Wednesday, February 17, 2010

SJCCC eNews: 2/28 Lantern Festival - Invite a Friend

還記得孩童時代,提著燈籠與朋友大街小巷遊走的元宵節嗎? 長大後, 參加廟會, 猜燈謎, 吃湯圓的那個節日嗎? 今年二月廿八日的元宵節當天,下午三時彌撒之後, 在Parish Hall舉行迎新迎福的燈謎賓果晚會. 歡迎各位教友在這個家人團聚的日子,邀請親朋好友一起來參加, 特別是還沒有加入我們天主教大家庭的親朋好友們. 請每家帶6-8人份的拿手好菜. 團体將提供湯圓. 餐後有精彩節目,包括賓果遊戲,趣味猜謎,認識新朋友等. 獎品豐富, 請大家告訴大家, 一起傳遞這快樂的喜訊! 預定座位,請與簫明笙聯絡408-973-1605 或電郵到rsvp@sjccc.org或上網


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Lantern Festival is the end of the 15-day celebration of the Chinese New Year.  SJCCC will celebrate the Lantern Festival at Parish Hall after Mass on February 28 this year.  This is a festival that family members would gather and celebrate together.  Please invite your beloved family members, relatives, and friends to join us, especially those who have not joined our Catholic family yet.  Bring a dish for 6 – 8 people to share and we’ll provide dumplings.  There will be fun activities after dinner, such as Bingo and Lantern Festival Riddle (in Chinese); and lots of prizes.  Please tell everyone this good news!  For reservation, contact Grace Kao at 408-973-1605 or rsvp@sjccc.or

Please print an invitation at:

SJCCC Chair Board

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