大家都明白,這次活動只是福傳的開始,我們必需繼續祈禱,繼續多多關懷、及邀請這些(及更多)非教友們的參與。福傳組為此已安排一系列"來看看吧!"的活動。第一項活動是參觀教堂:每一座教堂的建築物都不一樣,也都有一個故事 -- 您知道我們的教堂是一個古蹟嗎?當你走進一座教堂,怎麼知道她是天主教教堂? 天主教教堂為什麼有那麼多聖像?您想知道嗎?非教友也會很有興趣的。
請於4/19彌撒後 (4:15-5:35pm),邀請並陪伴非教友們來參與!Flyer: http://www.sjccc.org/download/09-04-ET-church-tour.doc
4/26 (4:15-5:35pm)在樓下教堂也有為非教友們安排的活動,詳情會陸續發表。
PS, 這是復活節照片,請與新朋友分享,並邀請參加參觀教堂活動。http://picasaweb.google.com/SJCCC1/
Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace to you and your family! Thank you for your prayers and your participation, over 250 people attended the Easter Event, including about 50 non-Catholics ("new friends"). Praise God for the blessing and for answering our prayers! Also, thanks to so many people who helped made the event a wonderful experience, as well as those who contributed the funding.
This event is just the beginning of the evangelization effort. We need to continue to pray, to care about those non-Catholics around us, as well as continue to invite these and other friends to join us. Therefore, the Evangelization Team has arranged a series of "Come & See" activities. The first one is "Church Tour" -- every church is unique and has a story behind it. Did you know our church is a historic site? When you go into a church, how do you recognize that she is a Catholic church? Why are there so many statues of Saints in Catholic churches? Are you curious? Most non-Catholics would be interested also! Please invite and bring them to the church after Mass on 4/19 for this special guided tour 4:15-5:35pm. See flyer: http://www.sjccc.org/download/09-04-ET-church-tour.doc
On 4/26, after Mass (4:15-5:35), we will have another special activity for non-Catholics at the lower church. Details to be announced soon.
Please continue to pray and support, thank you for your work for Christ and for the community.
May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold!
SJCCC Evangelization Team
PS: Here are the pictures from the Easter Event, please share with your friends as a way to invite them back for the Church Tour:
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