If you missed Saturday's talk or want to hear her again, this Saturday's retreat is her last appearance in the US. She most likely won't be back until another 3 years. Ken has already signed up to go.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Lighthouse: Sister Yueh on 10/6 - Jenny
If you missed Saturday's talk or want to hear her again, this Saturday's retreat is her last appearance in the US. She most likely won't be back until another 3 years. Ken has already signed up to go.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Lighthouse: Need your support/Jade
Here are two funds raising related activities that I sincerely hope you can consider some amounts of participation:
(1) 2008 Holy Land Calendar, see http://epaper.ccreadbible.org/epaper/Activity/070719/2008calenderDM2.htm
It costs $20 per set including one large wall calendar and one desk calendar. Both can be great Xmas gifts to family and friends. All the sales of calendars will support the daily operations of John Duns Scotus Bible Reading Promotion Center ( http://www.ccreadbible.org/).
The Center's primary mission is to promote reading bible among Greater Chinese community. It has also invested quite amount of effort in introducing/promoting other ways of experience to deepen our Christian faith, such as retreats, pilgrimages, small group sharing, bible camps and many other more. I personally benefit A LOT from reading its weekly newsletter and I encourage each you to sign up via its website. Here I am also enclosing a touchy article, posted in this week's newsletter, about the signs of Faith, the signs of Heaven, and the signs of true Life http://epaper.ccreadbible.org/epaper/page_200/175/horarum19.htm
(2) Funds raising for Inter Friendship House Association (IFHA) at Berkeley: the campaign goal is $75K to respond the need for the next three fiscal years.
IFHA is a non-profit organization aims to serve scholars and students from China who study/research at UC Berkeley, UCLA and USC. Its the IFHA's hope that through the received care, support and friendship while study abroad, the individual will eventually become the source of support to his/her own community back in China. The IFHA allocates resources to assist its members' living in US campus, such as affordable housing and occasional transportation. Please see http://www.fuyoucenter.org/Berkeley.htm and the attached pledge card for more information. I will also bring you copies of DVD made for the funds raising and the IFHA brochures to our regular gathering on Saturday. All donations are tax deductible. If you are willing to make any amount of donation, please fill in the form and give it back to me for records.
Thank you for considering any kind of support. I'd be very happy to answer questions or to address concerns you may have.
Peace & Joy.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Advent Weekend Retreat Information/Maria + Cris
Subject: Advent Weekend Retreat Information
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
One day silent retreat on Oct. 6/Li-Peng
Happy Moon Festival - Chinese Catholic Friends/KerChing
在 異鄉過中秋節,可以吃到應節的月餅,看到又圓又大的月亮,但是難免少了過節的氣氛。人潮?對了,人潮!也許同胞多一點的地方,可以感染一些過節的情緒,可 以回味一些兒過往的舊夢。就是這個週末,在Cupertino 的 Memorial Park 有中秋節遊園會,有吃有玩有表演,有小朋友的活動,有我們等您!
天主教的攤位將設立在遊園會裡,當天有十五年歌唱經驗的聖詠團,九月初才出版的CD,專誠致送,歡迎您帶回家欣賞。請來吧,9月29、30日兩天的上午10:00到下午5:00,我們都在。如果您約朋友同來,這 Cupertino Memorial Park,就在 Stevens Creek Blvd 旁, De Anza College的對面。請參考網站 www.themoonfestival.org
灣區天主教網頁: [聖荷西華人天主教會] [中半島華人天主教會] [費利蒙天主教華人團體] [聯合市天主教華人團體]
其他天主教網頁: [天主教資訊小集] [天主教亞洲真理電台] [香港天主教教友總會]
舊金山灣區綜合聯絡電話: (408)983-0211
SJCCC Evangelization Team invites you to our booth at Moon Festival Silicon Valley on 9/29 and 9/30 - Kerching
This weekend SJCCC will have a booth at MFSV in Cupertino Memorial Park at the intersection of Stevens Creek Blvd and Mary Ave.
ET booth map 2007 MFSV (map showing location of our booths B1 & B2)
ET record (form to record info of our new friends)
ET flyer 2 (evangelization flyer)
SJCCC Evangelization Team
To see our photos, please visit http://picasaweb.google.com/kerching94303/ET2007NCCAF
To see our report, please visit http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=dgpfr6nh_0fzr5mg&hl=en
Sunday, September 23, 2007
SJCCC-ET meeting summary / Kerching
2. Working together with other 20/20 teams
3. Promotion of evangelization in cell groups
We will continue to discern through prayer and signs around us.
Thanks be to God.
P.S. Let's equip ourselves and get ready to fight the good fight of faith together!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Q&A for 8Week lenten prayer & Advent retreat followup - Sept 23 after Mass/Ana Tsai
In Sept.13's council meeting, we decided to have a separate meeting to promote and discuss the subject regarding the facilitators training for 8week Lenten prayer. Can you please make sure there is a representative from your faith sharing if you can not come? would you please read the attached files before you come to the meeting, then we can save some time in the meeting. thanks!
BTW, we also have a session for advent retreat follow up, if you have any questions, please bring it up at that time. thank you for your effort in coordinating the advent retreat.
The files attached are:
8week Lenten Prayer outline: describe the objective and content of the 8week prayer. (By trainer)
Facilitators Training outline : provide info such as :date, place.... (By Ana)
Date: 4:30 pm, Sept. 23.
Place: Room #6
4:30-5:15 Q&A on the 8week Lenten prayer
5:15-5:45 Q&A on the advent retreat.
See you in the meeting and God's blessing always with you!
In Christ,
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Bone Marrow Drive/Jean Hui
Our friend's newborn baby Jonah is in dire condition and is desperately looking for a
bone marrow donor.
They have setup national-wide bone marrow donor registration session.
There is one coming up at Santa Clara:
Date: September 23, Sunday
Time: 8:30am - 1:30pm
Great Exchange
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara
5101 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
If you are willing or if you know any Asian/Chinese who may be interested,
please show up at the place above. For more information about our
friend's condition, please visit this website:
Please feel free to pass on this message. Thanks
Dear Friends:
My friend's son is in dire condition and is desperately looking for a
bone marrow donor.
They have setup national-wide bone marrow donor registration session.
There is one
coming up at Santa Clara:
Date: September 23, Sunday
Time: 8:30am - 1:30pm
Great Exchange
Hyatt Regency Santa Clara
5101 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
If you are willing or if you know any one/group who may be interested,
please show up at the place above. For more information about my
friend's condition, please visit this website:
Please feel free to pass on this message. Thanks
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The survey form of our new chaplain/Li-Peng
5 Key Questions at a Time of Transition:
過 渡 時 期 五 個 重 要 問 題 :
- What do we need to keep?
什 麼 是 我 們 應 該 保 留 的 東 西 ?
- What do we need to let go of ?
什 麼 是 我 們 應 該 放 棄 的 東 西 ?
- What do we need to develop, begin, create for the future?
在 未 來,什 麼 是 我 們 應 該 發 展,開 始,或 創 建 的 東 西 ?
- What gifts, qualities, talents do we need in a chaplain to help us move toward our vision?
指 導 神 師 應 具 備 什 麼 樣 的 才 能,品 質,與 天 份 來 幫 助 我 們 達 成 願 景 ?
- What gifts, qualities, talents do the people of this community bring to such a process?
在 過 程 中,團 體 成 員 應 貢 獻 什 麼 樣 的 才 能,品 質,與 天 份 ?
General Expectations of International Clergy Seeking Assignment in the Diocese of San Jose:
- Up to a 5 year commitment to the Diocese of San Jose
- Bilingual Mandarin-English as a minimum, trilingual Mandarin-Cantonese-English preferred
- In good standing with his diocese and/or religious community with current faculties for ministry
- Complete the attached “Protocol for Priest Applying to the Diocese of San Jose”
Announcements of recent activities from the SJCCC Chair Board/Li-Peng
- Two events sponsored by the Evangelical team;
- The retreat for the Advent of this year, sponsored by the "Faith is our foundation" team;
- A survey and examination for the requirements of our new chaplain;
我們團體將在九月二十九日與三十日位於Cupertino Memorial Park舉行的『中秋園遊會』擺設『福傳小站』,介紹我們的信仰、我們的團體、和我們的大公教會。歡迎您踴躍到穿廊報名,加入我們志工的行列。每個時段時間不長,只有兩個半小時。我們非常需要您的參與,也預祝您中秋節快樂。
今年我們很榮幸請到了輔大神學院聖經學教授林思川神父為我們帶領3天的避静,時間是11月16日至18日。主題是:”跟随基督,成為使徒,與基督為王”。即日起,請向各區長或所屬的信仰小組負責人報名繳費。由於名額有限,報名請速!這是一次整個週末全部守靜默的避靜,所有參加的人必須在星期五晚上七點半前進住避靜院。本次避靜不接受通勤,為了得到更大的神益,避靜! 前参加者至少須讀若望福音兩次。
Monday, September 10, 2007
Workshop announcements/Li-Peng
地點 :St Claire, Parish Hall (Main Hall)
12/8-15/2007: 日常生活神操 地點:Fremont 某教友家,每天與神父談話45分鐘
1/4-13/2008: 八天聖依納爵神操避靜 地點:Los Altos 耶穌會避靜中心
4/11-20/2008: 八天聖依納爵神操避靜 地點:Los Altos 耶穌會避靜中心
Friday, September 7, 2007
SJCCC Council Meeting notice/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The September council meeting will be held on Sept. 13, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Here is the agenda:
1) Special visitor, Patrick Schneider the Chairman of Pastoral Council from St. Clare parish. He will share the pastoral plan of St. Clare with us. Hosted by Eugene Lee (15 min);
2) Status report for the process of recruiting Fr. Koo's successor, Ken Wang (20 min);
3) The three year plan for the faith formation program, Ana Tsai (30 min);
4) Status report for the pastoral meeting with Sr. Pat, Li-peng Chou (10 min);
5) Reports from the study group of the organizational restructure committee, Cris Chen (15 min);
6) Preparation for the Advent retreat of this year, Ana Tsai (15 min);
Please arrive on time, we plan to finish the meeting in two hours.
In Christ,
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Save the Date! Liturgy Wkshop and Worship Nite- Sat Sept 8th/Joanne
Monday, September 3, 2007
Supporting the feast day of patron saint in St. Joseph church on Sept. 16/Li-Peng
> Dear All,
> The St. Joseph church in Cupertino will celebrate
> her annual feast day
> of patron saint on the Sunday of Sept. 16. Many of
> the SJCCC members in
> west region are also parishioners of St. Joseph. The
> pastoral associate
> has invited Margarita and our members in the west
> region to join this
> celebration event. SJCCC, as a whole, has committed
> to offer three big
> trays of food for the party. I was informed but not
> sure that whether
> individuals are encouraged to offer additional
> supports to the party.
> Since many of us have received many generous
> supports from both Fr. Kimm
> and the St. Joseph church either personally or in
> group. This is a good
> time for us to show our gratitude to their
> hospitality. I and Margarita
> will definitely be there to represent SJCCC. I also
> expect every
> subgroup in the west region should have some people
> to participate.
> Please encourage your group members to attend this
> meaningful event. The
> feast will be held after the 11 o'clock mass on the
> Sunday of Sept. 16.
> In Christ,
> Li-peng
> P.S. Helena, please distribute this invitation to
> the leaders of all
> subgroups in the west region. Thanks.
Re: Feasibility Study team of an English group/Li-Peng
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Watermark Youth: Praise Night!
WHAT: Praise Night!
WHO: featuring your very own Watermark Praise Band -- everyone is invited and more than welcome to join us! New or old Watermark members, your parents and family, your friends, Catholic or not! The more the merrier!
WHEN: Saturday, September 8 from 8-10 PM
WHERE: the upstairs church at St. Clare's
WHY: to worship and praise God through music! to enjoy the company of fantastic people! to meet new people! the reasons are endless!
Even if you don't know very many people, you aren't familiar with music, or you are "busy with work", come!! It will be full of fun, good music, and spiritual goodness!
We look forward to seeing you all there!!