Sunday, September 12, 2010

[Watermark] First Boom Sizzle and a Volunteer Opportunity

Hi Watermark!

Though summer is over, Boom Sizzle(TM) is back and in full force!  As usual, for the first one of the year, we go big and do it potluck style.  This year, however, the main dish will be provided.  All high schoolers are invited to come and join in on the fun.  Parents are invited as well.  We will be having a separate Parents Meeting during the course of the festivities.

To essentials:
Who: High Schoolers and Parents
What: First Watermark Boom Sizzle of 2010-2011
When: Saturday, 9/18 from 6:30PM - 10:00PM
Where: St. Clare's Lower Church
Food Assignments:
Seniors - Desserts
Juniors - Appetizers
Sophomores - Desserts
Freshmen - Drinks

and here's a volunteer opportunity for anyone who's interested:

Place: M.T. Liang Senior Center, Self-Help for the Elderly, 1050 St. Elizabeth Drive, San Jose CA 95126
Time: 8am-1pm, Oct. 9, 2010
         All Groups: 8-9am: Set up tents, tables and chairs.

         Group 1: 9~10am Traffic Patrol, 10~11am Leading Walk, 11am~12pm Serve Lunch
         Group 2: 9~11am Registration Table, 11am~12pm Serve Lunch
         Group 3: 9am~12pm Restroom Patrol
         Group 4: 9am~12pm Lunch Preparation

         All Groups: 12-1pm: Lunch & Clean up
Community Service: 5 hour Certificate
Anyone who is interested please email Lina Pan (linap @ to sign up by Sep.17 noon.

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