Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pray for the success of chairboard election

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The Election Committee has launched the year 2010 chair board election process officially, we pray God for the success of this election. It is the responsibility of everyone, especially in the youth and young adult groups, to answer God's call in finding right candidates for the job. In order to bring up broader awareness among community members, the Election Committee and the Faith Formation team suggest a set of Bible reading material for individuals and Bible study groups to exercise. Let's pray for more people will contribute their time and talents to serve the community.
A Chinese version of this message has been distributed earlier, this is the English version.
In Christ,
SJCCC Chairboard

1. Chairboard election bible study material -- Chinese version
2. Bible study Material -- English version
3. 2010 Normination Form)
Readings for 2010 Chairperson / Vice Chairperson Election
1 Corinthians 12, Unity and Variety

1. There is diversity of gifts, but the Spirit is the same.
2. There is diversity of ministries, but the Lord is the same.
3. There is diversity of works, but the same God works in all.
4. The Spirit reveals his presence in each one with a gift which is also a service.
5. And all of this is the work of the one and only Spirit, who gives to each one as he so desires. 
One Body, Many Parts
1. As the body is one, having many members, and all the members, while being many, form one body, so it is with Christ.
2. All of us, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, have been baptized in one Spirit to form one body and all of us have been given to drink from the one Spirit.
3. The body has not just one member, but many.
4. If the foot should say, "I do not belong to the body for I am not a hand," it would be wrong: it is part of the body!
5. Even though the ear says, "I do not belong to the body for I am not an eye," it is part of the body.
6. If all the body were eye, how would we hear? And if all the body were ear, how would we smell?
7. God has arranged all the members, placing each part of the body as he pleased.
8. If all were the same part where would the body be?
9. But there are many members and one body.
10. The eye cannot tell the hand, "I do not need you," nor the head tell the feet, "I do not need you."
11. Still more, the parts of our body that we most need are those that seem to be the weakest;
12. the parts that we consider lower are treated with much care, 
13. and we cover them with more modesty because they are less presentable, whereas the others do not need such attention.
14. God himself arranged the body in this way, giving more honor to those parts that need it, so that the body may not be divided, but rather each member may care for the others.
15. When one suffers, all of them suffer, and when one receives honor, all rejoice together.
16. Now, you are the body of Christ and each of you individually is a member of it.
Chapter 10:16~17

1. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a communion with the blood  of Christ? And the bread that we break, is it not a communion with the  body of Christ? 
2. The bread is one, and so we, though many, form one body, sharing the one bread.
Review Aids and Discussion:
¡¤ As each of us has his/her own unique talents, what does 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 remind us to be aware of regarding the ministry and in building the community?  What does this understanding ask us to consider when   exercising the ministry?
¡¤ What feeling does 1 Corinthian 12:14~27 provoke in you? What manner should you have while serving the ministry? If possible please draw from a real life experience. 
¡¤ What does 1 Corinthian 17 and 1 Corinthian 12:11~13 teach us about the basis of unity while serving the ministry?  Beginning from ourselves, how do we share a deeper feeling of where the basis of unity is from? (In normal daily life in church, from individual observation, what do you think our understanding of unity is based on?)
After reading 1 Corinthian 16~17, for the sake of church unity and to be a community that bears witness for the Gospel, what situation might arise from serving the ministry?
How is this chapter relevant to establishing ministry?
1. Blood of Christ¡­  
2. Body of Christ¡­ 
How does the community become one bread?
Romans Chapter 12, Sacrifice of Body and Mind
1. I beg you, dearly beloved, by the mercy of God, to give yourselves as a living and holy sacrifice pleasing to God: such is the worship of a rational being.
2. Don't let yourselves be shaped by the world where you live, but rather be transformed through the renewal of your mind. You must discern the will of God: what is good, what pleases, what is perfect.
Many Parts in One Body¡¡
3. The grace that God has given me allows me to tell each of you: be active, but not indiscreet. Let each one exercise wisely the gifts of faith granted by God.
4. See, the body is one, even if formed by many members, but not all of them with the same function. 
5. The same with us; being many, we are one body in Christ, depending on one another.
6. Let each one of us, therefore, serve according to our different gifts. Are you a prophet? Then give the insights of faith.
7. Let the deacon fulfill his office; let the teacher teach,
8. the one who encourages, convince. You must, likewise, give with an open hand, preside with dedication, and be cheerful in your works of charity.
Review Aids and Discussion:
¡¤ After reading this chapter, can you recall situations that occurred among members of our community?
¡¤ When we work together towards building the community, what does the Apostle Paul remind us of situations and manners we should ¡°process¡± and ¡°avoid¡±? 
¡¤ Can you identify the good qualities of each brother and sister in your group, including your own? How would you utilize these gifts in building up the Body of Christ?
(Please write them down and share.) 
¡¤ What kind of qualities do you feel the next SJCCC committee core members (chairperson/vice-chairperson) should have that would be most suitable for building the community?
Ephesians Chapter 4, Unity in the Body
1. Therefore I, the prisoner of Christ, invite you to live the vocation you have received.
2. Be humble, kind, patient, and bear with one another in love. 
3. Make every effort to keep among you the unity of Spirit through bonds of peace.
4. Let there be one body and one spirit, for God, in calling you, gave the same Spirit to all.
5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
6. One God, the Father of all, who is above all and works through all and is in all.
7. But to each of us divine grace is given according to the measure of Christ's gift. 
8. Therefore it is said: When he ascended to the heights, he brought captives and gave his gifts to people.
9. He ascended: this refers to the one who first descended to the dead in the lower parts of the world.
10. He himself who went down, then ascended far above all the heavens to fill all things.
11. As for his gifts, to some he gave to be apostles, to others prophets, or even evangelists, or pastors and teachers.
12. So he prepared those who belong to him for the ministry, in order to build up the Body of Christ,
13. until we are all united in the same faith and knowledge of the Son of God. Thus we shall become the perfect Man, upon reaching maturity and sharing the fullness of Christ. 
14. Then no longer shall we be like children tossed about by any wave or wind of doctrine, and deceived by the cunning of people who drag them along into error.
15. Rather, with sincere love, we shall grow in every way towards him who is the head, Christ.
16. From him comes the growth of the whole body to which a network of joints gives order and cohesion, taking into account and making use of the function of each one. So the body builds itself in love.
Review Aids and Discussion:
¡¤ The Body of Christ was mentioned in Ephesians 4:4,12,16. What do these 3 verses reveal to you about the ministry in building up the Body of Christ?
¡¤ After reading Eph 4:11-16, using your own words, describe what you think is the aim of a faithful community.
¡¤ As a member of the community, how might your qualities help contribute to the church¡¯s goal of unity? 
¡¤ What experience do you have regarding the ¡°Love¡± mentioned in Eph 4:2,15? Describe the characteristics of the love of the Body of Christ. What do you think each member should avoid when utilizing his talents in building up the Body of Christ? 
John 15, The Vine and the Branches¡¡

1. I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower.
2. If any of my branches doesn't bear fruit, he breaks it off; and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit, that it may bear even more fruit.
3. You are already made clean by the word I have spoken to you; 
4. live in me as I live in you. The branch cannot bear fruit by itself but has to remain part of the vine; so neither can you if you don't remain in me.
5. I am the vine and you are the branches. As long as you remain in me and I in you, you bear much fruit; but apart from me you can do nothing. 
6. Whoever does not remain in me is thrown away as they do with branches and they wither. Then they are gathered and thrown into the fire and burned.
7. If you remain in me and my words in you, you may ask whatever you want and it will be given to you.
8. My Father is glorified when you bear much fruit: it is then that you become my disciples. 
9. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; remain in my love.
10. You will remain in my love if you keep my commandments, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love.
11. I have told you all this, that my own joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.

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