Friday, July 31, 2009

Funeral announcement

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

For those who attend the Sunday mass regularly in the senior center at 5th street San Jose downtown should know Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hsu very well. It is unfortunate that Mrs. Joan hsu, who was also the mother of our parishioners ChiaJon and ChiaMin Hsu and the grandmother of Jefferson and David Chang, passed away on 7/27. Please pray for her body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven. The schedule of his funeral is given as follows:

- Vigil:
8/2/2009 7:00pm
Lima Funeral Home, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA
- Funeral Mass:
8/3/2009 10:00am
St. Clare's Church, 941 Lesington St., Santa Clara, CA
- Rite of Burial:
Following immediately after mass
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los altos, CA

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board


徐許淑慧女士 - 我們的教友徐嘉容和徐家敏的母親於7月27日晚安息主懷. 徐伯母生前經常參加五街的彌撒與活動. 相信許多人都對徐伯母都不陌生. 請大家為她的靈魂祈禱,也祈求天主安慰她家人的心靈. 公唸玫瑰經及殯葬彌撒的時間和地點如下:

- 守夜禮/公唸玫瑰經:

8/2/2009 7:00pm
Lima Funeral Home, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA

- 殯葬彌撒:

8/3/2009 10:00am
St. Clare's Church, 941 Lesington St., Santa Clara, CA

- 安葬禮:
殯葬彌撒後,即刻前往Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los altos, CA


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