PM, Sunday
Location: Parish Hall, St. Clare Church
Friday, October 16, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews: Prayer Request
張慶先 女士(前SJCCC松柏組組長),她的先生─楊樹茲先生,在昨天早上蒙主恩昭,平安的回到天主的懷中.....請大家特別為他的亡靈祈禱,求仁慈的天主早日接納他的靈魂,並安慰他的家人!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Advent Seminars
時間: 11/14/09 (Sat) 9 AM ~ 5 PM
地點:Sisters of Holy Family (159 Washington Blvd., Fremont CA 94539)
時間: 11/15/09 (Sun) 9 AM ~ 12 PM
地點:St. Clare Church Parish Hall (941 Lexington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050)
報名: Essen Ching (510-659-4065)
高家琳 (408-263-8886)
SJCCC 教友請向程曉淵 (Jennifer Cheng) 報名(408-926-5440)
Monday, October 12, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Invite friends to college planning informational seminar
Peace to you and your family!
Whatever is the path God prepares for our children, as parents, we need to understand the options so we can help our kids plan and prepare for their future. We are very happy to have expert counselors to give us a free college planning informational seminar for parents on Saturday 10/17. This event is being promoted on 世界日報, and you are encouraged to bring a friend who may be interested in this information. This is a good opportunity to bring them to our church, and have their high school teenagers check out the Watermark program (child care is also available). Please rsvp for yourself and your friends at
申請大學的準備與計畫: 歡迎高中生父母來參加
Time: 十月十七日 星期六 7:30-9:30 PM
因場地有限, 務請上網訂位 (姓名, 出席人數, 幼兒人數)
Location: Saint Clare School, Room 2, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
主辦: 聖荷西華人天主教會 – Parents of Watermark Youth Group
May God bless you and your family always,
Watermark Parents & SJCCC Evangelization Team
SJCCC eNews: Prayer Request
Sunday, October 11, 2009
每週通訊 - 10/11/2009
上課地點:St. Clare Church Room 1
時間: 主日 4:30PM - 5:30PM
如何面對人生的重大失落及哀傷靈修 + 避静
時間:2009年10月24日(星期六) 下午 1-4 時
地點:Parish Hall in Saint Clare Church
人生難免有各種失落,如丟掉了很有意義的紀念物、失戀、好朋友或寵物死了等等; 而最大的失落莫過於親人死亡。雖然我們深信終有一天在天鄉,我們與已亡親人會再相見,但每當我們思念己亡親友的同時,還是忍不住悲傷。喪親的哀傷既然免不了,朋友,歡迎你來與會,讓我們彼此安慰支持及學習如何健康的走過哀傷歷程。
座位有限,請 先報名。
聯絡:曾淑揚 408-257-5863, 周盛芳 408-615-9973, email:
弗利蒙(Fremont) 華人天主教會邀請彭育申修女舉辦一次三天的講習,主題是:「活出尊嚴,心靈自由」。彭修女是美國加州州立大學心理學學士、美國洛衫磯教區教理師資培育專業證書。曾是耶穌聖心會修女。曾任台北總教區教理推廣中心主任,並在輔大神學院教授教理。目前回應主耶穌的召叫,獻身於中國大陸的牧靈工作。
時間: Nov. 6, 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm將臨期請到聖言會的韓清平神父為我們帶領三天的年度避静和前後幾天的信仰講座。活動時間表:
Nov. 7, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Nov. 8, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
地點:St. Joseph School, Classroom #7 (43222 Mission Blvd. Fremont)
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose (43326 Mission Blvd. Fremont)
費用: $75/person
地址:St. Clare Church, Lower church
地址:St. Clare Church, Rectory
將臨期避静:福傳于華夏(Bring Good News to my people)
地址:St. Clare Retreat Center, 2381 Laurel Road, Soquel, CA 95073
地址:St. Clare Church, Lower church
地址:St. Clare Church, North Hall
12/24/09 -聖誕前夕彌撒Watermark Parents
02/14/10 -常年期第六主日(中國新年彌撒)
03/28/10 -聖枝主日
04/04/10 -復活主日
04/25/10 -復活期第四主日 (CM 初領聖體)
05/09/10 -復活期第六主日(母親節)
05/23/10 -聖神降臨節(CM 堅振聖事)
06/06/10 -耶穌聖體聖血節
06/20/10 -常年期第12主日 (父親節)
每週六讀經分享已經開始,歡迎家長踴躍參加每 週在二號教室的聚會.也歡迎教友邀請親友參加以下每月為高中生父母籌備的特別活動:聖城通訊邀稿
- Saturday 10/17 (7:30-9:30pm): College application preparation and planning. We are inviting external experts to give us a talk.
主題: 申請大學的準備與計畫
主講者: 灣區著名專業指導申請大學老師
時間: 7:30-9:30pm, Saturday 10/17 (9:30-10pm - snacks, social, informal Q&A)
地點: St. Clare School, Room 2, 725 Washington St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
對象: 所有有興趣之 9-12 年級 高中生父母 (天主教教友或非教友,皆竭誠歡迎)
此講座完全免費, 但因場地有限,務請上網訂位 (姓名, 出席人數, 幼兒人數)
高中生可參加 (Watermark) 團體活動及讀經, 幼兒有專人照顧 or (650) 328-2222福傳小組
新 福傳培訓,以祈禱為基石,主題性的聖經分享為方法,福傳為目標。歡迎對唱歌,專題聖經分享,祈禱,或一領一福傳有興趣,或害怕福傳的人來參加這輕鬆又沒有 壓力的聚會。讓我們一起接受耶穌的邀請,成為"漁人的漁夫"。唯有您的參與,我們才能一起將漁網拉起來,裝滿兩漁船!天生我才必有用,每位教友都有福傳的 能力。耶穌正等著您使用您的天賜才華,把祂的平安喜樂,介紹給一位需要認識祂的人。請與我們聯絡:et
時間:主日彌撒後 4:15 - 5:45
地點:一年級教室隔壁 (St. Clare 學校內)
攜帶: 聖經,筆記本,筆
10/18 我究竟為何而活
10/25 如何參與團體的敬拜讚美與祈禱
若有十個人願意在週五晚上8:00 - 10:00參加,將在St. Clare增開一班.請盡快與楊彤芳 張玉青 聯絡
Saturday, October 10, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Prayer Request
開敏的婆婆,亦即 Tom Merrill 的母親,已於今晚在芝加哥過世,享年99歲。Mrs. Merrill 將於明年二月滿一百歲,實屬高壽。我们祈求天主早日接納她的靈魂,永享天國的榮福。也安慰她的家人,平安的渡過悲傷的時期。
Sunday, October 4, 2009
SJCCC eNews: October council meeting
Please join us at the October council meeting on October 8th, Thursday, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
The meeting agenda is as follows:
- Opening prayer
- Sharing (20 min.)
- Financial statement (Li-peng - 10 min.)
- Advent retreat (Li-peng 10 min.)
- Reflection of we have responsibility for ensuring that the rules are enforced. e.g.
key of maintenance of the classrooms, and a pleasant working environment.
(Fr. Olivera, 15 min.)
- Cantanese borrow the Audio equipment. (Joseph -10 min.)
- Discussion :
* A proposal of SJCCC provide funeral Services (Fr. Olivera's 15 min.)
* Schedule the major activities for 2010 (Yvonne 20 min.)
* Parish Hall is not available on 12/20 (Yvonne 10 min.)
* Professional and helpful presentations for our community. (Helena -10 min.)
- Blessing: Fr. Olivera
Thank you and God bless
SJCCC Chair Board
Friday, October 2, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Retreat Announcements
很高興今年的將臨期,我们請到了聖言會的韓清平神父為我们帶領三天的年度避静和前後幾天的信仰講座。韓神父出生於甘肅省武威市,1995年加入聖言會。1996年來美進修,2003年獲芝加哥聯合神學院學位之後,赴香港實習並任教一年。返美後,繼續在聯合神學院深造,2006年獲Master of Divinity with World Mission Concentration學位。同年在芝加哥晉鐸,隨即受聘於河北石家莊進德公益任副主任一職,並兼職於信德報,信德文化研究所及在河北神哲學院教書。韓神父多才多藝,擅長寫作,著有《華夏遺蹤:聖言會甘肅、河南福傳史》(臺灣光啟出版社出版)、《靈光集》(河北信德社出版)。其他著作散見於國內外教會刋物。韓神父以言以行,以文章和生命傳揚福音,讓我們歡迎這位天主的好僕人到灣區帶領將臨期避靜。
1. 信仰講座:中國基督教會和福傳史
地址:St. Clare Church, Lower church
2. 查經分享:聖经中天主对先知的召叫
地址:St. Clare Church, Rectory
3. 將臨期避静:福傳于華夏(Bring Good News to my people)
地址:St. Clare Retreat Center, 2381 Laurel Road, Soquel, CA 95073
4. 信仰講座:中國福傳現況
地址:St. Clare Church, Lower church
5. 生活分享:向中國人傳福音(故鄉组聚餐)
地址:St. Clare Church, North Hall
Friday, September 25, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Seminar at Fremont
弗利蒙(Fremont) 華人天主教會邀請彭育申修女舉辦一次三天的講習会,主題是:「活出尊嚴,心靈自由」。彭修女是美國加州州立大學心理學學士、美國洛衫磯教區教理師資培育專業證書。曾是耶穌聖心會修女。曾任台北總教區教理推廣中心主任,並在輔大神學院教授教理。目前回應主耶穌的召叫,獻身於中國大陸的牧靈工作。
時間: Nov. 6, 7:30 pm to 10:00 pm
Nov. 7, 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Nov. 8, 9:30 am to 3:00 pm
地點: St. Joseph School, Classroom #7 (43222 Mission Blvd. Fremont)
Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose (43326 Mission Blvd. Fremont)
費用: $75/person
SJCCC Chair Board
Thursday, September 24, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Osteoporosis Seminar by Our parishioner Dr. Peter Wong
時間:10月11日, 星期天,下午國語彌撒後4:15至6:00;
地點:St. Clare Church, North Hall
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Our parishioner Dr. Peter Wong will host a seminar to help us understand osteoporosis. He also asks Sanofi Pasteur Pharmaceutical Co. to provide laboratory screening services at the field.
Time: Oct. 11, Sunday, from 4:15pm to 6:00pm;
Place: St. Clare Church, North Hall
SJCCC Chair Board
Friday, September 18, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Welcome to a wedding mass
新娘: Teresa Lee 李宛軒;
新郎: William Sheng 沈帷哲 ;
時間: 中午 12:00 - 1:10pm
地點 : Saint Elizabeth Parish
750 Sequoia Dr.
Milpitas, CA, 95035
證婚神長: 陳廷州 神父
主婚家長: 李石安 劉明琦 & 劉希平 胡台娥
Friday, September 11, 2009
SJCCC eNews: New evangelism team for the Chinese speaking group
Following the retreat, any ideas about how to be involved in the New Evangelism? The SJCCC Evangelization group would like to invite everyone to join us in answering Jesus' calling to be "Fishers of Men".
We have two introduction meetings about our plans (same content) after Mass on 9/13 (Parish Hall) and 9/20 (lower Church), please come and join us. Also, please feel free to contact us at
Reminder: in your celebrations for the mid-autumn festival around 10/3, please don't forget to extend the invitations to friends and relatives who may not yet know Jesus.
May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold.
SJCCC Evangelization Team
1. 新福傳 - 讓我們一起划向深處,再次撒網,接受耶穌的邀請,成為"捕人的漁夫". 唯有您的參與,我們才能一起將漁網拉起來,裝滿兩漁船!
9/13: SJCCC福傳組年度計畫介紹 - 彌撒後在Parish Hall
9/20: SJCCC福傳組年度計畫介紹 (重複) - 彌撒後在樓下教堂
2. 今年中秋節是10/3,讀經小組Potluck時,請別忘記邀請還不認識耶穌的親友一起慶祝這個團圓的節日!
為什麼天主教友不和親友分享信仰? (摘譯自Today's Parish)
1 怕被拒絕
2 過去分享信仰的經驗不太愉快.
3 教堂氣氛冷淡,新來者不感到被歡迎
4 不知如何分享(因而需學習)
1 在教會活動中,建立以言語分享信仰的信心.
2 在堂區聚會中,包括信仰分享, 它與祈禱同樣重要
3 在兒童道理班,請家長做見證,以鼓勵子女
4 在退省或研討會中,協助教友寫下簡短見證
5 重視來教堂的訪客,讓他們感到賓至如歸
Thursday, September 10, 2009
9/13/2008 道理班家長會及中文班家長會
1:30PM 中文班家長請到活動中心 (Parish Hall) 參加
4:10PM CM 家長請到樓下教堂 (Lower Church) 參加學
9/20/2008 學生正式開學上課
1:00 PM 中文學校正式開學
4:10 PM CM 主日學及高中正式開學
** 請 各 位 家 長 務 必 出 席 家 長 會. **
校長 古偉業 (650) 804-8040
副校長 王緒常 (408) 257-5863
中文班 劉玉璐 (408) 857-8857
道理班 陳玲英 (650) 328-3222
Dear parent(s),
Welcome to the new school year 2009-10. If your child(ren) has (have)
not yet registered, please send registration forms in as soon as possible.
The following are important dates,
Sept. 13 – Chinese Program and CM Program parent(s)' meeting
1:30PM – Chinese Program parent(s)' meeting, Parish Hall
4:10PM - CM Program parent(s)' meeting, Lower Church
Sept. 20 – Catechetical Sunday, School starts officially.
1:00 PM – Chinese Class starts
4:10 PM – CM Class starts
** Parent(s)' meetings are mandatory. Please prepare to attend. **
Friday, September 4, 2009
SJCCC eNews: September council meeting
Please join us to the September council meeting on September 10th, Thursday, from 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
The meeting agenda is given as follows:
1. Opening prayer: Helena (5 min.)
2. Faith Sharing: participants (20 Min.)
3. Financial Statement - Li-peng (Monthly statement and 88 Dissaster of Taiwan -10 Min.)
4. Sharing of Leadership models of our church:
Yvonne-15 min.
Joseph-15 min.
Fr. Olivera - 15 Min.
5. Refelection of retreat at Aug. 29, (15 min.)
6. Discussion:
Holy City: Essay or report of the issue at our retreat (10 min.)
New Pastor of St. Clare Church (10 Min.)
7. Blessing - Fr. Olivera
Thank you and God bless
SJCCC Chair Board
Thursday, September 3, 2009
SJCCC EV Team: 9/2 Meeting minutes
Thank you for the wonderful time together this evening. Here are today's decisions, action items, and material from 鄭玉英教授. Those of you could not make it today, please see action items, we need your support and participation. Thank you very much!
May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold,
1. 9/2 Meeting Decisions:
A. Going forward we will focus on the following activities:
- 福傳組培訓 Additional Core Members (Burning Bush Ripple #2) - 招集人: Yvonne Chow, Rae Yang
- 福傳使命推廣 - 招集人: Tony Fu, Irene Tang
- Come and See Ministry 來看看吧! - 招集人: Po Choo, Yvonne Tang
- Watermark Parents Ministry - 招集人: Rae Yang, Fr. Olivera
C. 福傳組年度培訓 - tentative plan:
- 2-3 times per month, once a year, from Oct - Jan
- Time: either Friday nights or Sundays before/after Mass based on participants' preference
- Launch 101來看看吧! or similar programs around Easter
- 陪伴新人from Easter to 慕道班開始
- Each person invite 5 persons to the 福傳組 meetings on 9/13 and 9/20 (everyone)
- Preparation for the 福傳組 9/13 and 9/20 meetings (Yvonne C, Tony)
- Contact Patrick Ku about Watermark Parents Ministry, and find out Watermark Room Parents (Rae)
- 9/13 福傳組 meeting @ North Hall (Yvonne C present, Yvonne T prepare logistics)
- 9/20 福傳組 meeting @ Lower Church (Tony present, Yvonne T prepare logistics)
- 福傳組培訓 planning and execution, target 10/1 start (Yvonne C, Rae)
- 福傳使命推廣 planning and execution (Tony, Irene)
- Collect names & contact information for community members with special skills (psychology, medical, legal, financial, etc.) and involve as special resources (Tony, Irene)
- Come and See Ministry planning and execution: (Po Choo, Yvonne Tang)
- Watermark Parents Ministry planning and execution: (Rae Yang, Fr. Olivera, Irene, Tony)
Monday, August 31, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Family Life Seminar
第一講:同理心溝通及實際演練 Empathic Communication Training
時間:2009年9月19日(星期六) 下午 1 – 4 時
時間:2009年10月24日(星期六) 下午 1 – 4 時
地點:Parish Hall in Saint Clare Church
聯絡:曾淑揚 408-257-5863, 周盛芳 408-615-9973
鄭老師是輔大社工系學士,華盛頓大學(In St Louis, Missouri) 碩士,曾任馬偕醫院資深社工師,東吳、實踐大學社工系兼任講師,天主教善牧基金會社工師督導和夫妻咨詢師,及婦女救援基金會董事。鄭老師擁有豐富的社工臨床及咨詢經驗,去年她舉辦的三次演講,都受到熱烈的回響。今年第一講中,鄭老師將和我們分享如何有效的用〝同理心〞來傾聽別人話語,以正確了解對方,得到對方的信任,而增進與家人及朋友的關係。在這一講中,我們有充分的時間實際演練同理心技巧。在第二講中,鄭老師將和我們分享如何在受到人生中重大的失落時,健康地走過哀傷的歷程。
Sunday, August 30, 2009
SJCCC EV Team: meeting this Wed. 9/2 7:00pm at room 5
Since the Burning Bush had done our first ripple - 2 people are in RCIA and 1.5 remains in Come & See, 12 people had actively participated in and 9 people remain in the Burning Bush; we'll move forward for the 2nd ripple.
We need a prep. meeting before we kick-off the 2nd ripple on Sun. 9/13 & 9/20. Please make every effort to attend the meeting at 7pm on Wed. 9/2 at Room 5. Please also feel free to invite 1 or 2 people to join our planning meeting.
Please also see some of Tony's idea at:
Please forward this email to Kam and Theresa Chow.
God bless!
Attached PDF: 共融中的福傳:
Friday, August 28, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Funeral Announcement
時間: 8/31 7:00pm
地點: Spangler Mortuaries Wyant & Smith Crematory
799 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
時間:09-01-2009, 12 PM (中午12 點)
地點:St Clare Church (我們本堂)
SJCCC eNews: Fr. Jiang's greeting from Boston
Joseph Ku
Dear SJCCC community:
I arrived safely this evening. It has been a great pleasure to meet you and your very dynamic community. I am indeed inspired and edified by your generous commitment and service to the church and to one another.
I'd like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to you and your community's hospitality, kindness and generosity you extended to me during my visit in Bay Area, I appreciate very much. Thank you all very much for your support and prayers in so many ways which has further deepen and strengthen my vocation in the Lord and in the Society of Jesus.
May the Lord continue to bless you and your loved ones with much abundant grace of peace, joy, love and good health. You are all assured of my prayers.
Gratefully yours
Little Jiang, S. J
Saturday, August 15, 2009
SJCCC eNews: An Invitation from our Fr. Olivera
地點﹕ Presentation Center, 19480 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ:
Peace be with you!
We are going to have our annual retreat at the end of August. The purpose of this retreat is to help everyone better understand "Spirituality of Communion and Evangelization". It's open to all members of our community who are willing to serve GOD. We sincerely encourage you come and join us for this unique opportunity to pray together and to discuss our mission that GOD gave us at our church. Please take a break from your daily work and answer God's call to come and see!
May God bless you all!
Sincerely, yours
Fr. Olivera
Time: 8/29/2009 Saturday 9:00 – 5:00pm
Location: Presentation Center, 19480 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033
Cost: Donation optional (Recommendition: $35/person, $45/couple)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
SJCCC Member eNews Message
Taiwan was badly pounded by the latest Morakot Typhoon. Many people lose their homes and need our finance as well as spiritual supports. The community will start praying and collecting donations from this coming Sunday to help recovery of the victims. You may write a check to SJCCC and make a note of "88 flood relief fund". We'll wire the donations directly to "The Bishop Consortium of Taiwan" as a group.
台灣正遭受著特大風暴水災襲擊, 很多家庭流離失所, 正需要物質和精神上的幫助. 我們團體已經開始為莫拉克颱風受災家庭祈禱, 並於下注日彌撒之後捐款以幫助他們儘快恢復正常生活. 您可以寫支票給"SJCCC" 並注明"88抗洪救災基金". 我們會把捐款一起匯到"台灣主教聯合會".
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
Monday, August 10, 2009
鄭玉英教授 Seminars
第一埸 主題: 由家庭系統觀看人的身心靈成長
時間: 2009年8月7日禮拜五晚上7:30 - 10:00
地點: Community Center in San Joseph
主講: 鄭玉英教授
地址: 10110 North De Anza Boulevard,
Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408/252-7653
第二埸 主題 : 小牧童與信仰團體繁衍
時間: 2009年8月9日主日4:30 - 6:00 (彌撒後)
地點: Parish Hall in Santa Clare Church
主講: 鄭玉英教授
專業: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.
" 在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。 而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密切契合,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老 師的 心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗尤為感人"。
SJCCC eNews: Friends of Ricci Seminar
This is a rare opportunity to learn some Evangelization stories in the Mongolia region from a first hand scholar, who is teaching and studying in there for many years. Please join "Friends of Ricci" for the following seminar:
時間:8月26日周三下午6點 提供簡便晚餐
地點 :Parish Hall (941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA95050)
主辦:Friends of Ricci and SJCCC
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
Saturday, August 8, 2009
SJCCC eNews: August Council Meeting on 8/13
We'll have our monthly community council meeting on this coming Thursday 8/13, 7:00-9:00PM at St. Clare's School Room #5. Here are the tentative agenda,
1. Prayer and faith sharing
2. Financial report
3. 8/29 SJCCC leaders' retreat
4. Lower church Mass change proposal
5. Closing prayer
Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting.
God bless!
Yvonne Chow
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
任小音 Video - Sheau Yin Hsia - We love you
This is a slideshow I made in loving memory of my mom. Alan Hsai.
Monday, August 3, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Need New Collegeville Bible Commentary translators
This email is asking for translators who can translate The New Collegeville Bible Commentary from English to Chinese.
目前「活水編譯小組」發現The Liturgical Press的全套The New Collegeville Bible Commentary(新約部分,共12冊)是一套合乎時代、也有學術基礎,並是以教友程度而準備的聖經詮釋。所以決定把這套詮釋編譯成中文。「活水編譯小組」為了下一階段的工作目標正準備近日能編譯為這個工作,需要徵求各方面的人才,尤其需要初譯人員及試讀人員,胡神父的徵求譯員的啟事如下:
1. 「活水編譯小組」的發起人為張錚錚、樂近英夫婦、胡國楨神父。我們的目的在與台北輔仁大學神學院合作,為以中文讀聖經的基督徒準備一些有用的參考書,或編,或譯,或寫。
2. 我們已編譯完成《隨著教會禮儀讀福音:從聖誕期到復活期》,並即將完成《若望福音及書信詮釋》(簡要本),以上二書均為廿世紀聖經詮釋權威Raymond E. Brown的作品。
3. 我們目前正在籌劃出版「聖經詮釋(簡要本)」,打算將The Liturgical Press的全套 The New Collegeville Bible Commentary(新約部分,共12冊)編譯成中文。所以,我們需要徵求優秀「英譯中」人才加入我們,擴大增加「初譯組」的成員。
4. 「初譯組」所做的是整個編譯工作的第一步:初譯者負責將分派到的那一冊翻譯成「中文初稿」,交由「編審組」(由輔大神學叢書主編胡國楨神父的編輯室成員組成)審訂、排版,並為中文讀者補充編寫必要的【審訂者註】,完成「中文二稿」製作「試讀本」,交由「試讀組」試讀提出修訂意見。所有試讀意見匯整給「編審組」參考,為全書做增、刪、潤飾的工作,形成「中文三稿」。最後,由「定稿組」以通順、優美的中文為全書定稿,並做末校。全書定稿與否的總負責人為胡國楨神父,並需經「輔大神學叢書編輯委員會」審核通過,才能付梓。
5. 出版發行的整套書的內容,由輔大神學院及活水編譯小組共同負責。因此,整套書編譯者署名為「活水編譯小組」、審訂者為胡國楨神父,並邀請每位初譯者為所譯該冊寫篇1000字左右的「譯者序」或「譯後語」,與讀者分享譯述心得。
6. 由於我們經費有限,無法籌措足夠的翻譯稿酬。因此,為聊表謝意,除了致贈每位譯者全套每冊各一本外,當每冊出版發行時,將以下述兩種方法之一作為象徵性的薄酬,請每位譯者擇一:致贈當冊40本,或新台幣10,000元。
7. 本小組有兩位召集人,在台灣為胡國楨神父,在美國為樂近英女士。有興趣參加我們「初譯組」的同道,請與她們二人之一連絡。我們會致贈《若望福音及書信詮釋》前半的試讀本一冊給您參考,並提供您尚未有人認譯的冊數,讓您認譯。請您試譯一頁,先給我們過目,為您提供意見,而後才開始正式翻譯。最好在三個月之內譯畢,最遲也請勿超過五個月。好讓我們有時間從事後續作業。
8. 最好能用電腦打字交稿,若無法用電腦打字寫作者,請用有格稿紙謄寫清楚,寄來輔神編輯室,我們可以幫忙打字。
若您有興趣參與這項事工,請與「活水編譯小組」聯絡 - 胡國楨神父 peterkchusj@gmail.com或樂近英
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Please remember:
- Relevance: There are many subscribers, please send only SJCCC news with relevance to broad subset of people.
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- Cadence (Frequency): Please avoid sending multiple emails on the same day, unless absolutely necessary
- Speed: We are set to send at a very slow rate to maximize delivery, currently, it takes about 1 hour to send to the entire list.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Funeral announcement
For those who attend the Sunday mass regularly in the senior center at 5th street San Jose downtown should know Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hsu very well. It is unfortunate that Mrs. Joan hsu, who was also the mother of our parishioners ChiaJon and ChiaMin Hsu and the grandmother of Jefferson and David Chang, passed away on 7/27. Please pray for her body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven. The schedule of his funeral is given as follows:
- Vigil:
8/2/2009 7:00pm
Lima Funeral Home, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA
- Funeral Mass:
8/3/2009 10:00am
St. Clare's Church, 941 Lesington St., Santa Clara, CA
- Rite of Burial:
Following immediately after mass
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los altos, CA
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
徐許淑慧女士 - 我們的教友徐嘉容和徐家敏的母親於7月27日晚安息主懷. 徐伯母生前經常參加五街的彌撒與活動. 相信許多人都對徐伯母都不陌生. 請大家為她的靈魂祈禱,也祈求天主安慰她家人的心靈. 公唸玫瑰經及殯葬彌撒的時間和地點如下:
- 守夜禮/公唸玫瑰經:
8/2/2009 7:00pm
Lima Funeral Home, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA
- 殯葬彌撒:
8/3/2009 10:00am
St. Clare's Church, 941 Lesington St., Santa Clara, CA
- 安葬禮:
殯葬彌撒後,即刻前往Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los altos, CA
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Kids for Christ Summer Activity
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Many years ago, the Watermark youth group organized a one-day summer vacation bible study for the kids, grades K-8, of St. Clare's (SJCCC)-- a day filled with arts and crafts, learning about Jesus, games, and songs. Though it has been a couple of years since the last Kids For Christ (KFC), the Watermark youth group has decided to bring Kids for Christ back again! This year, it will be held Saturday, August 15, 2009. Please check your calendars and mark it in! Activities will be planned from 9:00am to 4:00 pm, lunch included. Please fill out the registration form and turn them in on Sunday, August 2 or Sunday August 9 by the snack area after mass. The cost is $15 and will be used for lunch and a t-shirt.
How KFC will work:
Parents drop off kids at 9:00am in the Parish Hall for check-in. The high school students and young adults will have activities planned for the entire day. Please pick your child up at 4:00pm. We can make arrangements if you need to pick up your child later than 4:00pm.
Please sign up! (The registration form is attached.)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Jennifer Kuo: qtowl @yahoo. com or
Shanmei Kuang: shpammy @gmail. com
Thank you!
SJCCC Watermark Youth Group
Dada Mail Configuration
Available lists:
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Admin & Send Emails:
Administrators contact: Xiuli, Tony
Benefits for using Dada Mail & When to use Dada Mail: (vs. using an Email Alias)
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8/3/09: To get Chinese working with Dada Mail
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
RCIA Announcement
(上課地點:St. Clare Church Room 1, 時間: 主日 4:30PM - 5:30PM)
週別 專題 講員
08/02/2009 簡介天主教慕道過程及座談 施天寶
08/09/2009 天主教及中國 鄭繼宗
08/16/2009 存在一創造天地萬物的天主嗎?鄭繼宗
08/23/2009 耶穌是誰? 徐伯初
08/30/2009 耶穌死是為了什麼? 徐伯初
09/06/2009 耶穌復活的意義與再次來臨 徐伯初
09/13/2009 如何讀聖經? 施天寶
09/20/2009 彌撒結構 王恩琪、黃天佳
09/27/2009 聖神是誰?聖神做些什麼? 周麗鵬
10/04/2009 什麼是教會? 周麗鵬
10/11/2009 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (一) 鄒世亮
10/18/2009 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (二) 鄒世亮
10/25/2009 禮儀 ﹣天主聖三的工程 劉明毅
11/01/2009 教會禮儀年和節慶 劉明毅
11/08/2009 為什麼參與彌撒? 王恩琪、黃天佳
11/15/2009 彌撒中的記號 王恩琪、黃天佳
11/22/2009 入門聖事:聖洗.堅振.聖體聖事 施天寶
11/29/2009 感恩節假期
12/06/2009 入門聖事:聖洗.堅振.聖體聖事 施天寶
12/13/2009 和好與病傅聖事 楊彤芳
12/20/2009 聖秩與婚配聖事 鄺仁昌
12/27/2009 聖誕假期
01/03/2010 新年假期
01/10/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
01/17/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
01/24/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
01/31/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
02/07/2010 基督徒價值觀的實行 ─ 社會訓導 湯明昭
02/14/2010 農曆新年
02/21/2010 基督徒價值觀的實行 ─ 社會訓導 湯明昭
02/28/2010 祈禱 黃鳳梧
03/07/2010 祈禱 黃鳳梧
03/14/2010 祈禱 黃鳳梧
03/21/2010 神父時間 歐神父
03/28/2010 聖母與聖人 楊彤芳
04/01/2010 主的最後晚餐
04/02/2010 十字架苦路
04/03/2010 入門禮
04/04/2010 領洗感言
04/11/2010 團體介紹 主席
04/18/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
04/25/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/02/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/09/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/16/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/23/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
August workshop for personal growth
主題: 由家庭系統觀看人的身心靈成長
主講: 鄭玉英教授
時間: 2009年 8月7日禮拜五晚上7點半到10 點
地點: Community Center in San Joseph(與永和超市遙遙相對)
地址: 10110 North De Anza Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408/252-7653
主題 : 小牧童與信仰團體繁衍
主講: 鄭玉英教授
時間: 2009年8月9日主日4點半到6點(彌撒後)
地點: Parish Hall in Santa Clare Church
地址: 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA 95050
在台灣心理輔導方面頗富盛名的鄭教授是國立台灣師大學心理輔導博士。輔仁大學社會工作系兼任教授,曾創辦反璞歸真心理工作室,現任懷仁全人發展中心主任。她著作等身;著有「痛苦這個啞謎」「與家人共舞」, … etc. 她的專業在於: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.
" 在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。 而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密切契合,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老師的 心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗尤為感人"。
SJCCC Chair Board
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Watermark Joomla
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Monday, July 6, 2009
7/9/2009 SJCCC council meeting
1. Prayer and faith sharing (30 min.)
2. Pastoral plan - 20/20 4-major-category status report (30 min.)
3. 8/29 SJCCC leaders' retreat discussion (40 min.)
4. SJCCC constitution revision/update (10 min.)
5. Any special activities for the Year of Vocation (10 min.)
God bless!
Yvonne Chow
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Please pray for her
SJCCC Chair Board
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Isabel and Ivane Chou's grandma, Mrs. Lee Zong Zhen, just passed away in this morning due to a massive stroke. Please pray for her body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven, and comfort her family at this difficult time.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
SJCCC RCIA News for 2009-2010
日期 專題 講員
08/02 簡介天主教慕道過程及座談 施天寶
08/09 天主教及中國 鄭繼宗
08/16 存在一創造天地萬物的天主嗎? 鄭繼宗
08/23 耶穌是誰? 徐伯初
08/30 耶穌死是為了什麼? 徐伯初
09/06 耶穌復活的意義與再次來臨 徐伯初
09/13 如何讀聖經? 施天寶
09/20 彌撒結構 王恩琪、黃天佳
09/27 聖神是誰?聖神做些什麼? 周麗鵬
10/04 什麼是教會? 周麗鵬
10/11 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (一) 鄒世亮
10/18 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (二) 鄒世亮
10/25 禮儀 ﹣天主聖三的工程 劉明毅
Monday, June 22, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Funeral Schedule for Mrs. Sheau-Yin Hsia
玫瑰經頌唸 6月26日,星期五,上午 10:00 - 10:30
喪禮彌撤:6月26日,星期五,上午 10:30 - 12:00,由歐禮惟神父主祭。
地點:St. Clare 本堂, 724 Washington St. Santa Clara。
花圈,花籃代訂:Josephine Chou (FCSN), (510)739-6900, ext. 3303
慈善捐款:"Friends of Children with Special Needs, FCSN", 請註明 "in memory of Sheau-Yin Hsia"
聯络:Alan Hsia ( 408) 238-5529
It is with great sadness to announce that Sheau-Yin Hsia, wife of Peter Cheng-Ming and mother of Joanne, Jenny, & Alan Hsia, passed away suddenly on June 20th at age 59 from cancer. The Funeral Mass will take place on Friday, 26 June at St Clare's, Washington St, Santa Clara from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Fr. Olivera will be presiding. A Rosary service will take place at 10AM at the Church.
Please contact Josephine Chou at the FCSN mainline 510-739-6900, ext. 3303. if you would like to make a floral tribute. She will be coordinating all orders.
If you wish to make a charitable contribution, please direct it to "Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN)" and note "in memory of Sheau-Yin Hsia." FCSN was an organization very dear to Sheau-Yin, and one into which she poured much energy and love.
For more information please call Alan Hsia at 408-238-5529
May the body and soul of 任小音姊妹 be rested peacefully in heaven,
SJCCC Chair Board
Sunday, June 21, 2009
SJCCC eNews: 甘國楝神父 - 聖依納爵靈修工作坊
時間:2009 年 9 月19 日 8:30 ~17:00
地點: Jesuit Retreat Center, 100 Manresa Way, Los Altos, CA94022
聯絡:Mrs. Ivy Chu (饒瑞美),
名額:25 人 (first come first serve)
費用:$50 (including lunch, snacks)
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Please Pray for Mrs. Hsia (請為任小音姊妹祈禱)
Dear brothers and sisters,
Please pray for Mrs. Hsia, she past away last night. Mrs. Hsia and her family have contributed significantly to the church over the last 30 years, especially building our cultural and educational programs. Mrs. Hsai has also visited and comforted many families in difficulties and supported many people during our faith journey. We are sad to learn about her sudden death, and she will remain in our memories. Please pray that she will remain in Christ's joy and peace forever.
SJCCC Chairboard
Saturday, June 13, 2009
SJCCC June Council meeting summary 6/11/09
1. Donation to St. Joseph of Cupertino for the usage of their church facilities in the past year. Currently we have 3 groups using some rooms at various time of the week. These groups are: Cantonese YAG (Edward), Cornerstone (Vincent Wang), Bible Study Friday Morning(Cecilia Chao). Throughout sharing and discussion, Fr. Olivera delegated Cecilia and Vincent to communicate this donation issue(how much and how to pay) with Fr. Kimm.
2. SJCCC Core value reflection, we had some sharing on what the core value of SJCCC in the meeting. In last a few months, we could observe the level of community enthusiasm and financial support was getting low. During summer time, it will be even lower. This is a huge topic and will affect how we perceive the future SJCCC organization and direction. We plan to have one day retreat in August. Currently we are checking availability of presentation center, Los Gatos, and will announce later.
3. 6/21 celebration of Fr. Olivera 25 year anniversary of priesthood ordination. Bishop McGrath will preside Mass at 3:00PM in St. Clare. There will be slide show and story sharing from Fr. Olivera after Mass at upper church. We'll have a pot luck dinner to celebrate this event and Father's Day. 李志慈 and 姜新新 will coordinate all the dishes. We suggested each ministry group (legion of Mary, small faith sharing group, bible study, WaterMark YAG…….) bring 2 tray of same kind dish.
To avoid duplication, please register yours first. We need to have 5 people help in the kitchen from 1-3:00PM on 6/21 and 10 people help in setting up table at 4:30PM. Please let李志慈 know if you could help.
4. TJ fund raising and community service. We did not get update from leaders in this ministry.
5. Monthly financial statement. We did not get update from our financial committee in time.(will be published later)
6. Kid for Christ, Day Camp activity for young children will be held on Aug 15, Saturday. Please reserve a fun day for your children or grandchildren.
Joseph Ku Chair-on-Duty of June
Monday, June 8, 2009
SJCCC Council meeting announcement
Here are the tentative agenda,
1.Faith sharing (30 mins)
2.SJCCC Core Value, reflecting low attendance in summer time (30min)
3.Celebration of Fr. Olivera 25 year anniversary ordination program
4.TJ program and fund raising activity
5.Kids For Christ, Saturday, Aug 15
6.Business routine (financial statement........)
If you have other idea, please let me know.
Joseph Ku
Friday, June 5, 2009
SJCCC Faith Seminar Announcement
方式 : 觀看 王敬弘神父的教學錄影帶, 並跟著王神父的教導步驟運用學習
時間 : 6 月 13 日 星期六 下午 1~ 6 PM (North Hall) (6/13, Saturday 1:00PM)
6:00 ~ 7:00 PM Dinner晚餐 (每位酌收 $ 6.00 元, 請報名以利統計)
7:30 ~ 8:00 PM 感恩讚美Praise and Prayer
8:00 ~ 10:00 PM Mass 彌撒- 歐維禮神父
地點 : location : Saint Clara Parish
報名 : Registration請撥電話 408-258-1524 (胡台娥)
1. 心靈創傷的主要來源,醫治服務的簡介
2. 祈禱前的初步協談,基本準備祈禱
3. 棄絕祈禱之運用,各種祈禱之使用 (一,二)
4. 祈禱中靈恩運用,心靈治癒與人格成長 (一,二)
王敬弘神父簡介 :
耶穌會士 . 於1971 年進鐸為神父, 自1972 年參加天主教神恩復興運動以來,便持續以所得的神恩為教友服務, 舉辦各種神恩性的活動, 對各種神恩的性質和運用, 有豐富的經驗. 1974年在加州柏克萊聯合神學研究院進修神學. 在參加了該院師生及其他教會的聖神同禱會, 並學習如何為人作心靈醫治祈禱. 廿多年來,至少花了一萬小時, 為人做個別的心靈醫治祈禱, 並經歷了許多復活主耶穌藉聖神所顯示奇妙的愛. 1976 年, 在台灣任教於神學院, 並在輔大組織聖神同禱會. 1987~1993年任職耕莘文教院院長, 1995~1999 年在台北教區神恩復興運動擔任指導神師,其間也經歷了一次心臟手術,及1996年的右耳聽覺神經腫瘤切除手術.此後仍堅持致力於心靈醫治祈禱與神恩運用的侍奉工作. 直到 1999年 1 月21 曰, 安息主懷.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Mr. Wang Ping Chuan's funeral
For those who attend the Sunday mass regularly in the senior center at 5th street San Jose downtown should know Mr. and Mrs. Wang Ping-Chuan very well. They attend the Sunday mass almost every week for the past 10 years. It is unfortunate that Mr. Wang, who is also the father-in-law of our parishioner Jennifer Teng, has passed away in last week. Please pray for his body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven. The schedule of his funeral is given as follows:
1. Funeral Mass
St. Joseph of Cupertino --
Add: 10110 N. De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408- 2527653
2. Date of Funeral Mass --
May 29, 2009, 9:45 a.m. -- 10:45 a.m.
3. The Vigil
Place : Chapel of Lima Family in Sunnyvale
Add: 1315 Hellenbeck Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Time: 7:30 p.m. on Thu. May 28
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
Monday, May 11, 2009
SJCCC eNews: May Council Meeting
The May Council Meeting will be held on May 14'th, Thursday, from 7 pm to 9 pm. A tentative agenda is given as follows:
1. Faith sharing - Easter event, personal inspirations (Led by Yvonne)
2. Planning for the 6/21 Celebration of Fr. O's ordination anniversary
(Angie, Joseph)
3. Finance reports (Li-peng)
4. Class room security enforcements (Li-peng)
5. Sharing - Infrastructure enhancements for pastoral services. (all councils)
SJCCC Chair Board
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mother's day flower sale
Your prayers and supports are deeply appreciated.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Reminder for Year-end BBQ and Registration for new school year
It's getting closer to the summer. On the last of school, we invite everyone come to enjoy our BBQ and to have some fun time. Please purchase ticket after Mother's Day mass. It's only cost $3.00 per person. It will be $5.00 if you purchase on 5/17. We prefer you purchage the tickets ahead of time so we can prepare enough food for everyone.
Meanwhile, you can turn in your registration form for the new school year at the same booth after Mother's day mass. The last day to get early registration fee is 5/17/09 - the last school day. During summer, please follow the instruction on the registration form to mail in your form. We prefer you do this as soon as possible so we can prepare books and materials before school reassume. The registration form can be downloaded at:
We really appreciate your strong support and participation. God bless you and your family always.
SJCCC Sacred Heart School staff
Friday, May 1, 2009
Music prayer session in Fremont
The Chinese Catholics Community in Fremont will host a Music Prayer session in this coming Sat. Evening. All members of our San Jose Chinese Community are welcome to join them.
Date and Time: May 2, 8PM ~9:30PM
Program: Praise the Lord- Singing,
Listen God' words,
Public Prayer
Location: St. Joseph Church
43148 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
(this message is being sent again since the last sent did not complete, sorry if you receive this twice. +SJCCC Web Team)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Reminder for recent activities in the community
Just a reminder for some community activities in the up coming weeks:
1. 聖荷西教區 將於April 26, 12:00 noon, 至 April 28 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm 在 Carmelite Monastery of the Infant Jesus, 1000 Lincoln Ave. Santa Clara, 舉行明供聖體 歡迎教友 到川堂登記陪聖體的時段 若有疑問 也歡迎去問;
2. The Charismatic Prayer Group will hold the 3rd prayer session (心靈醫治與神恩運用研討會) on 4/25 (Sat) from 1:00 pm until 9:30 pm at the Saint Clare Church North Hall for all who are interested in Jesus' healing. Please call (408) 258-1524 for registration;
3. Bishop Ignatius Wang will celebrate his 50 Ordination, as well as his Retirement on May 16th. The Chinese communities of the San Francisco Dioceses will host a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday, May 16, 4:30pm followed by buffet dinner at 6:00pm in downstairs. Please call Ella at 415-614-5574, and indicate you are from the San Jose community. They will try to accommodate all our parishioners at the same table.
4. Cross Radio: The only Chinese speaking Catholic radio station in Bay Area will host the 10th Anniversary fund raising dinner at the St. Anne church on April 25, 5:00pm. Please call (415)614-5574 for ticket reservation.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Bishop Wang 50th Anniversery of ordination and retirement party
Bishop Ignatius Wang will celebrate his 50 Ordination, as well as his Retirement on May 16th. The Chinese communities of the San Francisco Dioceses will host a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday, May 16, 4:30pm followed by buffet dinner at 6:00pm in downstairs.
Please be noticed that this is not a fund raising activity, the ticket is $30 per person. They choose to have dinner at the hall instead of going to a restaurant simply to give more chance for socializing. The hall can house 500 people but they prefer to have 450 for the sake of more space. It will be a first come first serve program. If anyone from our community wants to purchase tickets, please call Ella at 415-614-5574, and indicate you are from the San Jose community. They will try to accommodate all our parishioners together at the same table.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
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Charismatic Prayer Session on April 25
ÐÄì`átÖÎÅcÉñ¶÷ß\ÓÃÑÐÓ'þ( Èý )
·½Ê½ : Ó^¿´ Íõ¾´ºëÉñ¸¸µÄ½ÌWäÓ°§, K¸úÖøÍõÉñ¸¸µÄ½Ì§²½óEß\ÓÃWÁ
rég : 4 ÔÂ 25 ÈÕ, ÐÇÆÚÁù ÏÂÎç 1~ 6 PM (North Hall)
6 ~7 PM Íí²Í ( ÿλ×ÃÊÕ $ 6.00 Ôª, ÕóÃûÒÔÀû½yÓ)
7:30 ~ 9:30 PM Â}¸è×"ÃÀ, ·ÖÏí ¼° e¸²ÊÖÆí¶\
µØüc : Saint Clara Parish
óÃû : Õ"ÜëÔ' 408-258-1524 ( ºų́¶ð ).
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In the second seminar of ¤ßÆFÂåªv»P¯«®¦¹B¥Î¬ã°Q·| on 3/14, our Lord's love has touched many participants. The Charismatic Prayer Group would like to hold the 3rd prayer session (¤ßÆFÂåªv»P¯«®¦¹B¥Î¬ã°Q·|) on 4/25 (Sat) from 1:00 PM for all who are interested in Jesus' healing. Please refer to the attached flyer for more information.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
SJCCC: Invite Friends to 4/19 Church Tour
大家都明白,這次活動只是福傳的開始,我們必需繼續祈禱,繼續多多關懷、及邀請這些(及更多)非教友們的參與。福傳組為此已安排一系列"來看看吧!"的活動。第一項活動是參觀教堂:每一座教堂的建築物都不一樣,也都有一個故事 -- 您知道我們的教堂是一個古蹟嗎?當你走進一座教堂,怎麼知道她是天主教教堂? 天主教教堂為什麼有那麼多聖像?您想知道嗎?非教友也會很有興趣的。
請於4/19彌撒後 (4:15-5:35pm),邀請並陪伴非教友們來參與!Flyer:
4/26 (4:15-5:35pm)在樓下教堂也有為非教友們安排的活動,詳情會陸續發表。
PS, 這是復活節照片,請與新朋友分享,並邀請參加參觀教堂活動。
Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace to you and your family! Thank you for your prayers and your participation, over 250 people attended the Easter Event, including about 50 non-Catholics ("new friends"). Praise God for the blessing and for answering our prayers! Also, thanks to so many people who helped made the event a wonderful experience, as well as those who contributed the funding.
This event is just the beginning of the evangelization effort. We need to continue to pray, to care about those non-Catholics around us, as well as continue to invite these and other friends to join us. Therefore, the Evangelization Team has arranged a series of "Come & See" activities. The first one is "Church Tour" -- every church is unique and has a story behind it. Did you know our church is a historic site? When you go into a church, how do you recognize that she is a Catholic church? Why are there so many statues of Saints in Catholic churches? Are you curious? Most non-Catholics would be interested also! Please invite and bring them to the church after Mass on 4/19 for this special guided tour 4:15-5:35pm. See flyer:
On 4/26, after Mass (4:15-5:35), we will have another special activity for non-Catholics at the lower church. Details to be announced soon.
Please continue to pray and support, thank you for your work for Christ and for the community.
May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold!
SJCCC Evangelization Team
PS: Here are the pictures from the Easter Event, please share with your friends as a way to invite them back for the Church Tour:
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Security enforcements to parish facilitites
- We will enforce individual accountability to use the facility;
- Everyone who holds a key either to the church, the parish hall, or any other school facility must register to the chair board.
- For those who no longer carry community functions must turn in his/her key;
- Every program conducted at parish premises must pre-register with the chair board, as well as, the Parish office, regardless it is a one time or recurring activities;
- Every activity sponsor, including a CM and Chinese school teacher, a workshop coordinator, or a program leader, who checks into a facility, is responsible to maintain the property in the original state when checks out;
- Every Sunday, all school activities must finish before 5:45 pm, so that a volunteer parent, served as a security supervisor, will perform a final check to all facilities. Any exception to this requirement must communicate with the on-duty security supervisor ahead of time. The program sponsor will then assume the ultimate responsibility;
- Any one, who breaches the above-mentioned rules, will be suspended from the usage of the facilities in the future.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
SJCCC: Easter Event, and "Come and See"
1) 為能邀起更多的非教友,這次午餐免費,但所有大人小孩都需要報名(湯明昭 408-216-9848),包括教友及非教友,以便準備中餐、幼兒照顧及安排場地與活動。
2) 復活節後,福傳組為非教友已安排一系列"來看看吧!"的活動。第一項活動是參觀教堂:
每一座教堂的建築物都不一樣,也都有一個故事 -- 您知道我們的教堂是一個古蹟嗎?
當你走進一座教堂,怎麼知道她是天主教教堂? 天主教教堂為什麼有那麼多聖像?
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We know that everyone is working hard in prayer and inviting friends and family to the Easter Event, please continue to pray and invite "new-friends" to join us. We would also like to remind everyone:
1) The lunch will be free so we can maximize the invitation, but everyone needs to be included in the RSVP, (Irene 408-216-9848), including SJCCC members and new friends, so we can arrange lunch, child care, facilities, and activities. Please encourage all group members to RSVP asap.
2) After Easter, the Evangelization Team has designed a series of activities for the 'new friends.' The first event is "Church Tour" at 4:15 on 4/19 after Mass, see flyer:
Please continue to pray, support, and host the new friends. Thank you very much!
May the Lord bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundredfold.
SJCCC Evangelization Team
SJCCC Member eNews wrote:
> Dear brothers and sisters,
> Peace and Joy to you and your family!
> 1. All of us have been praying for the upcoming Easter Event on 4/12. This year, we will celebrate with lunch, exciting sharing from the recently baptized, praising from Choir, childcare with games, as well as egg hunt and cakes after Mass.
> 11:30 - 12:00 PM 接待 - Registration
> 12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待 - Lunch
> 01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享,童玩活動 - Sharing (with Childcare)
> 03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒(感恩禮) - Mass
> 04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕 - Egg Hunt and Cake
> 2. Now, it's time to follow the Holy Spirit and invite friends and family, especially those who are not yet Catholics, to join us. Here are 3 versions of the flyers that you can download and use:
> 簡體中文:
> 繁體中文:
> 英文標題 (great for posting):
> 3. To best prepare for the lunch, the activities, and childcare, we urge you to follow up and get RSVP to 湯明昭 or 陳惠群 by Monday 4/6. Please feel free to contact Tony Fu if there are any questions or issues.
> Thank you for your work for Christ and our Community!
> May God bless you and your family always,
> Chair Board
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Photos - 20090404 Chin-Ming Mass (Gate of Heaven)/Jade, ShouHua
![]() |
09-04-Ching-Ming-Mass |
Download Pictures:
Hi, Jade,
These are pictures for Saturday's Chin-Ming Mass for your records.
The 200 copies handout which Margarita 劉明毅 prepared are not enough for all the attended people.
God bless you and all
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Re: Easter Celebration Invitation - 誰來午餐?
- 所有大人小孩都需要報名(湯明昭 408-216-9848),包括教友及非教友,以便準備中餐、幼兒照顧及安排場地與活動。請各區組長鼓勵組員盡快報名。
- 為能邀起更多的非教友,這次午餐免費。我們期待至少十個家庭,奉 獻$100贊助這項寶貴的福傳活動,為在主耶穌復活的日子,帶領更多的人進入天主的家庭。(Tony 408-318-7403)
- 復活節後,福傳組為非教友已安排一系列的活動,詳情會陸續發表, 請繼續大力祈禱、支持及陪伴非教友。
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We know that everyone is working hard in prayer and inviting friends and family to the Easter Event, we would like to remind everyone:
- Everyone needs to be included in the RSVP, (Irene 408-216-9848), including SJCCC members and new friends, so we can arrange lunch, child care, facilities, and activities. Please encourage all group members to RSVP asap.
- The lunch will be free so we can maximize the invitation. We would like at least 10 families to offer $100 for this evangelization activity. (Tony 408-318-7403)
- After Easter, the Evangelization Team has designed a series of activities for the 'new friends.' Details will be announces shortly, please continue to pray, support, and host the new friends.
SJCCC Evangelization Team
SJCCC Member eNews wrote:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace and Joy to you and your family!
1. All of us have been praying for the upcoming Easter Event on 4/12. This year, we will celebrate with lunch, exciting sharing from the recently baptized, praising from Choir, childcare with games, as well as egg hunt and cakes after Mass.
11:30 - 12:00 PM 接待 - Registration
12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待 - Lunch
01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享,童玩活動 - Sharing (with Childcare)
03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒(感恩禮) - Mass
04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕 - Egg Hunt and Cake
2. Now, it's time to follow the Holy Spirit and invite friends and family, especially those who are not yet Catholics, to join us. Here are 3 versions of the flyers that you can download and use:
英文標題 (great for posting):
3. To best prepare for the lunch, the activities, and childcare, we urge you to follow up and get RSVP to 湯明昭 at 408-216-9848 or 陳惠群 at 408-272-4975 by Monday 4/6. Please feel free to contact Tony Fu (408-318-7403) if there are any questions or issues.
Thank you for your work for Christ and our Community!
May God bless you and your family always,
Chair Board