Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC,
What a wonderful beginning of Advent with celebration of Thanksgiving and 100th Birthday Party for Yang Ma Ma!
Here are highlights of this week at
12/3 中半島將臨期避靜: Fr. Peter Zhai 翟林湧神父
12/4 生活實用: 汽車焦點話題 4-6:30PM
12/25 聖誕節慶祝晚會: 彌撒後 - 9:30PM 節目非常的溫馨熱鬧,請大家踴躍購票
1/1 Sacrament of Children Baptism: 嬰幼兒聖洗聖事, please contact Lucy by 12/15/2011
1/6-1/7 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴: 信主的人必有奇蹟隨著他們。(谷十六17)
Multimedia: (BETA)
Roman Missal, Third Edition music, videos, and references
我們的教會,天主的教會 Our Church, God's Church: Fr. Brendan Worskshop presentations (PDF)
疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴 講習會錄音 MP3
Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (9/18 Mass) and 主永活在我心 (9/25 Mass); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校).
Picture Album 團體相簿:
聚餐分享 11/25 (NEW)
Advent Retreat
Fr. Jiang Spiritual
Seminar 11/16
See website for other news and resources including:
本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 林思川神父彌撒證道 .
Prayer Request: 請為藍麗櫻母親的靈魂, 以及吳萬鈞伯伯的靈魂祈禱(11/26 殯葬彌撒)
Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期
Feedback 反饋意見.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
11/20/2011: SJCCC eNews
Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC,
Every year on this Sunday, the Solemnity of Christ the King, we celebrate a new anniversary of our Catholic Chinese Community in the Diocese of San Jose. This gives us an opportunity to thank God for all the graces that we have received in the past, and also a new opportunity to envision our future with hope. We have received our mission from Jesus and we know that He will continue working between us, for he has said, “I am with you always.” At this time of thanksgiving, it is wonderful to have this intention in our prayers!
From a liturgical point of view, this Sunday has been an important transition in the US Catholic Church. In fact, on this Sunday we have used, for the last time, the English translation of the Mass that we have been using for most of the last 40 years. On next Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, we will be switching to a new translation of the Roman Missal, which follows much more literally to the wording and structure of the original Latin version. We are so thankful to our liturgical coordinators, choir and generous volunteers who have been helping us to see this change as an opportunity to grow in our understanding and love of our Sacred Liturgy.
May the memory of our humble and omnipotent King, our Lord Jesus Christ, help us grow in humility and love, may all of us hear one day his amazing words: “Come you, who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
God bless!
Fr. Alberto Olivera
Here are highlights of this week at
Every year on this Sunday, the Solemnity of Christ the King, we celebrate a new anniversary of our Catholic Chinese Community in the Diocese of San Jose. This gives us an opportunity to thank God for all the graces that we have received in the past, and also a new opportunity to envision our future with hope. We have received our mission from Jesus and we know that He will continue working between us, for he has said, “I am with you always.” At this time of thanksgiving, it is wonderful to have this intention in our prayers!
From a liturgical point of view, this Sunday has been an important transition in the US Catholic Church. In fact, on this Sunday we have used, for the last time, the English translation of the Mass that we have been using for most of the last 40 years. On next Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent, we will be switching to a new translation of the Roman Missal, which follows much more literally to the wording and structure of the original Latin version. We are so thankful to our liturgical coordinators, choir and generous volunteers who have been helping us to see this change as an opportunity to grow in our understanding and love of our Sacred Liturgy.
May the memory of our humble and omnipotent King, our Lord Jesus Christ, help us grow in humility and love, may all of us hear one day his amazing words: “Come you, who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”
God bless!
Fr. Alberto Olivera
Here are highlights of this week at
- Prayer Request: 請為藍麗櫻母親的靈魂, 以及吳萬鈞伯伯的靈魂祈禱(11/26 殯葬彌撒)
- 12/3 中半島將臨期避靜: Fr. Peter Zhai 翟林湧神父
- 生活實用: 汽車焦點話題 12/4 4-6:30PM
- 12/25 聖誕節慶祝晚會: 彌撒後 - 9:30PM 節目非常的溫馨熱鬧,請大家踴躍購票
- 01/01 Sacrament of Children Baptism: 嬰幼兒聖洗聖事, please contact Lucy by 12/15/2011
- 1/6-1/7 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴: 信主的人必有奇蹟隨著他們。(谷十六17)
- Multimedia: (BETA)
- Roman Missal, Third Edition music, videos, and references
- 我們的教會,天主的教會 Our Church, God's Church: Fr. Brendan Worskshop presentations (PDF)
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴 講習會錄音 MP3
- Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (9/18 Mass) and 主永活在我心 (9/25 Mass); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校).
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
SJCCC 28th Birthday
11/20 (NEW)Advent Retreat
11/18-11/20 (NEW)Fr. Jiang Spiritual Seminar
11/16 (NEW)
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 林思川神父彌撒證道 .
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
- Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期
- Feedback 反饋意見.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
SJCCC Spiritual Seminar (11/16 Wed. 7:00pm)
主講:姜有國 神父
時間:2011年11月16日(星期三)7:00pm ~ 10:00pm
地點:Parish Hall, St. Clare Church
主講:姜有國 神父
時間:2011年11月16日(星期三)7:00pm ~ 10:00pm
地點:Parish Hall, St. Clare Church
祈 主恩滿溢
Sunday, November 13, 2011
11/13/2011: SJCCC eNews
Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC,
We had a wonderful Workshop with Fr. Brendan on Saturday 11/12. Fr. Brendan provided a very informative presentation about the future directions for structure of our community and parishes across the diocese, and he answered many questions from the community. There were also small group discussions where many feedbacks were heard and presented to all attendees.
I am very thankful that about 70 people across different segments of the community attended the workshop. There were people from all geographic areas and age groups including young adults and recently baptized. There were tears, joy, singing; as well as heated remarks and sincere attempts to reconcile; most importantly, there were expressions of hope for our future and desires to move forward to serve the broader Chinese community across the Diocese. I am happy that so many people came and actively participated in this important event.
The presentation (PDF) and pictures are available online. There will be additional communications from the Planning Task Force to summarize the learnings and actions from the workshop. The next step is to formulate our recommendations to our Bishop by the end of the year.
Many people used their talents with loving hearts in the preparation of the workshop, just like the good and faithful servants, they diligently use their talents to serve God's church. I want to thank you very much. Once again, sincere appreciation to the people who came to the workshop, showing their love of the community.
God bless!
Fr. Alberto Olivera
Here are highlights of this week at
We had a wonderful Workshop with Fr. Brendan on Saturday 11/12. Fr. Brendan provided a very informative presentation about the future directions for structure of our community and parishes across the diocese, and he answered many questions from the community. There were also small group discussions where many feedbacks were heard and presented to all attendees.
I am very thankful that about 70 people across different segments of the community attended the workshop. There were people from all geographic areas and age groups including young adults and recently baptized. There were tears, joy, singing; as well as heated remarks and sincere attempts to reconcile; most importantly, there were expressions of hope for our future and desires to move forward to serve the broader Chinese community across the Diocese. I am happy that so many people came and actively participated in this important event.
The presentation (PDF) and pictures are available online. There will be additional communications from the Planning Task Force to summarize the learnings and actions from the workshop. The next step is to formulate our recommendations to our Bishop by the end of the year.
Many people used their talents with loving hearts in the preparation of the workshop, just like the good and faithful servants, they diligently use their talents to serve God's church. I want to thank you very much. Once again, sincere appreciation to the people who came to the workshop, showing their love of the community.
God bless!
Fr. Alberto Olivera
Here are highlights of this week at
- 11/20 Fr. Siu Celebration: 十一月為蕭見忠神父加入耶穌會三十週年紀念。神父謹定於 11/20 在 St. Clare Church 主日1:30pm粵語彌撒聖祭當中發永願。粵語組亦將於當晚六時假座 紫荊花 舉行晚宴為神父慶祝。歡迎踴躍參加。
- Prayer Request: 請為藍麗櫻的母親祈禱
- Upcoming Seminars & Retreats:
- 11/16 信仰講座: 在生活的點滴中遇見主:姜有國神父 7-10PM SJCCC Parish Hall
- 11/17 信仰講座: 生命的復甦划到深處:姜有國神父 4-10PM Club House of Regency Park
- 11/18-11/20 SJCCC 將臨期避靜 Advent Retreat: 生命的復甦:姜有國神父
- 12/3 中半島將臨期避靜: Fr. Peter Zhai 翟林湧神父
- 生活實用: B型肝炎資訊與免費檢測中文講座 11/17 6:30-8:00PM. 汽車焦點話題 12/4 4-6:30PM
- 12/25 聖誕節慶祝晚會: 彌撒後 - 9:30PM 節目非常的溫馨熱鬧,請大家踴躍購票
- Multimedia: (BETA)
- 我們的教會,天主的教會 Our Church, God's Church: Fr. Brendan Worskshop presentations (PDF) (NEW)
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴 講習會錄音 MP3 (NEW)
- Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (9/18 Mass) and 主永活在我心 (9/25 Mass); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校).
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
Fr. Brendan Workshop
11/12 (NEW)Watermark
Potluck 11/12疏效平弟兄
11/4 屬靈饗宴 (NEW)
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 信友禱辭.
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
- Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期
- Feedback 反饋意見.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
11/6/2011: SJCCC eNews
Dear brothers and sisters,
我們的團體組織結構在一個改變當中,在這時刻,我們需要大家的參與及意見。 這些團體的意見會幫助設定團體未來的方向及方式, 希望這些改變能夠更加幫助我們團體未來的成長。
我們很高興邀請到主教府的 Fr. Brendan McGuire 在11/12星期六,為我們團體帶領一個以『 我們的教會,天主的教會 』為主題的工作坊。 Fr. Brendan 在聖荷西教區內負責專案企劃,幫助各堂區組織結構的策劃及改進。 這個工作坊將介紹和回答與組織結構相關的事宜,並有分組專題討論。專題分為組織結構和團體精神二方面,整個工作坊將用中英文雙語進行。希望每一位 SJCCC的教友都能參與! 這個工作坊將在11月12日從早上10點到下午2:30在 Parish Hall 舉行,包括免費午餐。 我們希望大家踴躍參加並全程參與。 請大家11/8(星期二)以前 在網站上在報名 所以我們可以為大家做最好的準備。 請求天主祝福我們的團體,能在主內合一,繼續建立天主的國。
Here are highlights of this week at
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community
我們的團體組織結構在一個改變當中,在這時刻,我們需要大家的參與及意見。 這些團體的意見會幫助設定團體未來的方向及方式, 希望這些改變能夠更加幫助我們團體未來的成長。
我們很高興邀請到主教府的 Fr. Brendan McGuire 在11/12星期六,為我們團體帶領一個以『 我們的教會,天主的教會 』為主題的工作坊。 Fr. Brendan 在聖荷西教區內負責專案企劃,幫助各堂區組織結構的策劃及改進。 這個工作坊將介紹和回答與組織結構相關的事宜,並有分組專題討論。專題分為組織結構和團體精神二方面,整個工作坊將用中英文雙語進行。希望每一位 SJCCC的教友都能參與! 這個工作坊將在11月12日從早上10點到下午2:30在 Parish Hall 舉行,包括免費午餐。 我們希望大家踴躍參加並全程參與。 請大家11/8(星期二)以前 在網站上在報名 所以我們可以為大家做最好的準備。 請求天主祝福我們的團體,能在主內合一,繼續建立天主的國。
Here are highlights of this week at
- Upcoming Seminars & Retreats:
- 11/12 Community Workshop with Fr. Brendan: 我們的教會,天主的教會 Our Church, God's Church
- 11/13 羅馬彌撒經書: 中文講習會 第三版《羅馬彌撒經書》英文譯本將於2011年11月27日將臨期第一主日在美國各教區開始正式啟用。感謝天主!
- 11/12 一日退省: 主臨我心:愛的召叫 姜有國神父 9-5PM Guadalupe Church, Fremont.
- 11/16 信仰講座: 在生活的點滴中遇見主:姜有國神父 7-10PM SJCCC Parish Hall
- 11/17 信仰講座: 生命的復甦划到深處:姜有國神父 4-10PM Club House of Regency Park
- 11/18-11/20 SJCCC 將臨期避靜 Advent Retreat: 生命的復甦:姜有國神父
- 11/18-11/19 Formation Conference: Faith Go! Glorify the Lord by your Life!
- 12/3 中半島將臨期避靜: Fr. Peter Zhai 翟林湧神父
- 11/20 Fr. Siu Celebration: 十一月為蕭見忠神父加入耶穌會三十週年紀念。神父謹定於 11/20 在 St. Clare Church 主日1:30pm粵語彌撒聖祭當中發永願。粵語組亦將於當晚六時假座 五月花 舉行晚宴為神父慶祝。歡迎踴躍參加。
- 12/4 生活實用: 汽車焦點話題 4-6:30PM
- 12/25 聖誕節慶祝晚會: 彌撒後 - 9:30PM 節目非常的溫馨熱鬧,請大家踴躍購票
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
Party甘國楝神父 10/22 聖詠團派遣禮
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 信友禱辭..
- Multimedia: (BETA) Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (/9/18) and 主永活在我心 (9/25); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校).
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
- Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期
- Feedback 反饋意見.
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Invitations To Yang Ma Ma's Birthday Party
謝謝歐神父的應允, 使 我得以借用SJCCC的電郵網路, 發 送這封誠縶 的邀請涵, 邀請所有的朋友们來參加我母親 (楊媽媽) 今年九十九歲的生日聚會. 誠心的歡迎每一位與我们分享對天主的感恩與歡樂.
日期: 11月27日 (星期日)
時間: 下午 4:00 ~ 6:00
地點: St. Clare parish hall
内容: 吃, 喝, 玩, 樂 ---讓我们一起同樂---(有食物, 有卡拉Ok, 有專人照相)
2. 楊媽媽不收任何禮物, 只要您的參與.
Dear All:
Thanks to Fr. Olivera’s approval for letting me use SJCCC’s email network, I am able to send out invitations to my mother’s (Yang Ma Ma) 99 year old birthday party. I sincerely invite all of you to join us in thanksgiving for God’s blessings and for this happy gathering.
Date: 11/27/11 (Sunday)
Time: 4:00 ~ 6:00pm
Place: St. Clare parish hall
Food, drink, karaoke, and a professional photographer will be provided
--- because of food preparation, please RSVP by 11/20/11, using my email address.
--- Please, NO gifts; just come.
Yang Kai Min
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Welcome to Joseph Shu's Spiritual Seminar on 11/4,5/2011
感謝讚美天主的帶領與降福,使我們蒙召為光榮主的聖名,及為主愛的子民蒙受祂的恩寵,而有11/4,5/2011 聖荷西華人天主教會 (SJCCC) 屬靈饗宴--「天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面。(谷一10)」 為見證宣揚天主的無限美善與德能 。
講習會詳情請見 ; 講習會宣傳單張如附檔,十分歡迎您將此福傳訊息告訴您的親朋好友。我們十分歡迎您及您的親朋好友們來參與,主為祂所愛的子女們擺設的屬靈盛宴,與我們一同在主內歡聚、共沐主恩。
11/4,5/2011 SJCCC屬靈饗宴
主題: 天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面。(谷一10)
主講: 主僕疏效平
時間: 11/4/2011週五7:00pm–10:30pm, 11/5/2011週六 9:00am–5:00pm
地點: St. Clare's Lower Church
(941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050)
邀請對象: 教友,非教友,及渴望認識天主者
報名: 陳海霞 Tel: 408-257-4235 Email:
吳麗芬Tel:408-777-0346 Email:
午餐費用為7元, 如需要訂購敬請在報名時通知。
感謝讚美主大大降福了,祂召叫我們為祂服務的 SJCCC 系列屬靈饗宴講習會。我們都見到祂慈愛憐憫與神奇美妙的作為,祂真是萬王之王,萬主之主,祂真是偉大的獨行奇謀的天主,祂做的樣樣都好。深深的感恩再感恩能事奉這位光榮的君王。也謝謝您們為主的辛勤努力與美好祈禱,願主悅納並豐厚的賞報您們。願一切光榮都歸於主。
SJCCC 系列屬靈饗宴講習會實況錄音已放在下列網上 ,與您們分享,歡迎免費下載聆聽:
(1) 7/8,9/2011 SJCCC屬靈饗宴講習會--聖言成了血肉,寄居在我們中間。(若一14)」
(2) 4/8,9/2011 天主的國臨近了,你們悔改,信從福音罷!(谷一15)
(3) 1/22/2011 應以新的心神事奉天主。(羅七6)
(4) 12/10/2010 厄瑪奴耳,天主與我們同在。(瑪一23)
主僕 疏效平 敬上
感謝讚美天主的帶領與降福,使我們蒙召為光榮主的聖名,及為主愛的子民蒙受祂的恩寵,而有11/4,5/2011 聖荷西華人天主教會 (SJCCC) 屬靈饗宴--「天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面。(谷一10)」 為見證宣揚天主的無限美善與德能 。
講習會詳情請見 ; 講習會宣傳單張如附檔,十分歡迎您將此福傳訊息告訴您的親朋好友。我們十分歡迎您及您的親朋好友們來參與,主為祂所愛的子女們擺設的屬靈盛宴,與我們一同在主內歡聚、共沐主恩。
11/4,5/2011 SJCCC屬靈饗宴
主題: 天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面。(谷一10)
主講: 主僕疏效平
時間: 11/4/2011週五7:00pm–10:30pm, 11/5/2011週六 9:00am–5:00pm
地點: St. Clare's Lower Church
(941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050)
邀請對象: 教友,非教友,及渴望認識天主者
報名: 陳海霞 Tel: 408-257-4235 Email:
吳麗芬Tel:408-777-0346 Email:
午餐費用為7元, 如需要訂購敬請在報名時通知。
感謝讚美主大大降福了,祂召叫我們為祂服務的 SJCCC 系列屬靈饗宴講習會。我們都見到祂慈愛憐憫與神奇美妙的作為,祂真是萬王之王,萬主之主,祂真是偉大的獨行奇謀的天主,祂做的樣樣都好。深深的感恩再感恩能事奉這位光榮的君王。也謝謝您們為主的辛勤努力與美好祈禱,願主悅納並豐厚的賞報您們。願一切光榮都歸於主。
SJCCC 系列屬靈饗宴講習會實況錄音已放在下列網上 ,與您們分享,歡迎免費下載聆聽:
(1) 7/8,9/2011 SJCCC屬靈饗宴講習會--聖言成了血肉,寄居在我們中間。(若一14)」
(2) 4/8,9/2011 天主的國臨近了,你們悔改,信從福音罷!(谷一15)
(3) 1/22/2011 應以新的心神事奉天主。(羅七6)
(4) 12/10/2010 厄瑪奴耳,天主與我們同在。(瑪一23)
主僕 疏效平 敬上
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