Friday, September 7, 2007

SJCCC Council Meeting notice/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The September council meeting will be held on Sept. 13, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Here is the agenda:

1) Special visitor, Patrick Schneider the Chairman of Pastoral Council from St. Clare parish. He will share the pastoral plan of St. Clare with us. Hosted by Eugene Lee (15 min);
2) Status report for the process of recruiting Fr. Koo's successor, Ken Wang (20 min);
3) The three year plan for the faith formation program, Ana Tsai (30 min);
4) Status report for the pastoral meeting with Sr. Pat, Li-peng Chou (10 min);
5) Reports from the study group of the organizational restructure committee, Cris Chen (15 min);
6) Preparation for the Advent retreat of this year, Ana Tsai (15 min);

Please arrive on time, we plan to finish the meeting in two hours.

In Christ,

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