Today is Catichetical Sunday. It's also the first day of our CM program. During today's UNION Mass, there will be Teachers' Commissioning. After Mass at downstair Church, CM parents will have the back-to-school meeting. Praise Lord for all His endless love and blessings.
Here are highlights of this week at
- Sacred Heart School CM program START TODAY: 聖心學校道理班今天 (9/16) 開學,彌撒後请到樓下教堂參加家長會。請自己下載打印教室圖及行事歷
- 與主一日遊: 9/27 (Thur) 9:30AM – 8PM 由甘國棟神父陪伴指導,請來聆聽衪的聲音。
- Moon Festival Celebraton: 中秋節慶 9/292012 (Sat) 5PM - 10PM at St Clare's Parish - Rectory Court Yard.
- Fr.Michel Marcil 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Celebration: 滿而溢神父晉鐸五十週年慶 10/7 (Sun)
- 主日彌撒酒餅奉獻網上登記 Sunday Mass Offering Online sign up sheet
- Community Service Ad 社區服務小廣告:
- Scrip Gift Cards Fundraising Program: 請預購禮券再買菜 - 现提供網絡登記
- Picture Album & Video Clips 團體影視:
9/9/12 New中文學校開學家長會
9/9/12 NewWM Core Team Preseason
Retreat 9/8/12 New
- 聖城通訊 Holy City Magazine 第278期 / 2012年 常年期(二):
- 回歸聖言 福傳與信徒們彼此關係的四個特徵 活水編譯小組提供
- 共融共享 聖荷西市溯源 / 合作
- 共融共享 慶祝復活節晚會 / 惠群
- 本周更新 Update of This Week -常年期第二十四主日 (24th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
- 主日讀經: 依 Is 50:4-9 雅Jm 2:14-18 谷Mk 8:27-35
【電子版每週通訊 - Weekly Bulletin】
下週彌撒經文 (9/17/12 – 9/23/12)
9/17 週一 格前 1Co 11:17-26,33 路 Lk 7:1-10
9/18 週二 格前 1Co 12:12-14,27-31 路 Lk 7:11-17
9/19 週三 格前 1Co 12:31-13:13 路 Lk 7:31-35
9/20 週四 格前 1Co 15:1-11 路 Lk 7:36-50
9/21 週五 弗 Ep 4:1-7,11-13 瑪 Mt 9:9-13
9/22 週六 格前 1Co 15:35-37,42-49 路 Lk 8:4-15
9/23 常年期第二十五主日 (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time) 智 Ws 2:17-20 雅 Jm 3:16-4:3 谷 Mk 9:30-37 - STEWARDSHIP REPORT 2012-2013 :
Yearly Goal $171,600
Weekly Goal $3,300
September 9: $2,638.00
Total to date: $28,648.33
Thank you for your generosity - 主日彌撒歌曲单 Sunday Mass Song List
- 9/16/2012 - Sunday Union Mass Songs 本主日聯合彌撒歌曲
- 進堂詠 Entrance Song: 732 Lift High the Cross
- 奉獻詠 Offertory Song: 436 Seek Ye First
- 領主詠 Communion Song: 327 Gift of Finest Wheat
- 退堂詠 Ending Song: 164 God We Praise You
- 主日讀經: 依 Is 50:4-9 雅Jm 2:14-18 谷Mk 8:27-35
- Calendars:
- 神修資訊 Spiritual Resources:
- 每日讀經 Daily Reading
- 十架上七言默思祈禱
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴講習會音像 Joseph Shu's Spiritual Siminars
- 姜有國神父將臨期避靜: 生命的復甦:等待祂的來臨? 【
- 林思川神父四旬期講座錄音(2012 Fremont): Fr. Lin's Lenten Siminar about Euchrist 聖體聖事 【mp3
- 聖城通訊 Holy City Magazine: 第277期 / 2012年 復活期 目錄
- Feedback 反饋意見.
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