喜報: 經過6/3排序投票和主教的批准, 大聖若瑟 – 聖家的家長、普世聖教會的主保、中國教會的主保、以及我們教區的主保,也會正式成為我們團體的主保聖人! 在此過度期間, 請繼續為我們的團體不斷祈禱!
Check out our New Mission Home Page. Please continue pray for our community, and celebrating St. Joseph to be the Patron Saint of our new Mission as the result of our discernment process and approval from Bishop.
祈禱/Special Prayer: Memorare to Saint Joseph
Remember, O most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any who implored your help and sought your intercession were left unassisted. Full of confidence in your power, I fly unto you, and beg your protection. despise not, O foster-father of the Redeemer, my humble supplication but in your bounty hear and answer me. Amen.
- June 10th (TODAY) – We will announce the final decision for our patron saint and make public our mission statement.
This will be a memorable event as we will be able for the first time to entrust our Mission to our patron saint! - July 8th – Mission Installation。
- 6/17 父親節,邀請所有的父親們及其家人參與聯合彌撒,接受天主的降福和團體的慶祝。
Please come to Union Mass on 6/7 to celebrate Father's Day with all dad(s) and to receve blessing from God. - 鍾子月神父的讀經講座: (NEW) Fremont Chinese Comminity has a series talk of VERBUM DOMINI by Fr.Zhong (鍾子月神父) in June.
- 慶祝伍棟樑神父晉鐸銀禧: RSVP: 252-7653 by June 10 if attending the Silver Jubilee of Fr. Kimm's ordination to the priesthood.
- 聖心學校新學年報名註冊: Registration Form in English, 中文報名表 Completed registration forms can be submitted via mail to the address shown on the form.
- USCCB resource: Why Conscience is Important?
- 祈禱意向: Prayer request for Feiwen's mom, Mrs. Lin's surgery.
- 社區服務: Volunteer Performers Needed at M.T.Liang Senior Center on 6/13/2012 .
- 聖城通訊 Holy City Magazine: 第277期 / 2012年 復活期 目錄
- 共融共享: 渴望中愛之旅 張嘉玲
- 共融共享: 媽媽,天主真的好愛您! 藍麗櫻
- 書海拾貝: 《Church Militant 》 Fr. Paul Mariani 的新作新書簽名會前後記 類思
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
- 本周更新 - 基督聖體聖血節 (The Feast of Corpus Christi): 【張春申神父彌撒經文釋義】 【林思川神父彌撒證道 MP3】
- Calendars:
- 神修資訊 Spiritual Resources:
- 每日讀經 Daily Reading
- 十架上七言默思祈禱
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴講習會音像 Joseph Shu's Spiritual Siminars
- 姜有國神父將臨期避靜: 生命的復甦:等待祂的來臨? 【
- 林思川神父四旬期講座錄音(2012 Fremont): Fr. Lin's Lenten Siminar about Euchrist 聖體聖事 【
- 團體公告: 牧靈委員會 Pastoral Council (PC)
- Feedback 反饋意見.
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