Just a reminder for some community activities in the up coming weeks:
1. 聖荷西教區 將於April 26, 12:00 noon, 至 April 28 (Tuesday) 7:00 pm 在 Carmelite Monastery of the Infant Jesus, 1000 Lincoln Ave. Santa Clara, 舉行明供聖體 歡迎教友 到川堂登記陪聖體的時段 若有疑問 也歡迎去問;
2. The Charismatic Prayer Group will hold the 3rd prayer session (心靈醫治與神恩運用研討會) on 4/25 (Sat) from 1:00 pm until 9:30 pm at the Saint Clare Church North Hall for all who are interested in Jesus' healing. Please call (408) 258-1524 for registration;
3. Bishop Ignatius Wang will celebrate his 50 Ordination, as well as his Retirement on May 16th. The Chinese communities of the San Francisco Dioceses will host a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday, May 16, 4:30pm followed by buffet dinner at 6:00pm in downstairs. Please call Ella at 415-614-5574, and indicate you are from the San Jose community. They will try to accommodate all our parishioners at the same table.
4. Cross Radio: The only Chinese speaking Catholic radio station in Bay Area will host the 10th Anniversary fund raising dinner at the St. Anne church on April 25, 5:00pm. Please call (415)614-5574 for ticket reservation.
Bishop Ignatius Wang will celebrate his 50 Ordination, as well as his Retirement on May 16th. The Chinese communities of the San Francisco Dioceses will host a Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Saturday, May 16, 4:30pm followed by buffet dinner at 6:00pm in downstairs.
Please be noticed that this is not a fund raising activity, the ticket is $30 per person. They choose to have dinner at the hall instead of going to a restaurant simply to give more chance for socializing. The hall can house 500 people but they prefer to have 450 for the sake of more space. It will be a first come first serve program. If anyone from our community wants to purchase tickets, please call Ella at 415-614-5574, and indicate you are from the San Jose community. They will try to accommodate all our parishioners together at the same table.
God Bless, SJCCC Chair Board
-- This email is being sent to <blessed-family.sjccc@blogger.com> as part of the SJCCC Member eNews. We thank you to be part of our big family.
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In the second seminar of ¤ßÆFÂåªv»P¯«®¦¹B¥Î¬ã°Q·| on 3/14, our Lord's love has touched many participants. The Charismatic Prayer Group would like to hold the 3rd prayer session (¤ßÆFÂåªv»P¯«®¦¹B¥Î¬ã°Q·|) on 4/25 (Sat) from 1:00 PM for all who are interested in Jesus' healing. Please refer to the attached flyer for more information.
God Bless, SJCCC Chair Board
-- This email is being sent to <blessed-family.sjccc@blogger.com> as part of the SJCCC Member eNews. We thank you to be part of our big family.
If you got this message in error, you can visit http://www.sjccc.org/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/u/sjcccnews/ to unsubscribe. If you have any trouble or suggestions, please feel free to contact us by emailing: sjccc@sjccc.org, or at: SJCCC - San Jose Chinese Catholic Community, St Clare Parish, 941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050
Dear brothers and sisters, Peace to you and your family! Thank you for your prayers and your participation, over 250 people attended the Easter Event, including about 50 non-Catholics ("new friends"). Praise God for the blessing and for answering our prayers! Also, thanks to so many people who helped made the event a wonderful experience, as well as those who contributed the funding.
This event is just the beginning of the evangelization effort. We need to continue to pray, to care about those non-Catholics around us, as well as continue to invite these and other friends to join us. Therefore, the Evangelization Team has arranged a series of "Come & See" activities. The first one is "Church Tour" -- every church is unique and has a story behind it. Did you know our church is a historic site? When you go into a church, how do you recognize that she is a Catholic church? Why are there so many statues of Saints in Catholic churches? Are you curious? Most non-Catholics would be interested also! Please invite and bring them to the church after Mass on 4/19 for this special guided tour 4:15-5:35pm. See flyer: http://www.sjccc.org/download/09-04-ET-church-tour.doc
On 4/26, after Mass (4:15-5:35), we will have another special activity for non-Catholics at the lower church. Details to be announced soon.
Please continue to pray and support, thank you for your work for Christ and for the community. May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold! SJCCC Evangelization Team PS: Here are the pictures from the Easter Event, please share with your friends as a way to invite them back for the Church Tour: http://picasaweb.google.com/SJCCC1/
In the April council meeting of last week, the school principle, Kathy Almazol delivered a severe warning message in a polite way for our usage of the school premises, that we must use them with responsibility. She uses an analogy that we ought to protect the facilities just like the way we protect our own home. In the past, we have received warnings of security violation several times, but nothing is more serious than this one. The main gate of building A was wedged by a cloth and left open after the Sunday school until the next morning. The back door to the restroom near the kindergarten classroom also remained unlocked. Taking the opportunity of meeting with the council members, she also mentioned several violations in the past, including cases of opening windows, unlocked doors, and switched on light. Some of them occurred after the Saturday night programs. While there is no easy way to prevent the problem, the council meeting has agreed to enforce the following guidelines to alleviate its' occurrence:
We will enforce individual accountability to use the facility;
Everyone who holds a key either to the church, the parish hall, or any other school facility must register to the chair board.
For those who no longer carry community functions must turn in his/her key;
Every program conducted at parish premises must pre-register with the chair board, as well as, the Parish office, regardless it is a one time or recurring activities;
Every activity sponsor, including a CM and Chinese school teacher, a workshop coordinator, or a program leader, who checks into a facility, is responsible to maintain the property in the original state when checks out;
Every Sunday, all school activities must finish before 5:45 pm, so that a volunteer parent, served as a security supervisor, will perform a final check to all facilities. Any exception to this requirement must communicate with the on-duty security supervisor ahead of time. The program sponsor will then assume the ultimate responsibility;
Any one, who breaches the above-mentioned rules, will be suspended from the usage of the facilities in the future.
It is unfortunate that we have to stipulate this kind of harsh rules, but consider the privilege which we have received from the Parish, a small sacrifice to a little personal inconvenience can benefit the entire community in the long run. Your understanding and cooperation is appreciated.
Please return the attached facility registration form and/or the key ownership registration form to the chair board no later than April 30, 2009.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We know that everyone is working hard in prayer and inviting friends and family to the Easter Event, please continue to pray and invite "new-friends" to join us. We would also like to remind everyone:
1) The lunch will be free so we can maximize the invitation, but everyone needs to be included in the RSVP, (Irene 408-216-9848), including SJCCC members and new friends, so we can arrange lunch, child care, facilities, and activities. Please encourage all group members to RSVP asap. 2) After Easter, the Evangelization Team has designed a series of activities for the 'new friends.' The first event is "Church Tour" at 4:15 on 4/19 after Mass, see flyer: http://www.sjccc.org/download/09-04-ET-church-tour.doc
Please continue to pray, support, and host the new friends. Thank you very much!
May the Lord bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundredfold. SJCCC Evangelization Team
SJCCC Member eNews wrote: > Dear brothers and sisters, > Peace and Joy to you and your family! > > 1. All of us have been praying for the upcoming Easter Event on 4/12. This year, we will celebrate with lunch, exciting sharing from the recently baptized, praising from Choir, childcare with games, as well as egg hunt and cakes after Mass. > 11:30 - 12:00 PM 接待 - Registration > 12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待 - Lunch > 01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享,童玩活動 - Sharing (with Childcare) > 03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒(感恩禮) - Mass > 04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕 - Egg Hunt and Cake > > 2. Now, it's time to follow the Holy Spirit and invite friends and family, especially those who are not yet Catholics, to join us. Here are 3 versions of the flyers that you can download and use: > 簡體中文: http://www.sjccc.org/et/messages/09-03-ET-Easter-Invitation-Simplified.pdf > 繁體中文: http://www.sjccc.org/et/messages/09-03-ET-Easter-Invitation-Traditional.pdf > 英文標題 (great for posting): http://www.sjccc.org/et/messages/09-03-ET-Easter-Invitation-English.pdf > > 3. To best prepare for the lunch, the activities, and childcare, we urge you to follow up and get RSVP to 湯明昭 or 陳惠群 by Monday 4/6. Please feel free to contact Tony Fu if there are any questions or issues. > > Thank you for your work for Christ and our Community! > > May God bless you and your family always, > Chair Board > > > >
These are pictures for Saturday's Chin-Ming Mass for your records. The 200 copies handout which Margarita 劉明毅 prepared are not enough for all the attended people.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, We know that everyone is working hard in prayer and inviting friends and family to the Easter Event, we would like to remind everyone:
Everyone needs to be included in the RSVP, (Irene 408-216-9848), including SJCCC members and new friends, so we can arrange lunch, child care, facilities, and activities. Please encourage all group members to RSVP asap.
The lunch will be free so we can maximize the invitation. We would like at least 10 families to offer $100 for this evangelization activity. (Tony 408-318-7403)
After Easter, the Evangelization Team has designed a series of activities for the 'new friends.' Details will be announces shortly, please continue to pray, support, and host the new friends.
May the Lord bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundredfold. SJCCC Evangelization Team
SJCCC Member eNews wrote:
Dear brothers and sisters, Peace and Joy to you and your family!
1. All of us have been praying for the upcoming Easter Event on 4/12. This year, we will celebrate with lunch, exciting sharing from the recently baptized, praising from Choir, childcare with games, as well as egg hunt and cakes after Mass. 11:30 - 12:00 PM 接待 - Registration 12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待 - Lunch 01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享,童玩活動 - Sharing (with Childcare) 03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒(感恩禮) - Mass 04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕 - Egg Hunt and Cake
3. To best prepare for the lunch, the activities, and childcare, we urge you to follow up and get RSVP to 湯明昭 at 408-216-9848 or 陳惠群 at 408-272-4975 by Monday 4/6. Please feel free to contact Tony Fu (408-318-7403) if there are any questions or issues.
Thank you for your work for Christ and our Community!
May God bless you and your family always, Chair Board
Due to time conflict with the busy schedule of Holy Thursday, the April council meeting will be held on April 8, Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Here is the meeting agenda:
1) Status report of the Easter evangelization program; 2) Copy machine replacement plan and budget; 3) Financial status report; 4) Fr. Olivera 25th anniversary celebration plan; 5) SJCCC bylaw amendment;
Dear brothers and sisters of the Evangelization team, Peace and joy to you on this April fool's day. I am a fool for Christ, whom are you a fool for?
The core group has prayed and decided the group name to be "Come and See!" 來看看吧! This group will accompany "new friends" in their pre-RCIA journey, we will meet weekly after Mass after Easter, please be prepared to bring new friends and join us in singing, sharing, and prayers! (我們會在復活節起,彌撒後,每月三次,以歌聲,分享,與祈禱來陪伴新朋友們,請各位帶朋友一起來參與)
復活節前 "來看看吧!" 培訓
Time Friday 4/3 at 7:30pm-9:30pm, please arrive a little early The location: Rectory Conference Room Themes/Sharing: - 發掘我的特色: FangFang Praise & Prayer: FangFang Snack & Host: Joseph Tang
Dear brothers and sisters, Peace and joy to you and your family!
I am not sure if it's my imagination, last 2-3 weeks have been extremely quiet for me in the job front, but things seems to start picking up again this week, seems like there are more (relevant) job postings and more responses. I have re-posted over 10 referral jobs in the Job Forum this week already, please check them out, and feel free to refer to others in need: http://www.sjccc.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=4
Please refer to Cris' email regarding the schedule, so there is no gathering this week.