Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Workshop announcements/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

As you all know, Fr. Bona Lin, a renowned Biblical scholar, will lead the Advent retreat for us. We are grateful that he can squeeze precious time with us. In order to benefit most people, both SJCCC (in San Jose) and CCCSJ (in Fremont) will jointly host two workshops to enhance community spirituality, one for community building, and the other for the study of the book Exodus. In addition, 吳瑞環修女 will lead a workshop for CCCSJ. Here are the schedules:
  1. 林思川神父: Nov. 4, Wednesday, 7:00 PM to 9:45 PM, at St. Clare, Lower Church,
    Subject: 我們是基督的奧體 (基督徒生命共融的奧秘)
  2. 林思川神父: Nov. 18, Sunday, 1:50 PM to 3:50 PM at St. Joseph, Fremont
    Subject: 伴你閱讀出谷記
  3. 吳瑞環修女: Dec. 2, Sunday, 1:50 PM to 3:50 PM at St. Joseph, Fremont
    Subject: 爾旨承行於我
Please refer to the attached fliers for more detail.
In Christ,

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