Saturday, April 4, 2009

Re: Easter Celebration Invitation - 誰來午餐?

  • 所有大人小孩都需要報名(湯明昭 408-216-9848),包括教友及非教友,以便準備中餐、幼兒照顧及安排場地與活動。請各區組長鼓勵組員盡快報名。
  • 為能邀起更多的非教友,這次午餐免費。我們期待至少十個家庭,奉 獻$100贊助這項寶貴的福傳活動,為在主耶穌復活的日子,帶領更多的人進入天主的家庭。(Tony 408-318-7403)
  • 復活節後,福傳組為非教友已安排一系列的活動,詳情會陸續發表, 請繼續大力祈禱、支持及陪伴非教友。

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
We know that everyone is working hard in prayer and inviting friends and family to the Easter Event, we would like to remind everyone:
  • Everyone needs to be included in the RSVP, (Irene 408-216-9848), including SJCCC members and new friends, so we can arrange lunch, child care, facilities, and activities. Please encourage all group members to RSVP asap.
  • The lunch will be free so we can maximize the invitation. We would like at least 10 families to offer $100 for this evangelization activity. (Tony 408-318-7403)
  • After Easter, the Evangelization Team has designed a series of activities for the 'new friends.' Details will be announces shortly, please continue to pray, support, and host the new friends.
May the Lord bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundredfold.
SJCCC Evangelization Team

SJCCC Member eNews wrote:
Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace and Joy to you and your family!

1. All of us have been praying for the upcoming Easter Event on 4/12. This year, we will celebrate with lunch, exciting sharing from the recently baptized, praising from Choir, childcare with games, as well as egg hunt and cakes after Mass.
11:30 - 12:00 PM 接待 - Registration
12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待 - Lunch
01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享,童玩活動 - Sharing (with Childcare)
03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒(感恩禮) - Mass
04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕 - Egg Hunt and Cake

2. Now, it's time to follow the Holy Spirit and invite friends and family, especially those who are not yet Catholics, to join us. Here are 3 versions of the flyers that you can download and use:
英文標題 (great for posting):

3. To best prepare for the lunch, the activities, and childcare, we urge you to follow up and get RSVP to 湯明昭 at 408-216-9848 or 陳惠群 at 408-272-4975 by Monday 4/6. Please feel free to contact Tony Fu (408-318-7403) if there are any questions or issues.

Thank you for your work for Christ and our Community!

May God bless you and your family always,
Chair Board

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