Wednesday, September 26, 2007

SJCCC Evangelization Team invites you to our booth at Moon Festival Silicon Valley on 9/29 and 9/30 - Kerching

Dear 20/20 Evangelization Team supporters,
We hope you had a happy Moon Festival!

This weekend SJCCC will have a booth at MFSV in Cupertino Memorial Park at the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and Mary Ave.
You are invited to join us (again) or drop by. The following is a volunteer information package for your reference.

ET booth map 2007 MFSV (map showing location of our booths B1 & B2)
ET guide (orientation for volunteers)

ET record (form to record info of our new friends)
ET flyer 1 (evangelization flyer)

ET flyer 2 (evangelization flyer)
After MFSV, we will invite all our new friends to a "Welcome Party" which will include testmonies by community members like you.
Everything we've received including our lives is a free gift from God. How we received, so shall we give, just as Choir CD track 9 suggests.
Thank you for your prayer and support. Please kindly forward this email to members in your cell group.

SJCCC Evangelization Team

We are sorry for the duplicacy if you have already received this info.
To see our photos, please visit
To see our report, please visit

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