Monday, November 5, 2007

Town Hall Meeting at St. Clare's Parish/Joseph Ku

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please voice your suggestions, opinions and concerns to St. Clare's Town Hall Meeting if you will.

Parish Town Hall Meeting
Place: St. Clare Parish Hall
Date: Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

The St. Clare Pastoral Council invites all parishioners to the St. Clare Town Hall Meeting to assist in creating a Pastoral Strategic Plan for St. Clare Parish. This is your chance to have a voice and shape the future of the Parish. WE are the church and we need you to help us create a plan to build a strong and vibrant church community to do God's work. Bring your ideas about what you think God's work should be and how we can accomplish it together!

The evening will start with a Parish Social and continue with the meeting.
Child Care, for children 4 through 12 years of age, will be provided during the meeting at no cost. Children will be able to share a dinner meal of pizza, fruit and vegetables while adults are at the meeting.
Please make sure that you sign up after any of the masses so that we can plan for your attendance. You may also contact the rectory to respond. Contact information is on this page.


Here is what Joseph Ku had sent to Fr. Rick regarding some feedback about the future that relates to SJCCC:

Fr. Rick,

A few feedback about Town Hall meeting from our community after Mass.

1. need to find a way to reduce the noise of rest room in/out during Mass. (stuff some cushion on the door edge)
2. Need to have more “meeting rooms” available in St. Clare
3. Can we access meeting rooms in Rectory more conveniently?
4. need to have more accessible rest rooms in the church premises
5. need to have pest control coming to clean up rats in the room 6
6. Our Youth faith sharing/fellowship on Saturday Evening is outgrown the class room size, Could they use social hall?

Could be more in next Tuesday meeting.

Joseph Ku

Please join us in this event for the benefit of all. May God bless you!

James Hua

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