Friday, April 30, 2010

Conflict and Accommodation Lecture

Dear Mr. Ku,

May the Lord grant you His peace! I am writing you on behalf of the St. Anthony of Padua Institute (SAPI), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting Catholic higher education in the San Francisco Bay Area.

On Saturday, May 8th, at 3:00 PM, SAPI is offering a free lecture titled "Conflict and Accommodation: Matteo Ricci’s Approach to Catholic Evangelization in China” at St. Margaret Mary Church in Oakland. The speaker will be Anthony E. Clark, Ph.D., Professor of Asian History, Whitworth University.
Given the important role that Ricci played in the history of Christianity in China, we thought that the members of the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community would be particularly interested to know about this event. Would you be willing to send out an announcement for this talk, or place an announcement on your website/Facebook page, or both? The blurb could run as follows:

Conflict and Accommodation: Matteo Ricci’s Approach to Catholic Evangelization in China
Matteo Ricci was among the earliest and most influential of the missionaries to China. In addition to leading many people to the Catholic faith with the use of reasoned arguments and a great understanding of (and deep appreciation for) Chinese culture, he also introduced mathematical and scientific innovations to China from the Western World. Anthony E. Clark, Ph.D., Professor of Asian History at Whitworth University, will deliver a lecture on this important figure in the month of the four hundredth anniversary of Ricci’s death. This event, sponsored by the St. Anthony of Padua Institute (, will be held on Saturday, May 8th from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the parish hall of St. Margaret Mary Church, 1219 Excelsior Ave., Oakland, CA 94610. Admission is free.
If you don't have room for the above, you could simply cut it down to the basics (title, date and time, location, speaker, price of admission, sponsoring institution).

You can find out more about the St. Anthony of Padua Institute and its goals and activities on the diocesan website or at If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for your time and consideration, and many blessings to you in this Easter season!

In Christ,
Matthew Horwitz
St. Anthony of Padua Institute

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chair Board election discernment meeting


神辨是幫助候選人決定參選很重要的一個過程。今年,我們將在5月1日,星期六,早上9:30於St. Clair的神父辦公室舉行祈禱與神辨的聚會。預計在中午12時結束。




Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

One important part of the chair board election process is to discern the readiness and willingness of all nominated candidates. This year, the meeting has been scheduled to begin at 9:00am, on Saturday, May 1st in the rectory. Tentatively it will end at around noon.

In addition to the three already committed candidates, the election committee has also invited some other potential candidates to participate in the discernment process. Let's pray that more people will answer God's call to serve Him.

All SJCCC members, especially the council members and ministry servers, are welcome to join the meeting. The current chairpersons and Election Committee members are requested to participate in the process.

Thank you for your attention.

In Christ,
Election Committee

Sunday, April 25, 2010

5/22 Grace Night Celebration

地點:St. Clare Church (starts at lower church)941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050
時間:5/22/2010(六)5:30 PM - 10:00


如果你或你朋友有時還真覺得缺少了些平安和喜樂,有辦法了!現在我就告訴你一個好消息! 主說:「凡勞苦和負重擔的,你們都到我跟前來,我要使你們安息。」(瑪11:28)

「五旬節日一到,眾人都聚集一處。 忽然,從天上來了一陣響聲,好像暴風颳來,充滿了他們所在的全座房屋。 有些散開好像火的舌頭,停留在他們每人頭上, 眾人都充滿了聖神,照聖神賜給他們的話,說起外方話來。」(宗2:1-4) 「天主說─我要將我的神傾住在所有有血肉的人身上,你們的兒子和女兒都要說預言,青年人要見異像,老年人要看夢境。」(宗2:17)「凡信他的人,賴他的名字都要獲得罪赦。」(宗10:43) 「仁愛、喜樂、平安、忍耐、良善、溫和、忠信、柔和與節制」-聖神的果實(迦5: 22)


SJCCC 聖神同禱會敬邀你及還不認識主的朋友們一起來過一晚"愛之夜"
地點:St. Clare Church (starts at lower church)941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050
時間:5/22/2010(六)5:30 PM - 10:00 聯絡人:華正朔 408-272-1283
報名:主日彌撒後茶水桌登記人數,便於準備晚餐份數,或電話 408-258-1524(胡台娥) 408-395-7837(劉忠慈)

精 神 支 援

「 有一件驚人的奧祕,其價值無法衡量.就是基督奧體的人所做的祈禱與自動奉獻的犧牲.使許多人獲得救恩」- 教宗庇護十二世奧秘身體通諭。 為協助GRACE NIGHT–"愛之夜"順利成功, 我願意奉獻下列祈禱與犧牲:
1. 朝拜聖體 2. 玫瑰經 3. 慈悲串經 4. 九曰敬禮 5. 拜苦路
6. 閱讀聖經 7. 閱讀聖書 8. 服務近人 9. 看望病人 10. 教會義工
11. 解人憂苦 12. 謹守口舌 13. 讓人三分 14. 口吐蓮花 15. 寬恕人七次
16. 與人談主 17. 守大齋 18. 守小齋 19. 守四規 20. 不飲酒
21. 不吸煙 22. 少吸煙 23. 不賭錢 24. 不看電影 25. 不奢侈浪費
26. 陪老人聊天 27. 日行一善 28. 靜觀十分鐘 29. 其他 ____________________________



Friday, April 16, 2010

Rosary session and memorial mass for Bill and Ana Tsai's father

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

This is a correction to the schedule of the memorial mass of Bill and Ana Tsai's father/father-in-law, instead of 8:00 PM, it should be 8:00 AM in the morning. The corrected schedule is given as follows:

   * Rosary session on Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 PM at the Alameda Funeral House in Saratoga;
   * Memorial mass on Saturday, April 24, 8:00 AM at the Ascension Church in Saratoga;

Sorry for the inconvenience.

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

We are sorry to inform you that Bill and Ana Tsai's father/father-in-law has passed away on Monday. Please pray for his soul and body be rested peacefully in heaven. We'd like to present our deepest condolence to the family. The following is a message from Bill and Ana, who would like to invite you to:
Rosary session on Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 PM at the Alameda Funeral House in Saratoga;
Memorial mass on Saturday, April 24, 8:00 PM at the Ascension Church in Saratoga;

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board




時間: 4月 20日 7:30 PM
地點: 阿拉米達之家殯儀館
12341 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Saratoga,CA

時間: 4月 24日  8:00 AM
地點:Ascension Church
19600 Prospect Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070


祝 主恩滿溢


2010 Easter Vigil Baptism Videos

Sunday, April 11, 2010

聖心學校 - 註冊申請 說明會


聖心學校將針對2010~2011新學年註冊申請舉行家長說明會. 請家長攜朋帶友,踴躍參加.

時間: 4/18/2010 Sunday 彌撒之後 4:15-5:30pm
地點: St. Clare Church Parish Hall

新學年報名註冊也將同時舉行. 請儘快下載申請表格. 填妥. 五月十六日之前申請可享受$10優惠. 另外, 每個家庭的第三個孩子可免費讀道理班. 詳情請於說明會資訊聖心學校相關工作人員.


聖荷西華人天主教會 聖心學校 行政組

讚美主 Dance Video

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Please pray for the health of William Tsai and Ana Tsai's father and father-in-law

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Our parishioner, William Tsai's father, also known as Ana Tsai's father-in-law, has a severe heart attack in this morning. He is staying in ICU and receiving emergent treatment now. Please pray for God's mercy to cure him and grant his family enough strength to go through this critical time.

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

SJCCC April Council meeting

Dear SJCCC members,

Everyone is welcome to join our April council meeing at 7pm on Thur. 4/8 at room #5.  Following is the meeting agenda:

1. Prayer/faith sharing (everyone)
2. Easter evaluation (Angie/TienChia, Yvonne C.)
3. To form a Photographer Group (Yvonne C.)
4. Pentecost vigil celebration (James H.)
5. 5/29-30 Family Camp update (Sophie C.)
6. 6/26 Rely for Life update (Rae Y.)
7. Chair and Vice-chair election update (Kam C.)
8. TJ status updates (Vincent L.)
9. Sacred Heart School update (Joseph K.)
9. Financial report (Li-peng C.)

God bless!

Chair Board - Yvonne

Sunday, April 4, 2010

2010 Family Camp Registration

Dear All SJCCC Member,

Please bring your kids come to join our SJCCC 2010 Family Camp. 5/28 5:00pm to 5/30 2:00pm.

Please see attchment for the Registration form. Any question  please feel free to contact with  me at (408)867-5338 or e-mail to me.

We'll accept registration form every week right after mass at Hall way. Thanks !

God bless all the SJCCC family

SJCCC Sacred Heart School

望復活照片/Easter Vigil Pictures