Here are highlights of this week at
- 聖心學校報名註冊: Sacred Heard School New School Enrollment: (Early registration discount ends by 5/20): English Registration Form, 中文報名表 自今日起, 彌撒後在穿堂將設攤位接收報名表。
- 快樂家庭營: Family Camp 2012 Announcement, Registration Registration ends on 5/13. Limited Rooms. First Come, First Serve! 好消息: $20 reward discount will be applied to your registration fee if you refer a new family!
- 特別祈禱意向: 請為陳崇麟先生的亡靈祈禱 ,並參與玫瑰經祈禱及殯葬彌撒。 詳情請上網查詢
- 聖召組快報: Serra Club Sponsoring Baseball Ticket Giveaway
- Carmelites Fathers Annual Benefit Dinner 5/20/2012
- 林明財執事晉鐸典禮及謝主彌撒: The priesthood ordination of Deacon Felix Lim on 5/19/2012 and thanksgiving mass on 5/20/2012. 團體將提供遊覽車! 請上網參閱有關資訊,儘快登記人數。
- 2012 加州八天依納爵神操避靜: 神操 簡介及申請表
- 中國的朝聖之旅: Pilgrim tours of historical Jesuit sites in China 10/25-11/7/2012
- 聖城通訊 Holy City Magazine: 第277期 / 2012年 復活期 目錄
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
WM April Potluck
彌撒 4/7
- 本周更新 - 復活期第三主日: 【張春申神父彌撒經文釋義】
- Calendars:
- 神修資訊 Spiritual Resources:
- 每日讀經 Daily Reading
- 十架上七言默思祈禱
- 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴講習會音像 Joseph Shu's Spiritual Siminars:
- 姜有國神父將臨期避靜: 生命的復甦:等待祂的來臨? 【】
- 林思川神父四旬期講座錄音(2012 Fremont): Fr. Lin's Lenten Siminar about Euchrist 聖體聖事 【】
- 團體公告: 牧靈委員會 Pastoral Council (PC)
- 3/4 Pastoral Council Commissioning and Blessing: 【】
- 3/2 Announcement: 關於過渡期牧靈委員會新成員的公告
- 2/17 Letter: New members for PC
- Feedback 反饋意見.