Friday, June 8, 2012

St. Joseph will be our Patron Saint

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
 In our letter to the community during the first week of May, we announced the beginning of a discernment process for two important pillars of our new Mission: our mission statement and our patron saint.
 After a month of prayer and discernment, last Sunday (June 3rd), 250 members of our community expressed their opinion through their vote for our patron saint. More than 50% of the votes went to St. Joseph. We have communicated this recommendation to Bishop McGrath and he has approved our recommendation
 Therefore, it is my pleasure to announce to all of you that St. Joseph, the head of the Holy Family, the patron of the Universal Church, the patron of China, the patron of our Diocese, will also be our patron saint.
 Let us begin a new way of approaching Saint Joseph, a new devotion to him, a new confidence that he is already praying for us, he who protected the child Jesus and Mary from so many the dangers and trials, he who take care of the basic needs of the Holy Family of Nazareth is also now our particular protector, St. Joseph, pray for us!
 God Bless,
 Fr. Olivera and the Pastoral Council

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