This week, we are happy to present to you two sets of joyful pictures from the Chinese New Year celebration, Watermark Retreat and Watermark 2011 Tijuana Mission preparation! If you have pictures to share, please contact us at Here are the highlights of this week at
- 四旬期避靜: Mark the calendar: 3/19, information to come.
- 神修與分享: 疏效平弟兄講習會 (4/8-4/9): 天主的國臨近了,你們悔改,信從福音罷!.
- 聖城通訊雙月刊: this week's featured articles in Jan/Feb Web Edition. Please read and share with a friend by email or by Facebook: 紹穎的枯葉逢春憶主恩, 黃崇文及詹芳郁的地中海遊輪朝聖記, and 劉洪昌的天主的廣闊高深.
- 回味中國新年慶典 (NEW): 照片之一 and 照片之二. Wow, so many smiling faces!!
- Watermark: (NEW) TJ2011 為幫助小兄弟造房子的準備 and Watermark Retreat 照片.
- 成人慕道班: RCIA - topic for 3/7 is 『聖秩與婚配聖事』. See the RCIA program schedule. Please continue pray for evangelization.
- 本周更新: This week's Gospel Reflections
- 祈禱: please pray for 李哲修神父.
- 禮儀輔祭組徵尋組長: Are you called to lead the Altar Servers ministry? Please contact Jonathan Lin, Tien Chia Huang(天佳) or Angie Wang (恩琪).
- 神修資訊: 應以新的心神事奉天主 - 講習會錄音(MP3) and 『救恩的故事』 CD.
- 甘神父的八天神操避靜: 3 sessions of 8-Day Spiritual Exercises by Fr. Gan, please register online to reserve your spot. (請把握時機爭取到僅有的六~八個名額.)
May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community