Tuesday, February 8, 2011

TJ2011: 1st all hands meeting - Mandatory

Hi all TJ2011 participants,
As of today, we have a total of 30 people (including 2 from LA) will join the trip.  This June, instead of building a house, we will have 2 extension projects which will be very challenging, and since we have quite a few participants went last year, I am very confident that we can finish the projects within 5 days.  Since not everybody knows who's who, let's have our 1st all hands meeting in order to meet face to face and start out group bonding.
Time:  Saturday 2/26/11 from 10:00 to noon
Place:  St Clare room 3 (Fr. O, please open the door for us on that day)
Agenda:  1.  Project sharing - Vincent
              2.  Fund raising activity as a group (individual fund raising still encouraged) - John M.
              3.  Hands on training schedule - Vincent
              4.  Safety - Stephen W.
              5.  Q & A - All
We are all "TEAM PLAYERS", so mark your calendar and please try your best to be there in person since lots of information will be shared, and don't want to see anybody being left behind.
Note:  Again, if you haven't pay yet (no exception except Fr. O), please bring the check with you (pay to SJCCC), otherwise, your name will be removed from the list.
Vincent Lau

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