Friday, September 19, 2008

Catholic Teaching on Marriage/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The subject, "Same Sex Marriage", has caused deep concerns among Community members recently. Attached are some materials about the Catholic teaching on Marriage that Dioceses has approved for distribution among parishioners. Since these are catechetical materials, which do not address any Proposition subject, you are encouraged to discuss and learn the church's teaching in your Bible study or private faith sharing sessions.
In Christ,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Watermark parent meeting - September 20th/Amy Li

Dear Parents:

Last Saturday we had a wonderful potluck dinner. Thanks to all of you who participate it. Patrick has explained why the young adults want to lead the Watermark high school kids in our community. They felt guidance, especially religion guidance is very critical to their age. In a few years, our kids will leave us to college to pursuit their future with very minimum help from us. If we can prepare them now, then we probably do not need to worry about them while they are away. Because they know what is the true value in their hearts.

I felt extremely fortune to have so many young adults devote their time to our kids. They are willing to help but they need our support.This year we have more kids and parents from San Mateo Church, we need to thank Alice Tong (Andrew's mom) keep inviting new friends to our group. And we have some new kids and parents from the Fremont Church too. Our group is growing which means we need even more support than before.

Maybe you won't come to Watermark in a regular basis, but please still come to join our discussion to let us hear your thoughts. We also need parents to bring snacks for the kids in every Watermark meeting. The Worship team ( currently 5 or 6 people ) always come at 5:00 PM to practice their songs till 7:00 PM. We need parents to provide simple supper for them.

Please join us. If you cannot make it this Saturday but willing to help, please e-mail me.

The parent meeting time for this Saturday is 7:30 PM till 9:30 PM at room #2.

Love in Christ,
Amy Li

Pray for the recovery of Cecilia Chao's brother/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Cecilia Chao would like to thank for your prayer earlier to the health of her brother. The operation is successful, remaining liquid in his head has been cleared, and the skull is placed back. She pleads for your continues prayer to his full recovery.

In Christ,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

聖女小德蘭九日敬禮 / Li-Peng & Margarita Hua

Please make an announcement for this "Novena" and intention is for evangelizing, especial for China and Chinese.
And, please make note to the Sunday newsletter, Thanks.

從9/22至9/30 誦念玫瑰經或做默觀祈禱



Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Margarita Hua would like to invite you to participate a nine days "Novena" for all evangelization works in China and Chinese communities. You may find detailed information in our Community Web Blog site under the category of Prayer Request and Faith Team:

In Christ,

Funeral Mass for Mr. Chin Ling - Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The rosary prayer for Mr. Chin Ling at Friday night 8:00 pm, is changed to a liturgy service as "the Vigil for the Deceased." Sharing and Viewing will follow right after the service. Please keep praying for the soul of Mr. Chin and the peace to his family."

In Christ,


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

I just received a notice for a date correction to Mr. Chin Ling's funeral mass. Instead of Sept. 19 (Friday), it is Sept. 20 (Saturday).

Rosary Prayer:
Date : 9-19-08 (Friday)
Time: 8 PM
Location : Lima Family at Santa Clara.
(466 N Winchester Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050 )

Funeral Mass :
Date : 9-20-08 (Saturday)
Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon
Location : Saint Clare
( 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA 95050)

In Christ,


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

In memory of Mr. Chin Ling, who passed away over the weekend, we pray for his body and soul be rested peacefully with Jesus Christ, our Lord, in heaven.

Rosary Prayer:
Date : 9-19-08 (Friday)
Time: 8 PM
Location : Lima Family at Santa Clara.
(466 N Winchester Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050 )

Funeral Mass :
Date : 9-19-08 (Friday)
Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon
Location : Saint Clare
( 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA 95050)

In Christ,

Monday, September 15, 2008

Parenting Seminar / Joseph Ku

my dear Brother & Sister in Christ,
CCCSJ誠摯地邀請您參加週五 (9/19) 晚上的親子講座

主講人: 郭武潔修女 ( Sister Kuo 在臺灣有豐富且寶貴陪伴孩子之經驗)

講題: 從信仰角度探討親子關係

Topic: From our religious perspective to discuss parent – child relationships

Date and Time: Sept. 19, 7:30PM~9:30PM

Location: St. Joseph Church School, Class room #6

Address: 43148 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539

Please see the attached file for detail.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

God bless

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stewardship Retreat Pictures/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

We have experienced a successful stewardship retreat today. Many are inspired by the Apostolic Letter, Millennium Ineunte, written by the late Pope John Paul II. In addition to the good memories in our heart, Samuel Tong helped capture the good times in picture. Please go to the following web site for viewing:

In Christ,

Retreat documents:

Pray for the success of two critical surgeries/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Please pray for the success and full recovery of two critical surgeries for:

1) Karen Chen, our beloved secretary in the Dioceses office. She is going to receive a very difficult heart surgery in September;
2) Cecilia Chao's brother, he will receive a brain surgery in the third time on this coming Tuesday;

In Christ,

September Council Meeting/Li-Peng Chou

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The September Council Meeting will be held on September 11, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (my wish). In order to protect attendees from being caught by some reluctant assignments in surprise, the Council Meeting will focus on planning and sharing of ministry services. Your participation will be the most inspiration to the ministry team. Here is the agenda:

1) Status report for the meeting with Fr. Rick and St. Clare school principle Kathy (Li-peng);
2) Proposal to form the SJCCC Boyscout Team (Ed. Chang);
3) The upcoming Five-Dioceses Faith Formation conference, Nov. 21, 22, (Li-peng);
4) Feedback to the Stewardship Retreat (Ana, Cris, Mike);

1) Commitment to the annual $36000 contribution to St. Clare (Li-peng);
2) Commitment to the $3500~$6000 contribution to the St. Clare school, (Joseph Ku);
3) Planning for the English Mass (Joanne, Patrick);
4) Planning for the 25th Anniversary of SJCCC (Yvonne);
5) Budget for the annual Anaham Catechetical Conference (Li-peng);
6) Current ministry position openings in the Community (all chairs)

In Christ,
Li-peng Chou

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thank you for praying for 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

T.S., Lih-Ing and Lee's family would like to thank you for your kind heart. See their message below. May God bless 李家琛先生 and his family!


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lydia
To: James Hua
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 10:56:30 AM
Subject: Thank you for praying 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生

Dear James,

Thank you for passing the email through your network to our church and friends to pray for my father and our families during this difficult time. My dad was blessed and saw all our children from different parts of the world all gathering here in his bed side, say rosary for him when he passed away.
I want to express my deepest thanks to all my brothers and sisters who prays for us and attends the service. May God's peace and happiness always with everyone.

T.S. Lee

Hi James,

我婆婆, 李陳益女士, 李天祥的兄弟姊妹們, 李天祥和我, 向親愛的弟兄姊妹們表達我們無限的謝意.

謝謝大家不斷的為我的公公, 李天祥的父親, 李家琛先生頌唸玫瑰經, 使他在子孫們陪伴下和玫瑰經聲中, 非常平安的安息主懷.
謝謝大家送我的公公人生最後的一程. 害怕寂寞的他. 一定很高興這麼多弟兄姊妹們陪伴著他.


Lih-Ing Lan