Friday, September 11, 2009

SJCCC eNews: New evangelism team for the Chinese speaking group

Dear community members,
Following the retreat, any ideas about how to be involved in the New Evangelism? The SJCCC Evangelization group would like to invite everyone to join us in answering Jesus' calling to be "Fishers of Men".

We have two introduction meetings about our plans (same content) after Mass on 9/13 (Parish Hall) and 9/20 (lower Church), please come and join us. Also, please feel free to contact us at

Reminder: in your celebrations for the mid-autumn festival around 10/3, please don't forget to extend the invitations to friends and relatives who may not yet know Jesus.

May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold.
SJCCC Evangelization Team
1. 新福傳 - 讓我們一起划向深處,再次撒網,接受耶穌的邀請,成為"捕人的漁夫". 唯有您的參與,我們才能一起將漁網拉起來,裝滿兩漁船!
9/13: SJCCC福傳組年度計畫介紹 - 彌撒後在Parish Hall
9/20: SJCCC福傳組年度計畫介紹 (重複) - 彌撒後在樓下教堂
2. 今年中秋節是10/3,讀經小組Potluck時,請別忘記邀請還不認識耶穌的親友一起慶祝這個團圓的節日!

為什麼天主教友不和親友分享信仰? (摘譯自Today's Parish)
1 怕被拒絕
2 過去分享信仰的經驗不太愉快.
3 教堂氣氛冷淡,新來者不感到被歡迎
4 不知如何分享(因而需學習)
1 在教會活動中,建立以言語分享信仰的信心.
2 在堂區聚會中,包括信仰分享, 它與祈禱同樣重要
3 在兒童道理班,請家長做見證,以鼓勵子女
4 在退省或研討會中,協助教友寫下簡短見證
5 重視來教堂的訪客,讓他們感到賓至如歸

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