Sunday, January 30, 2011

1/30: Chinese New Year celebration, Spiritual seminars

Dear brothers and sisters,
Happy Chinese New Year!! Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week and a very blessed year,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1/23 Spiritual Seminars, Chinese New Year celebrations & Community Pictures

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week and a very blessed year,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Sunday, January 16, 2011

1/16: Spiritual Seminars, Chinese NY & Union Mass Schedules

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 13th Council Meeting agenda

Dear SJCCC Team Leaders and Members,

You are cordially invited to attend the January council meeting.

Date: Thursday, January 13th, 2011
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Place: St. Clare’s Classroom #5

The agenda is as follows:

1. Prayer/Faith Sharing
2. Chinese New year mass celebration with Bishop McGrath
    Invitation – Ken Wang and secretary team
    Sacred Heart School Chinese Culture Exhibition – Joseph Ku
    Presentation – Kam Chow, Simon Liao
    Mass – Liturgy team
    Reception – Lisa
    Diner – An Pung Yueh
3. Notebook computer for Quickbook purchase request – Therese Merrill
4. Sound equipment usage procedure – Eddie Liu
5. Mass intention registration update
6. Song book update.
7. Christmas party expense report – Florence Pan
8. Financial report ( Therese Merrill )

In Christ,
Kam Chow

Sunday, January 9, 2011

講習會, 神操避靜, 安樂人生講座, 神父修士籃球賽 Spiritual seminar, Retreat, Fr.'s talk..

Dear brothers and sisters,
Did you missed last years Spiritual Exercise with Fr. Gan? Good news for the new year: there are going to be three sessions, but each one only has limited spot. 甘神父的八日神操避靜報名已經開始, 請把握時機爭取到僅有的六~八個名額.
The highlights of this week at

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week and a very blessed year,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

[Watermark] Boom Sizzle starts back up this Saturday 1/8

Hi Watermark!

A few announcements for you:
  1. Boom Sizzle resumes this Saturday (1/8) at the same time (7:30PM-10:00PM), same place (Lower Church)
  2. No Adoration this week - we will be moving it to the first Saturdays of the month this semester
  3. The Watermark Potluck will resume on Saturday, 1/15.  Though normally held on the third Saturday of the month, they will be on the second Saturday of the month through March.
  4. Walk for Life will be on Saturday, 1/22.  There will be no Boom Sizzle that day.
  5. High School Retreat will be on 2/18-2/20 this week.  Please find the flyer and permission slip attached.
See you Saturday!

Watermark Youth Group (est 1993)
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Prayer Request for Shirley Moore's Soul

Dear brother and sister in Christ:

At noon a sister of John Moore pass away, her name was Shirley Moore. Please pray for her soul. Thank you!

Fr. Olivera

Following is the message from Judith Moore:

Happy New Year!

Shirley is the last sibling John had of his four boys and one girl family. She was a Catholic but out of her three sons only one, Dahl, is a practicing Catholic. And Dahl is in Mississippi . I just want to do something for her soul.  I would like to  request prayers from our devoted faithful members of the community to pray for her rest in favor of our Lord.  She had a very rough life and was lost for most of her life.  She did came back to the church in the last few years.  When I prayed with her three days before her death (January 3rd ), I got the feeling she was afraid of facing our good Lord.

Your prayers mean a lot for John. Chinese community has been our family for more than a quarter century.


God bless!

Judith Moore

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/2/11: Happy New Year, Spiritual seminar, holiday pictures, prayer reqeusts

Dear brothers and sisters,
Special New Year's Greetings from the Chairboard... May the LORD bless you and keep you! May the LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! May the LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!
Here are some highlights this week at
Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week and a very blessed year,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Year End Reflections - AnPung Yueh

全年讀經匝加利亞書5-8章 默示錄19
      十二月的最後一週,媒體總要回顧一年中國家所發生過的重大事件,報導內容不外乎是一些重要人物的成敗、自然災害、經濟挑戰,以及 一些名人和領袖去世的消息通常最出乎意外的事件會列入榜首。
當你回顧一年來發生的事情,何不拿筆將你生命中發生的大事記錄下來。不要害怕寫下曾經歷過的困難和失望;反之,這可以幫助你思想,這 一路來上主是如何與你同在。

TJ2011: TJ trip 2011

Hi all,
Happy New Year to you and your family.  It's time to start our 2011 TJ core meeting.  We will meet on 1/16/11 after Mass in room 6 at 4:15PM, and all are welcomed.  In order to know how many participants this year (I counted of 24 already out of total of 26 spots), I need confirmation from each one of you and your kids, so please reply this mail ASAP.  Also, if this is the frist year for you and your kid, please fill out the application (I do have application on hand for those who participated last year, so there is no need to re-submit the application) with all supporting documents listed in the application (copy of passport and insurance), then return to me before the due date on 1/23/11.  Of course, I will need your check before 1/23 as well.  All participants will have to pay w/o exception please.  If you are having financial concern, please approach me privately.

Vincent Lau


Hi all adults,
You are all invited to participate our first TJ2011 discussion this Sunday at 4:15PM in room 6 at St. Clare.  John and I just received some construction information from the survey team, and would like to share with you all and discuss it, then plan accordingly.  Also, I would like to ask everyone to think about the possible fund raising activities.  Traditional ways are ok, but if there are different ideas (out of box thinking), please bring it to the meeting.
High school kids,
If any one of you having good ideas, please feel free to share your ideas with us.
See you on Sunday.