Tuesday, January 15, 2008

SJCCC council meeting minutes - Jan.10/Joseph Ku

My Dear Brother & Sister in Chirst,
Here are the meeting minutes for your information.
1.Bishop McGrath will visit our community on 2/17 to celebrate Chinese New Year with us. The tentative agenda as follows:
1:00 - 2:45PM Festival Booths will be set up in Parich Hall by Cantonese community and Chinese School Students/Teachers
3:00 - 4:30PM Combine Mass with Mandarin/Cantonese/English with Memorial ceremony for Ancestors
4:30 - 5:30PM Reception in Parish (pending on coordinator finding)
5:30 Dinner with Bishop and his staff in China Stix
If Bishop comes in earlier than 2:15PM, we might have a informal chat with Bishop about Community status.
2.Family Camp during Memorial Weekend in St. Clare's Retreat House.
This camp is also pending on finding a coordinator who has experience in previous year.
3.Decided to continue our Media Ads on World Journal and Chinese Yellow Page.
4.Approve 2007-2008 budget $8645 for Liturgical Committee. (mostly Stipend for priests who celebrate Mass with us)

We finished our discussions within 90 mins. The rest of the time we did some sharing with our ministry. As Isabel said "׮最輕鬆的一次同工會" Should it be always like that?

If you have question, please let me know.

thanks for your continuous support,
Joseph Ku
兩年前來訪問過的高超鵬神父 最近探望大陸漢中教區 及鄰近痲瘋病村
看到許多需要, 希望北美教友能夠幫忙. Fremont華人 教友團體發動募款
盼望您能夠慷慨解囊, 讓大陸聖教廣揚. 支票 請寫:
CCCSJ (Chinese Catholic Community at St. Joseph Church)
寄給 Maria Ku
或 交給 古偉業 謝謝 ָָ!

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