Monday, March 8, 2010

3/11 7pm SJCCC Council meeting at room #5

Dear SJCCC members,

Everyone is welcome to join our March council meeing at 7pm on Thur. 3/11 at room #5.  Following is the meeting agenda:

1. Prayer/faith sharing (everyone)
2. 6/26 Rely for Life - need community support (Rae)
3. 5/29-30 Family Camp (Sophie and Madeline)
4. Triduum and Easter services (Angie and TienChia)
5. 4/4 Welcoming event (Yvonne)
6. Chair and Vice-chair election update (Kam)
7. Sacred Heart School signature transfer (Ah Khong)
8. Malatesta Program and fund raising (George)
9. Fr. O's time

God bless!


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