Friday, July 31, 2009

Funeral announcement

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

For those who attend the Sunday mass regularly in the senior center at 5th street San Jose downtown should know Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hsu very well. It is unfortunate that Mrs. Joan hsu, who was also the mother of our parishioners ChiaJon and ChiaMin Hsu and the grandmother of Jefferson and David Chang, passed away on 7/27. Please pray for her body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven. The schedule of his funeral is given as follows:

- Vigil:
8/2/2009 7:00pm
Lima Funeral Home, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA
- Funeral Mass:
8/3/2009 10:00am
St. Clare's Church, 941 Lesington St., Santa Clara, CA
- Rite of Burial:
Following immediately after mass
Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los altos, CA

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board


徐許淑慧女士 - 我們的教友徐嘉容和徐家敏的母親於7月27日晚安息主懷. 徐伯母生前經常參加五街的彌撒與活動. 相信許多人都對徐伯母都不陌生. 請大家為她的靈魂祈禱,也祈求天主安慰她家人的心靈. 公唸玫瑰經及殯葬彌撒的時間和地點如下:

- 守夜禮/公唸玫瑰經:

8/2/2009 7:00pm
Lima Funeral Home, 466 N. Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA

- 殯葬彌撒:

8/3/2009 10:00am
St. Clare's Church, 941 Lesington St., Santa Clara, CA

- 安葬禮:
殯葬彌撒後,即刻前往Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los altos, CA


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kids for Christ Summer Activity

ˆ¢›H, �f�f˜ì�D,

Many years ago, the Watermark youth group organized a one-day summer vacation bible study for the kids, grades K-8, of St. Clare's (SJCCC)-- a day filled with arts and crafts, learning about Jesus, games, and songs. Though it has been a couple of years since the last Kids For Christ (KFC), the Watermark youth group has decided to bring Kids for Christ back again! This year, it will be held Saturday, August 15, 2009. Please check your calendars and mark it in! Activities will be planned from 9:00am to 4:00 pm, lunch included. Please fill out the registration form and turn them in on Sunday, August 2 or Sunday August 9 by the snack area after mass. The cost is $15 and will be used for lunch and a t-shirt.

How KFC will work:
Parents drop off kids at 9:00am in the Parish Hall for check-in. The high school students and young adults will have activities planned for the entire day. Please pick your child up at 4:00pm. We can make arrangements if you need to pick up your child later than 4:00pm.

Please sign up! (The registration form is attached.)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Jennifer Kuo: qtowl @yahoo. com or
Shanmei Kuang: shpammy @gmail. com

Thank you!

SJCCC Watermark Youth Group

Dada Mail Configuration

Dada Mail is now working again as the engine for eNews delivery and subscription. Here we will keep documentation for this service.

Available lists:
  • SJCCC Member eNews
  • SJCCC Sacred Heart School
  • Chinese Catholic Friends - Opt-ins from evangelization activities
Generic List Sign Up Page:
Admin & Send Emails:

Administrators contact: Xiuli, Tony

Benefits for using Dada Mail & When to use Dada Mail: (vs. using an Email Alias)
  • Primarily newsletter distribution: e.g., 1 to many vs many to many communication
  • Standard format/template
  • CANSPAM compliant footers
  • Automated subscription and unsubscribes
  • Automated install/upgrade by our hosting company
  • Ability to set delivery rate (e.g., 1 per second)
  • Send FROM an official, central address
  • Dada Mail:
Technical config:

8/3/09: To get Chinese working with Dada Mail
  • In the Dada Mail Web page for administrators, in "Manage List -> Sending Options -> Advanced", changed the "Default Character Set of Mailings" to "utf-8"
  • In Linux, Changed the default sending CHARSET from: 'iso-8859-1' to 'utf-8' in:~/www/cgi-bin/dada/extensions/tfmail/
  • Advise the senders to change their browser Encoding to 'utf-8'

Saturday, July 25, 2009

RCIA Announcement

(上課地點:St. Clare Church Room 1, 時間: 主日 4:30PM - 5:30PM)

週別 專題 講員
08/02/2009 簡介天主教慕道過程及座談 施天寶
08/09/2009 天主教及中國 鄭繼宗
08/16/2009 存在一創造天地萬物的天主嗎?鄭繼宗
08/23/2009 耶穌是誰? 徐伯初
08/30/2009 耶穌死是為了什麼? 徐伯初
09/06/2009 耶穌復活的意義與再次來臨 徐伯初
09/13/2009 如何讀聖經? 施天寶
09/20/2009 彌撒結構 王恩琪、黃天佳
09/27/2009 聖神是誰?聖神做些什麼? 周麗鵬
10/04/2009 什麼是教會? 周麗鵬
10/11/2009 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (一) 鄒世亮
10/18/2009 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (二) 鄒世亮
10/25/2009 禮儀 ﹣天主聖三的工程 劉明毅
11/01/2009 教會禮儀年和節慶 劉明毅
11/08/2009 為什麼參與彌撒? 王恩琪、黃天佳
11/15/2009 彌撒中的記號 王恩琪、黃天佳
11/22/2009 入門聖事:聖洗.堅振.聖體聖事 施天寶
11/29/2009 感恩節假期
12/06/2009 入門聖事:聖洗.堅振.聖體聖事 施天寶
12/13/2009 和好與病傅聖事 楊彤芳
12/20/2009 聖秩與婚配聖事 鄺仁昌
12/27/2009 聖誕假期
01/03/2010 新年假期
01/10/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
01/17/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
01/24/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
01/31/2010 基督徒的價值觀 ─ 倫理,十誡 王樹治
02/07/2010 基督徒價值觀的實行 ─ 社會訓導 湯明昭
02/14/2010 農曆新年
02/21/2010 基督徒價值觀的實行 ─ 社會訓導 湯明昭
02/28/2010 祈禱 黃鳳梧
03/07/2010 祈禱 黃鳳梧
03/14/2010 祈禱 黃鳳梧
03/21/2010 神父時間 歐神父
03/28/2010 聖母與聖人 楊彤芳
04/01/2010 主的最後晚餐
04/02/2010 十字架苦路
04/03/2010 入門禮
04/04/2010 領洗感言
04/11/2010 團體介紹 主席
04/18/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
04/25/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/02/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/09/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/16/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄
05/23/2010 認識基督–路加福音 廖煥中、郭武湄



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

August workshop for personal growth

主題: 由家庭系統觀看人的身心靈成長
主講: 鄭玉英教授
時間: 2009年 8月7日禮拜五晚上7點半到10 點
地點: Community Center in San Joseph(與永和超市遙遙相對)
地址: 10110 North De Anza Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408/252-7653

主題 : 小牧童與信仰團體繁衍
主講: 鄭玉英教授
時間: 2009年8月9日主日4點半到6點(彌撒後)
地點: Parish Hall in Santa Clare Church
地址: 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA 95050

在台灣心理輔導方面頗富盛名的鄭教授是國立台灣師大學心理輔導博士。輔仁大學社會工作系兼任教授,曾創辦反璞歸真心理工作室,現任懷仁全人發展中心主任。她著作等身;著有「痛苦這個啞謎」「與家人共舞」, … etc. 她的專業在於: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.

" 在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。 而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密切契合,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老師的 心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗尤為感人"。

SJCCC Chair Board

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Watermark Joomla

Brandon has done a basic install of Joomla with the sample database for Watermark at the new site

Front Page:
Admin Site:
  • user = admin (ping Tony/Brandon for pword)
  • the only mod is to set "Search Engine Friendly URLs"=Yes
  • database = watermark
  • user = sjccc (ping Tony/Brandon for pword)
Useful Joomla resources:

Uploading file to SJCCC with westhost (updated 7/27/09)

Dear Web Team,
We have migrated to Westhost, and DNS is now pointing to the new site. Here is how to upload files to the new sjccc site:
  • Web pages can be access at:
  • Web Based Email:
  • Pop/smtp servers:, pop port 110, smpt port 2525
  • use a secure FTP tool, such as CoreFTP (free at
  • SFTP/SSH Host name:
  • USER: sjccc (please contact me for password access)
  • please put files under: /www/sjccc
NOTE: all mailboxes now have a 50MB quota. Please manage accordingly.

For now, the OLD site is still accessible:
  • ftp:
    • user-name: (please contact me for password access)
  • email:
God bless,

Monday, July 6, 2009

7/9/2009 SJCCC council meeting

We'll have our monthly community council meeting on this coming Thursday 7/9, 7:00-9:00PM at St. Clare鈥檚 School Room #5. Here are the tentative agenda,

1. Prayer and faith sharing (30 min.)
2. Pastoral plan - 20/20 4-major-category status report (30 min.)
3. 8/29 SJCCC leaders' retreat discussion (40 min.)
4. SJCCC constitution revision/update (10 min.)
5. Any special activities for the Year of Vocation (10 min.)

God bless!

Yvonne Chow

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Please pray for her



SJCCC Chair Board

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Isabel and Ivane Chou's grandma, Mrs. Lee Zong Zhen, just passed away in this morning due to a massive stroke. Please pray for her body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven, and comfort her family at this difficult time.

God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board