請為我們的團體即將成為Mission祈禱, 並積極參與近期為我們團體的宗旨和主保聖人的分辨工作, 您的建議在此重要的過度期間尤為重要!
Check out our New Mission Home Page. Please pray for our community, and actively involve our discernment process for our Mission Statement and Patron Saints.
祈禱/Special Prayer:
聖若瑟 請為我們祈禱 / Saint Joseph, pray for usSchedule:
中華聖母 請為我們祈禱 / Our Lady of China, pray for us
進教之佑 請為我們祈禱 / Mary Help of Christians, pray for us
中華殉道聖人 請為我們祈禱 / Martyrs of China, pray for us
聖方濟 . 沙勿略 請為我們祈禱 / Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us
聖女小德蘭 請為我們祈禱 / St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us
聖保祿 請為我們祈禱 / Saint Paul, pray for us
- June 3rd (TODAY)– Everyone will be invited to vote on the list of saints。
- June 10th – We will announce the final decision for our patron saint and make public our mission statement。
- July 8th – Mission Installation。
- 慶祝伍棟樑神父晉鐸銀禧: RSVP: 252-7653 by June 10 if attending the Silver Jubilee of Fr. Kimm's ordination to the priesthood.
- 聖心學校新學年報名註冊: Registration Form in English, 中文報名表 Completed registration forms can be submitted via mail to the address shown on the form.
- USCCB resource: Why Conscience is Important?
- 社區服務: (NEW) Volunteer Performers Needed at M.T.Liang Senior Center on 6/13/2012 .
- 請眾同禱: Please pray for the soul of Mr. Ignatius Tsai (蔡東辰的父親), and for 曹伯伯的化療及康復 (曹炯的父親). May God bless their families with peace and strength.
- 聖城通訊 Holy City Magazine: 第277期 / 2012年 復活期 目錄
- 共融共享: 生命的風景─2011家庭生活營記趣 三得
- 共融共享: 渴望中愛之旅 張嘉玲
- 共融共享: 媽媽,天主真的好愛您! 藍麗櫻
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
- 本周更新 - 聖三主日 (The Holy Trinity): 【張春申神父彌撒經文釋義】
- Calendars:
- 神修資訊 Spiritual Resources:
- 每日讀經 Daily Reading
- 十架上七言默思祈禱
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴講習會音像 Joseph Shu's Spiritual Siminars
- 姜有國神父將臨期避靜: 生命的復甦:等待祂的來臨? 【
- 林思川神父四旬期講座錄音(2012 Fremont): Fr. Lin's Lenten Siminar about Euchrist 聖體聖事 【
- 團體公告: 牧靈委員會 Pastoral Council (PC)
- Feedback 反饋意見.
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