Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Minutes of Evangelization Team Meeting 2008-01-20/Kerching Liu

Minutes of Evangelization Team Meeting
Time: 4:20PM, January 20, 2008
Place: St Clare's
Attendees: Cris Chen, Florence Pan, Tony Fu, AP Yueh, Amy Li, Joseph Ku, Judy Hsu, Shaohui Chan
1. Email to our friends
1.1 Till Easter, email will continue to be sent weekly.
1.2 After Easter, email will be sent monthly.
1.3 Info of various SJCCC/Catholic services will be added.
1.4 Judy and Tony will continue to work on this. Thanks a bunch!
2. Training
2.1 We will check if Fr Louise will be available to meet us during his visit.
2.2 Amy will help improve the handout for volunteers using material from Cris and other sources.
3. Spiritual book drive
3.1 SJCCC members can donate their spiritual books, magazines, music, video, booklets, etc.
3.2 A great idea from Florence and she volunteers to spearhead the effort.
4. Evangelization event on or after Easter
4.1 Program will be compiled by Tony (He is FAST and already sent out a few proposals.)
4.2 A coordinator for this event is needed. Any volunteer?
5. Bay area Chinese events
5.1 We will try to be present at as many events as possible, but will only play supporting role in some.
5.2 Expo (roughly June and September in San Mateo): We will support it but not have our own booth.
5.3 Hua Yun (roughly July in Cupertino): We will have our own booth. Kerching will be in charge of this.
5.3 Hua Ti (roughly August in Union City): We will support it but not have our own booth.
5.4 Moon Festival (roughly September in Cupertino): We ill have our own booth.
Let's continue to serve the Lord together, even we all have weakness.

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