Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reminder for Ricci Field Trip

Dear Parents and teachers of SHS:

Peace in Lord!

This is a friendly reminder for all the families who likes to go to the field trip at USF on 11/13/2010.  To make your registration process easier,please refer to the following link ( and register online.  The contact information is for the follow up announcement purpose only.  We need the total head-count by this coming Sunday.  So, please go online and register now.  Even though you have reported to your kids' room parents, please register again online.  Your participation is gratefully appreciated.  If you have any question, please email shs @ immediately.  We will contact you as soon as possible.

May God bless you and your family always.



2010的利瑪竇中心參觀旅報名將於本周日截止. 請有興趣參加的家長以及老師們儘快報名. 為了方便大家報名和統計, 請上網: 登記. 您的聯絡資料只是用來後續的通知, 不做任何其他儲存和使用. 即使您已經向您子女的班代表報名, 還是請您在網上登記. 非常感謝您的參與和支持. 如果有任何問題, 請email shs @ 我們會儘快與您連絡.

God bless you and your family always.

Sacred Heart School
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

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