Thursday, April 2, 2009

4/3 苦路, soup supper and Meeting Invitation / Irene

Dear friends:

明天周五晚上6點教堂有中文苦路, 6:30 Soup Supper
由於上次中文苦路時,SJCCC 出席不多,這次神父希望我們踴躍參加與其他族裔一起.然後是麵包與湯的簡單晚餐



Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:43:45 -0700
Subject: [SJCCC Evangelization - Come & See!] 4/3 Meeting Invitation

Dear brothers and sisters of the Evangelization team,
Peace and joy to you on this April fool's day. I am a fool for Christ, whom are you a fool for?

The core group has prayed and decided the group name to be "Come and See!" 來看看吧! This group will accompany "new friends" in their pre-RCIA journey, we will meet weekly after Mass after Easter, please be prepared to bring new friends and join us in singing, sharing, and prayers! (我們會在復活節起,彌撒後,每月三次,以歌聲,分享,與祈禱來陪伴新朋友們,請各位帶朋友一起來參與)
復活節前 "來看看吧!" 培訓

Time Friday 4/3 at 7:30pm-9:30pm, please arrive a little early
The location: Rectory Conference Room
Themes/Sharing: - 發掘我的特色: FangFang
Praise & Prayer: FangFang
Snack & Host: Joseph Tang
May God bless you with a joyful day!

PS, Here is the 求 婚 (Wedding Proposal) sharing I gave last week: This family website is still in beta, please provide comments and feedback, thanks!

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