1. Donation to St. Joseph of Cupertino for the usage of their church facilities in the past year. Currently we have 3 groups using some rooms at various time of the week. These groups are: Cantonese YAG (Edward), Cornerstone (Vincent Wang), Bible Study Friday Morning(Cecilia Chao). Throughout sharing and discussion, Fr. Olivera delegated Cecilia and Vincent to communicate this donation issue(how much and how to pay) with Fr. Kimm.
2. SJCCC Core value reflection, we had some sharing on what the core value of SJCCC in the meeting. In last a few months, we could observe the level of community enthusiasm and financial support was getting low. During summer time, it will be even lower. This is a huge topic and will affect how we perceive the future SJCCC organization and direction. We plan to have one day retreat in August. Currently we are checking availability of presentation center, Los Gatos, and will announce later.
3. 6/21 celebration of Fr. Olivera 25 year anniversary of priesthood ordination. Bishop McGrath will preside Mass at 3:00PM in St. Clare. There will be slide show and story sharing from Fr. Olivera after Mass at upper church. We'll have a pot luck dinner to celebrate this event and Father's Day. 李志慈 and 姜新新 will coordinate all the dishes. We suggested each ministry group (legion of Mary, small faith sharing group, bible study, WaterMark YAG…….) bring 2 tray of same kind dish.
To avoid duplication, please register yours first. We need to have 5 people help in the kitchen from 1-3:00PM on 6/21 and 10 people help in setting up table at 4:30PM. Please let李志慈 know if you could help.
4. TJ fund raising and community service. We did not get update from leaders in this ministry.
5. Monthly financial statement. We did not get update from our financial committee in time.(will be published later)
6. Kid for Christ, Day Camp activity for young children will be held on Aug 15, Saturday. Please reserve a fun day for your children or grandchildren.
Joseph Ku Chair-on-Duty of June
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