Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Holy Week Liturgy Schedule

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Just a kind reminder for the schedule of Holy Week liturgies in St. Clare church..

St. Clare’s Church Holy Week Mass Liturgy Schedule
聖週四(4/1) - 7:30PM 各族裔聯合彌撒 
聖週五(4/2) - 3PM 聖穌受難日禮儀
- 7:30PM 各族裔聯合拜苦路
聖週六(4/3) - 8PM 復活前夕各族裔聯合彌撒
復活主日(4/4) - 3PM 中文彌撒

Holy Thursday Mass- 7:30PM (4/1/2010)
Good Friday Liturgy- 3PM (in English) (4/2/2010)
Stations of the Cross- 7:30PM (4/2/2010)
Easter Vigil Mass- 8PM (4/3/2010)
Easter Sunday Union Mass- 3PM (4/4/2010)

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pray for the success of chairboard election

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The Election Committee has launched the year 2010 chair board election process officially, we pray God for the success of this election. It is the responsibility of everyone, especially in the youth and young adult groups, to answer God's call in finding right candidates for the job. In order to bring up broader awareness among community members, the Election Committee and the Faith Formation team suggest a set of Bible reading material for individuals and Bible study groups to exercise. Let's pray for more people will contribute their time and talents to serve the community.
A Chinese version of this message has been distributed earlier, this is the English version.
In Christ,
SJCCC Chairboard

1. Chairboard election bible study material -- Chinese version
2. Bible study Material -- English version
3. 2010 Normination Form)
Readings for 2010 Chairperson / Vice Chairperson Election
1 Corinthians 12, Unity and Variety

1. There is diversity of gifts, but the Spirit is the same.
2. There is diversity of ministries, but the Lord is the same.
3. There is diversity of works, but the same God works in all.
4. The Spirit reveals his presence in each one with a gift which is also a service.
5. And all of this is the work of the one and only Spirit, who gives to each one as he so desires. 
One Body, Many Parts
1. As the body is one, having many members, and all the members, while being many, form one body, so it is with Christ.
2. All of us, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, have been baptized in one Spirit to form one body and all of us have been given to drink from the one Spirit.
3. The body has not just one member, but many.
4. If the foot should say, "I do not belong to the body for I am not a hand," it would be wrong: it is part of the body!
5. Even though the ear says, "I do not belong to the body for I am not an eye," it is part of the body.
6. If all the body were eye, how would we hear? And if all the body were ear, how would we smell?
7. God has arranged all the members, placing each part of the body as he pleased.
8. If all were the same part where would the body be?
9. But there are many members and one body.
10. The eye cannot tell the hand, "I do not need you," nor the head tell the feet, "I do not need you."
11. Still more, the parts of our body that we most need are those that seem to be the weakest;
12. the parts that we consider lower are treated with much care, 
13. and we cover them with more modesty because they are less presentable, whereas the others do not need such attention.
14. God himself arranged the body in this way, giving more honor to those parts that need it, so that the body may not be divided, but rather each member may care for the others.
15. When one suffers, all of them suffer, and when one receives honor, all rejoice together.
16. Now, you are the body of Christ and each of you individually is a member of it.
Chapter 10:16~17

1. The cup of blessing that we bless, is it not a communion with the blood  of Christ? And the bread that we break, is it not a communion with the  body of Christ? 
2. The bread is one, and so we, though many, form one body, sharing the one bread.
Review Aids and Discussion:
¡¤ As each of us has his/her own unique talents, what does 1 Corinthians 12:4-6 remind us to be aware of regarding the ministry and in building the community?  What does this understanding ask us to consider when   exercising the ministry?
¡¤ What feeling does 1 Corinthian 12:14~27 provoke in you? What manner should you have while serving the ministry? If possible please draw from a real life experience. 
¡¤ What does 1 Corinthian 17 and 1 Corinthian 12:11~13 teach us about the basis of unity while serving the ministry?  Beginning from ourselves, how do we share a deeper feeling of where the basis of unity is from? (In normal daily life in church, from individual observation, what do you think our understanding of unity is based on?)
After reading 1 Corinthian 16~17, for the sake of church unity and to be a community that bears witness for the Gospel, what situation might arise from serving the ministry?
How is this chapter relevant to establishing ministry?
1. Blood of Christ¡­  
2. Body of Christ¡­ 
How does the community become one bread?
Romans Chapter 12, Sacrifice of Body and Mind
1. I beg you, dearly beloved, by the mercy of God, to give yourselves as a living and holy sacrifice pleasing to God: such is the worship of a rational being.
2. Don't let yourselves be shaped by the world where you live, but rather be transformed through the renewal of your mind. You must discern the will of God: what is good, what pleases, what is perfect.
Many Parts in One Body¡¡
3. The grace that God has given me allows me to tell each of you: be active, but not indiscreet. Let each one exercise wisely the gifts of faith granted by God.
4. See, the body is one, even if formed by many members, but not all of them with the same function. 
5. The same with us; being many, we are one body in Christ, depending on one another.
6. Let each one of us, therefore, serve according to our different gifts. Are you a prophet? Then give the insights of faith.
7. Let the deacon fulfill his office; let the teacher teach,
8. the one who encourages, convince. You must, likewise, give with an open hand, preside with dedication, and be cheerful in your works of charity.
Review Aids and Discussion:
¡¤ After reading this chapter, can you recall situations that occurred among members of our community?
¡¤ When we work together towards building the community, what does the Apostle Paul remind us of situations and manners we should ¡°process¡± and ¡°avoid¡±? 
¡¤ Can you identify the good qualities of each brother and sister in your group, including your own? How would you utilize these gifts in building up the Body of Christ?
(Please write them down and share.) 
¡¤ What kind of qualities do you feel the next SJCCC committee core members (chairperson/vice-chairperson) should have that would be most suitable for building the community?
Ephesians Chapter 4, Unity in the Body
1. Therefore I, the prisoner of Christ, invite you to live the vocation you have received.
2. Be humble, kind, patient, and bear with one another in love. 
3. Make every effort to keep among you the unity of Spirit through bonds of peace.
4. Let there be one body and one spirit, for God, in calling you, gave the same Spirit to all.
5. One Lord, one faith, one baptism.
6. One God, the Father of all, who is above all and works through all and is in all.
7. But to each of us divine grace is given according to the measure of Christ's gift. 
8. Therefore it is said: When he ascended to the heights, he brought captives and gave his gifts to people.
9. He ascended: this refers to the one who first descended to the dead in the lower parts of the world.
10. He himself who went down, then ascended far above all the heavens to fill all things.
11. As for his gifts, to some he gave to be apostles, to others prophets, or even evangelists, or pastors and teachers.
12. So he prepared those who belong to him for the ministry, in order to build up the Body of Christ,
13. until we are all united in the same faith and knowledge of the Son of God. Thus we shall become the perfect Man, upon reaching maturity and sharing the fullness of Christ. 
14. Then no longer shall we be like children tossed about by any wave or wind of doctrine, and deceived by the cunning of people who drag them along into error.
15. Rather, with sincere love, we shall grow in every way towards him who is the head, Christ.
16. From him comes the growth of the whole body to which a network of joints gives order and cohesion, taking into account and making use of the function of each one. So the body builds itself in love.
Review Aids and Discussion:
¡¤ The Body of Christ was mentioned in Ephesians 4:4,12,16. What do these 3 verses reveal to you about the ministry in building up the Body of Christ?
¡¤ After reading Eph 4:11-16, using your own words, describe what you think is the aim of a faithful community.
¡¤ As a member of the community, how might your qualities help contribute to the church¡¯s goal of unity? 
¡¤ What experience do you have regarding the ¡°Love¡± mentioned in Eph 4:2,15? Describe the characteristics of the love of the Body of Christ. What do you think each member should avoid when utilizing his talents in building up the Body of Christ? 
John 15, The Vine and the Branches¡¡

1. I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower.
2. If any of my branches doesn't bear fruit, he breaks it off; and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit, that it may bear even more fruit.
3. You are already made clean by the word I have spoken to you; 
4. live in me as I live in you. The branch cannot bear fruit by itself but has to remain part of the vine; so neither can you if you don't remain in me.
5. I am the vine and you are the branches. As long as you remain in me and I in you, you bear much fruit; but apart from me you can do nothing. 
6. Whoever does not remain in me is thrown away as they do with branches and they wither. Then they are gathered and thrown into the fire and burned.
7. If you remain in me and my words in you, you may ask whatever you want and it will be given to you.
8. My Father is glorified when you bear much fruit: it is then that you become my disciples. 
9. As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you; remain in my love.
10. You will remain in my love if you keep my commandments, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and remain in his love.
11. I have told you all this, that my own joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Welcoming Event on April 4th

Title: 4/4 復活節迎新見証大會/ Easter Welcoming Event on April 4th

在一年的諸多節慶中, 復活節是最特別的一個, 因為在這天, 我們慶祝耶穌的死而復活. 雖然我們的肉身現在無法死而復活, 但每一個人的生命中, 都有一些大大小小重生的經驗. 您可曾與人分享,遇到主耶穌後所得到的新生命? 尤其分享給你身邊還不認識耶穌的親朋好友們聽? 請敬邀他們來參加今年復活節迎新見証大會:
11:30 - 12:00 接待
12:00 - 01:00 午餐招待
01:00 - 02:30 音樂,見證,分享(有幼兒看顧) 
03:00 - 04:30 復活節彌撒
04:30 - 05:00 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕
彌撒後,可在川廊報名, 或3/29週一以前致電江行武/陳海霞 (408-257-4235)或電郵friends@sjccc.org報名.
我們也需要十位教友, 每人捐助$100贊助活動費用. 請與李二民 (408-736-2228) 聯絡.

 Among all holidays and feast days, Easter is the most special one.  On this day, we celebrate that Jesus is risen from the dead.  Even though our bodies have not experienced resurrection yet, we all have experienced some kind of rebirth experience sometime in our life.  Have you ever shared your experience of a new life because you encountered Jesus with someone, especially with those around you but haven’t joined our Catholic family yet?  Please invite them to our Easter Welcoming Event on April 4th:

11:30 - 12:00 Check in and social time
12:00 - 01:00 Lunch
01:00 - 02:30 Music, testimony, sharing (childcare is provided) 
03:00 - 04:30 Mass
04:30 - 05:00 Egg hunting and cake

God bless!

主席團 /Chair board

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Prayer Request: Council Re-election

格林多前書 第十二章
1. 神恩雖有區別,郤是同一的聖神所賜; 
2. 職份雖有區別,郤是同一的主所賜; 
3. 功效雖有區別,郤是同一的天主,在一切人身上行一切事。 
4. 聖神顯示在每人身上雖不同,但全是為人的好處。 
5. 可是,這一切都是這唯一而同一的聖神所行的,隨衪的心願,個別分配與人。 
1. 就如身體只是一個,郤有許多肢體;身體所有的肢體雖多,仍是一個身體:基督也是這樣。 
2. 因為我們眾人,不論是猶太人,或是希臘人,或是為奴的,或是自主的,都因一個聖神受了洗,成為一個身體,又都為一個聖神所滋潤。 
3. 原來身體不只有一個肢體,而是有許多
4. 如果腳說:「我既然不是手,便不屬於身體;」它並不因此就不屬於身體。
5. 如果耳說:「我既然不是眼,便不屬於身體;」它並不因此不屬於身體。
6. 若全身是眼,哪裡有聽覺﹖若全身是聽覺,哪裡有嗅覺﹖ 
7. 但如今天主卻按自己的意思, 把肢體個個都安排在身體上了。 
8. 假使全都是一個肢體,哪裡還算身體呢﹖ 
9. 但如今肢體雖多,身體卻是一個。
10. 眼不能對手說:「我不需要你;」同樣,頭也不能對腳說:「我不需要你們。」 
11. 不但如此,而且那些似乎是身體上比較軟弱的肢體,卻更為重要, 
12. 並且那些我們以為是身體上比較欠尊貴的肢體,我們就越發加上尊貴的裝飾,我們不端雅的肢體,就越發顯得端雅。 
13. 至於我們端雅的肢體,就無需裝飾了。 天主這樣配置了身體,對那缺欠的,賜以加倍的尊貴, 
14. 免得在身體內發生分裂,反使各肢體彼此互相關照。 
15. 若是一個肢體受苦,所有的肢體都一同受苦, 若是一個肢體蒙受尊榮, 所有的肢體都一同歡樂
16. 你們便是基督的身體,各自都是肢體。
第十章   16-17
1. 我們所祝福的那祝福之杯,豈不是共結合於基督的血嗎﹖我們所擘開的餅,豈不是共結合於基督的身體嗎﹖   
2. 因為餅只是一個,我們雖多,只是一個身體,因為我們眾人都共享這一個餅。 

· 對我们每一個人的特有才華,在同工服事,一起建立團體時,格前十二,4~6,提醒我們應有什麼樣的認識?這種認識又給我們在實際同工時有什麼樣的省思?
· 請就格前十二,14~27,給你的感動,分享在教會中服事的態度,若能分享具體的個案更好。
· 格前十,17,及格前十二,11~13教導我們在同工服事中,什麼是合一的基礎。
· 讀格前十,16~17,你能體會出在教會服事中,為了合一及成為福音性的見証團體,什麼樣的情況會發生…?
1. 基督的血…
2. 基督的體…

羅馬人書 第十二章
1. 所以弟兄們! 我以天主的仁慈請求你們, 獻上你們的身體當作生活、聖潔和悅樂天主的祭品:這才是你們合理的敬禮。 
2. 你們不可與此世同化,反而應以新的心思變化自己,為使你們能辨別什麼是天主的旨意, 什麼是善事, 什麼是悅樂天主的事,什麼是成全的事。 
3. 我因所賜給我的聖寵, 告訴你們每一位:不可把自己估計得太高,而過了份;但應按照天主所分與各人的信德尺度,估計得適中。 
4. 就如我們在一個身體上有許多肢體,但每個肢體,都有不同的作用; 
5. 同樣,我們眾人在基督內,也都是一個身體, 彼此之間,每個都是肢體。 
6. 按我們各人所受的聖寵,各有不同的恩賜:如果是說預言,就應與信德相符合; 
7. 如果是服務,就應用在服務上;如果是教導,就應用在教導上; 
8. 如果是勸勉,就應用在勸勉上;施與的,應該大方;監督的,應該殷勤;行慈善的,應該和顏悅色。
· 讀這段經文,你能舉出一些現象發生在我們教會及團體中的肢體嗎?
· 當我們共同恊力建立團體時,保祿提醒我們應’擁有’或’避免’ 那些事情或態度?
· 在你的小組中,你能寫出每位兄弟姊妹的恩賜嗎?包括你自己的恩賜。你覺得這些恩賜,如何能整合在一起去建立基督奥體?(請寫在一張纸上,然後分享。)
· 對於下一任SJCCC的核心同工(主席,副主席),你覺得應是賦有何種恩賜的肢體能最适合團體的建立?(請寫在一張纸上,然後逐一討論。)
厄弗所書 第四章
1. 所以我在這主內為囚犯的懇求你們,行動務要與你們所受的寵召相稱, 
2. 凡事要謙遜、溫和、忍耐,在愛德中彼此擔待, 
3. 盡力以和平的聯繫, 保持心神的合一, 
4. 因為只有一個身體和一個聖神,正如你們蒙召,同有一個希望一樣。 
5. 只有一個主,一個信德 ,一個洗禮; 
6. 只有一個天主和眾人之父,他超越眾人,貫通眾人,且在眾人之內。 
7. 但我們個人所領受的恩寵,卻是按照基督賜恩的尺度。 
8. 為此經上說:『祂帶領俘虜,升上高天,且把恩惠賜與人。』 
9. 說祂上升了,豈不是說祂曾下降到地下嗎? 
10. 那下降的,正是上升超乎諸天之上,以充滿萬有的那一位,
11. 就是祂賜與這些人作宗徒,那些人作先知,有的作傳福音者,有的作司牧和教師, 
12. 為成全聖徒,使之各盡其職;為建樹基督的身體, 
13. 直到我們眾人都達到對於天主子,有一致的信仰和認識,成為成年人,達到基督圓滿年齡的程度; 
14. 使我們不再作小孩子,為各種教義之風所飄盪,所捲去,而中了人的陰謀,陷於引入荒謬的詭計; 
15. 反而在愛德中持守真理,在各方面長進,而歸於那為元首的基督, 
16. 本著祂,全身都結構緊湊,藉著各關節的互相補助,按照各肢體的功用,各盡其職,使身體不斷增長,在愛德中將它建立起來。
· 弗四,4,12,16,都提到基督奥體,這三處經文,在同工建立基督奥體的事工上,給你什麼樣的啟示?
· 弗四,11~16,讀完後請用你自己的話去描述信仰團體的主要宗旨(purpose)是什麼?
· 弗四,2,5,6,都提到”愛”,你有何經驗?請描述一下基督奥體的愛有何特質?你以為每個肢體在發揮自己的才華共同建立這奧體時應避免什麼?
若望福音 第十五章
1. 「我是真葡萄樹,我父是園丁。 
2. 凡在我身上不結實的枝條,他便剪掉;凡結實的,他就清理,使他結更多的果實; 
3. 你們因我對你們所講的話,已是清潔的了。 
4. 你們住在我內,我也住在你們內。正如枝條若不留在葡萄樹上,憑自己不能結實;你們若不住在我內,也一無所能。 
5. 我是葡萄樹,你們是枝條;那住在我內,我也住在他內的,他就結許多的果實,因為離了我,你們什麼也不能做。 
6. 誰若不住在我內,便彷彿枝條,丟在外面而枯乾了,人便把它拾起來,投入火中焚燒。 
7. 你們如果住在我內,而我的話也存在你們內,如此,你們願意什麼,求罷! 必給你們成就。 
8. 我父受光榮,即在於你們多結果實,如此你們就成為我的門徒。 
9. 正如父愛了我,同樣我也愛了你們;你們應存在我的愛內。 
10. 如果你們遵守我的命令, 便存在我的愛內,如我遵守了我父的命令而存在他的愛內一樣。 
11. 我對你們講論了這些事,為使我的喜樂存在你們內,使你們的喜樂圓滿無缺。 」 

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Joe Pang's funeral announcement

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

永光照之 息止安所

潘登科弟兄(Joe Pang) 已於三月十三日在舊金山去世.  他的家人已經安排妥葬禮及前夕誦禱 

St. Cecillia Church, 2555 17th Ave, San Francisco

Vigil on March 21, 2010 at 7:00PM

Funeral Mass on March 22, 2010, at 11:00AM

潘弟兄曾經在聖城通訊2008年8月寫過一篇 “父親節感言:潘貞瑋的故事”

以及接受採訪有關他的事蹟, 著作(“Daddy! It’s a New Kite”) 和使命 特別是他在推動
Joanne Pang基金會 ( 和UCSF 合作臍帶血庫(Cord Blood Bank)事宜

請為潘弟兄的靈魂安息祈禱,  並祈求天主安慰他的家人

SJCCC Chair Board

Monday, March 8, 2010

3/11 7pm SJCCC Council meeting at room #5

Dear SJCCC members,

Everyone is welcome to join our March council meeing at 7pm on Thur. 3/11 at room #5.  Following is the meeting agenda:

1. Prayer/faith sharing (everyone)
2. 6/26 Rely for Life - need community support (Rae)
3. 5/29-30 Family Camp (Sophie and Madeline)
4. Triduum and Easter services (Angie and TienChia)
5. 4/4 Welcoming event (Yvonne)
6. Chair and Vice-chair election update (Kam)
7. Sacred Heart School signature transfer (Ah Khong)
8. Malatesta Program and fund raising (George)
9. Fr. O's time

God bless!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Lunch with Sr. Lin 3/3 at St. Joseph of Cupertino

Hi Everyone, 大家好:

We will have lunch with Sr. Lin on March/03, Wednesday 12:30pm at St. Joseph Cupertino Community Center.
Please bring your favorite dish to share with Sr. Lin, and please try to come early because we don't want to make her hungry from waiting.

歡迎和林修女共進午餐 Pot- luck with Sister Lin
時間: 3月3日 12:30pm
地點: 聖若瑟庫泊蒂諾 St. Joseph of Cupertino Community Center

Margarita / 劉明毅 & Chairboard