wish all of you a very Happy Easter. Let us listen again, in the deep our hearts, the words with plenty of consolation of Jesus to his apostles: "the peace be with you!" May the Risen Lord keep you always in the Spirit of Joy and Hope.
Fr. Olivera.
Here are highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
- 神聖慈悲九日敬禮
: THE DIVINE MERCY NOVENA (Good Friday: APR 06, 2012 - Sat/APR 14, 2012)
- 聖心學校報名註冊
: Sacred Heard School Registration: English Registration Form, 中文申請表
- 快樂家庭營
: Family Camp 2012 Registration starts today. Limited rooms. First Come, First Serve!
- 訃聞: 沈媽媽追思彌撒 Funeral Mass 4/9/2012
- Prayer Requests: 曹綺雲姊妹的康復, 彭保祿神父的康復, and 陳崇麟先生及葉承文先生的康復
- 2012 加州八天依納爵神操避靜: 神操 簡介及申請表
- 中國的朝聖之旅: Pilgrim tours of historical Jesuit sites in China 10/25-11/7/2012
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
彌撒 4/7聖週五拜苦路
及洗腳禮 4/52012 聖枝主日
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義; 復活主日 林思川神父彌撒證道 MP3 - 04/08/2012.
- Special Announcements:
- TJ Mission: TJ Project 2012 Seeks Volunteers!
- Fund Raise: Scrip Sale 帶著基督去買菜 for Ranch 99 and Marina Supermarkets. Hurry, we are almost sold out!
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, Mass Offering sign up sheet (彌撒奉獻), Sunday Mass Offering sign up sheet (主日彌撒酒餅奉獻), 成人慕道班 課程表
- 聖城通訊 Holy City Magazine:第277期 / 2012年 復活期 目錄
- 神修資訊 Spiritual Resources:
- 每日讀經 Daily Reading
- 十架上七言默思祈禱
- 林思川神父四旬期講座錄音(2012Fremont): 聖體聖事 mp3
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴講習會錄音mp3: 3/23,24/2012, 1/6,7/2012 , 11/4,5/2011, 7/8,9/2011, 4/8,9/2011, 1/22/2011, 12/10/2010
- Multimedia Powerpoint: 將臨期避靜 / 生命的復甦:等待祂的來臨? / 姜有國神父
- 團體公告: 牧靈委員會 Pastoral Counc 2/17 Letter, 3/2 Announcement, 3/4 Commissioning
- Feedback 反饋意見.
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