Please remember to come to All Saints Day Mass on Monday. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:
- Seminar 11/6: Please join us at the Family Harmony and Effective Communication seminar on Saturday.
- Advent Retreat: Register now to experience silent Retreat and prepare for Advent 11/19-11/21.
- Urgent Prayer Requests: Please pray for John Yip and Uncle Chen. Do you need the Prayer team to pray for your intentions? Send an email to: prayer-intentions @ Everything is kept confidential.
Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
- RCIA: Next topic is Works of the Trinity. See the program schedule. Please invite friends and pray for evangelization.
- Spiritual: Burning Bush group 11/1 and Special 1-Year Bible Reading group 11/5.
- Thanksgiving Event: Say thanks and invite all who have helped us to the Thanksgiving event on 11/27.
- Bay Area Catholics Event: Prism Group Evangelization Concert Dinner on 11/13.
- Reminders: Adoration & Holy Hour on Saturday 11/6 , and this week's Gospel Reflections and Prayers of the Faithfuls.
May God bless you and your family with a Godly week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community