Sunday, September 25, 2011

Letter from Fr. Olivera; Rite of Acceptance Photos

Dear brothers and sisters,
What a blessed Rite of Acceptance as we begin this week! Praise God for the letter from Fr. Olivera to the Community (歐神父致SJCCC全體成員書).

Here are other highlights of this week at

See website for other news and resources including:
May God bless you and your family with peace and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reminder: Little Flower Novena 9/23/2011

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Let us pray St. Therese Little Flower Novena.  The intention is for our Church and the work of Evangelization.

For English speaker, below has information from web:
敬邀大家一起來祈禱, 為福傳工作做聖女小德蘭九日敬禮
9/23/11 - 10/01/01 誦念玫瑰經或做默觀祈禱.

More info online at:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Prayer Group Meeting Resume

聖神同禱會每月兩次的聚會將於本周六 9/24 晚上8點整在二號教室重新開始.  歡迎各位齊來讚美歌頌上主的大恩, 共同祈禱享受聖神沐浴滋養.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Prayer Group, Missal Workshop, Spiritual Seminar

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news and resources including:
May God bless you and your family with peace and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to use Google Voice to collect student's voice home work

Traditional Chinese 9 class has setup a  Google voice account to collect student's voice home work.  We have acquired a free phone number with a dedicate voicemail box.  Student can use home phone to leave home work as a massage.  In addition to that, teach can check the messages just like checking his/her emails.


I) Install a FREE Google Voice account.

1. sing up with a FREE google mail account.
2. log in to your gmail account.
3. In your browser, start a new window and type
4. In the Google voice window, click "Upgrade My Account" button.
5. Select "I want a new number".
6. Enter Area or Zip code box with "408" then choose your prefered number. (Please copy down this number in a separate piece of paper.
7. Click on "Continue" button.
8. In "Create a new PIN" window, enter your pin number with 4 digit. (Copy down this PIN number for later use).
9. Check on " accept Google Voice's Terms and Privacy Policy." box and click "Continue" button.
10. Copy down the 2 digit secret code which will be used in your confirmation process.
11. Once your voice account is successfully installed, an email will be sent to you for verification (in your associated email account).  Please login, activate this mail, and enter the secret code found in step 10)

II) Setup the your voicemail box
1) Repeat step 2 and step 3 in section I.
2) In Google voice window, select your phone number on the right top corner.
3) Select "Google Chat" but unselect all other resources (no home, cellular, or office).
4) Click on "Edit" button in Google Chat .
5) In the Settings window, Voicemail Access section, select "Yes", and "PIN not required".
6) In the Ring Schedule section, select "Never ring on weekdays" and "Never ring on weekends"

III) Call your Google Voice number and leave a message
1) use a regular phone (or cellular phone ) to call your Google Voice number.

IV) Check your voicemail box

1) login in to your Google account.
2) The voicemails are listed in your Inbox.
3) Open the mail and click "Play" button.

V) How to change your greeting message?
1) Search "google voice change greeting" on

Sunday, September 11, 2011

CM & Watermark starting on Catechetical Sunday

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news and resources including:
May God bless you and your family with peace and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fr. Ai's Talk, Altar Server Workshop, Holy City Magazine 274, Sunday Union Mass Schedule

Dear brothers and sisters,
Congratulations to the two new couples:  Leo/Teresa (陳奇兄/林秀銀姐 的大兒子/兒媳) and Edwin/Joan (束杰先兄/許明淑姐 的大兒子/兒媳) for their blessed weddings. Here are the highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:
May God bless you and your family with peace and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Friday, September 2, 2011

Reminder: Fr. Ai's Talk on 9/10/2011



日期2011910日 星期六
地點St. Clare Church, North Hall, 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara, CA
主講人艾立勤神父 (Fr. Lou Aldrich S.J.) 是耶穌會士
任輔大神學院院長時, 建立生命倫理中心和福傳中心
現在是二個中心的主任, 也在輔大神學院教授倫理神學和福傳基本理論
每年寒暑假回美國為台灣福傳工作募款, 同時也為華人開講座和帶避靜


讓我們一起 暫停 一天忙碌的生活
來聽 教會對幹細胞研究與避孕的倫理智慧以及科技欠缺道德分辨時的後患
來看 如何在享用高科技果實的同時也顧及天主倫理智慧中的美善

12:00午餐 ($10包括午餐, 點心, 茶水)


吳興民             牛佳元        
