Thursday, August 30, 2012

Reminder: Holy Mass for Cardinal Shan 9/1 Sat.

Dear brothers and sisters:
This Saturday, September 1st at 8.00am, at Ascension Church, you are all invited to participate the Holy Mass offer for the eternal rest of our beloved Cardinal Shan, the same day of his funeral in Taiwan.
九月1日(六)早上8點,在Ascension Church 我們為單國璽樞機主教奉獻追思彌撒(當天在台灣是他的殯葬彌撒)。讓我們祈求仁慈的天父慷慨悅納他的靈魂,早升天國,永享天國福樂。
Ascension Church 地址: 12033 Miller Ave. Saratoga, CA 95070

Sunday, August 26, 2012

SJCCM Offer Special Mass for Cardinal Shan Today at 3PM

Dear brothers and sisters:
單國璽樞機主教於臺灣時間 8月22日下午6時42分安息主懷,享壽90。他為羊群奉獻一生,愛主愛人,願天主賜福給他安息主懷,我們同聲祈禱! 祈求仁慈的天父慷慨悅納他的靈魂,早升天國,永享天國福樂。
SJCCM 將奉獻今天下午三點的彌撒給單樞機,請兄弟姊妹一起來參與彌撒, 為樞機祈禱。

SJCCM Weekly eNews 8/26

Dear brothers and sisters,
單國璽樞機主教於臺灣時間8 月22 日下午6 時42 分安息主懷,享壽90。他為羊群奉獻一生,愛主愛人,願天主賜福給他安息主懷,我們同聲祈禱! 祈求仁慈的天父慷慨悅納他的靈魂,早升天國,永享天國福樂。
Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

SJCCM Weekly eNews 8/19/2012

Dear brothers and sisters,
SJCCM 成人慕道班已於8/12/2012正式開始。歡迎繼續介紹非教友參加,報名請洽鄒世亮。
SJCCM RCIA has started since 8/12/2012 . Please continue invite your friends and contact Lawrence Chow for detail.
Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Sunday, August 12, 2012

SJCCM Weekly eNews 8/12/2012

Dear brothers and sisters,
SJCCM 下年度的成人慕道班今天8/12/2012彌撒后正式開始。歡迎介紹非教友參加,報名請洽鄒世亮 (408)997-8524。
SJCCM 2012-2013 RCIA is going to start OFFICIALLY TODAY after mass. Please invite your friends and contact Lawrence Chow (408)997-8524 for detail.
Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Friendly Reminder: Spiritual Workshop 8/11/2012


主講人:鄭玉英 女士
    1. 家庭的屬靈傳承
    2. 家人的互相代禱
    3. 家庭是生死與共
    4. 家庭為福傳單位
    5. 教會內的屬靈父母
時間:1:30pm to 5:30pm
地點:North Hall of St. Clare

(網路報名 或聯絡 吳興民 )

Sunday, August 5, 2012

SJCCM Weekly eNews 8/5/2012

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are highlights of this week at
  • 鄭玉英女士 信仰講座 8/11/2012: 請先報名以便統計人數 (網路報名或聯絡吳興民 408-887-7888, )
  • 15th Annual CACCLC Retreat: All young adults are invited to attend the 15th annual California Chinese Catholic Living Camp (CACCLC) Labor Day Weekend 8/31/2012 – 9/3/2012
  • 聖心學校新學年報名: 如果您尚未為您的子女登記報名我們下學年的主日學和中文班, 請儘快上網下載表格, 並按照報名表上的說明, 遞交報名材料, 以便學校及時準備教材。
  • 成人慕道班 2012-2013: SJCCM 下年度的成人慕道班將於2012年八月十二日開始,結束日期為2013年四月七日。 若您想更認識耶穌基督,更了解天主教會,歡迎您及朋友一起來參加。
  • 社區服務-個人小廣告: NEW 購買二手車
See website for other news and resources including: