We had a wonderful Workshop with Fr. Brendan on Saturday 11/12. Fr. Brendan provided a very informative presentation about the future directions for structure of our community and parishes across the diocese, and he answered many questions from the community. There were also small group discussions where many feedbacks were heard and presented to all attendees.
I am very thankful that about 70 people across different segments of the community attended the workshop. There were people from all geographic areas and age groups including young adults and recently baptized. There were tears, joy, singing; as well as heated remarks and sincere attempts to reconcile; most importantly, there were expressions of hope for our future and desires to move forward to serve the broader Chinese community across the Diocese. I am happy that so many people came and actively participated in this important event.
The presentation (PDF) and pictures are available online. There will be additional communications from the Planning Task Force to summarize the learnings and actions from the workshop. The next step is to formulate our recommendations to our Bishop by the end of the year.
Many people used their talents with loving hearts in the preparation of the workshop, just like the good and faithful servants, they diligently use their talents to serve God's church. I want to thank you very much. Once again, sincere appreciation to the people who came to the workshop, showing their love of the community.
God bless!
Fr. Alberto Olivera
Here are highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
- 11/20 Fr. Siu Celebration: 十一月為蕭見忠神父加入耶穌會三十週年紀念。神父謹定於 11/20 在 St. Clare Church 主日1:30pm粵語彌撒聖祭當中發永願。粵語組亦將於當晚六時假座 紫荊花 舉行晚宴為神父慶祝。歡迎踴躍參加。
- Prayer Request: 請為藍麗櫻的母親祈禱
- Upcoming Seminars & Retreats:
- 11/16 信仰講座: 在生活的點滴中遇見主:姜有國神父 7-10PM SJCCC Parish Hall
- 11/17 信仰講座: 生命的復甦划到深處:姜有國神父 4-10PM Club House of Regency Park
- 11/18-11/20 SJCCC 將臨期避靜 Advent Retreat: 生命的復甦:姜有國神父
- 12/3 中半島將臨期避靜: Fr. Peter Zhai 翟林湧神父
- 生活實用: B型肝炎資訊與免費檢測中文講座 11/17 6:30-8:00PM. 汽車焦點話題 12/4 4-6:30PM
- 12/25 聖誕節慶祝晚會: 彌撒後 - 9:30PM 節目非常的溫馨熱鬧,請大家踴躍購票
- Multimedia: (BETA)
- 我們的教會,天主的教會 Our Church, God's Church: Fr. Brendan Worskshop presentations (PDF) (NEW)
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴 講習會錄音 MP3 (NEW)
- Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (9/18 Mass) and 主永活在我心 (9/25 Mass); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校).
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
Fr. Brendan Workshop
11/12 (NEW)Watermark
Potluck 11/12疏效平弟兄
11/4 屬靈饗宴 (NEW)
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 信友禱辭.
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
- Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期
- Feedback 反饋意見.
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