Tuesday, June 23, 2009
SJCCC RCIA News for 2009-2010
日期 專題 講員
08/02 簡介天主教慕道過程及座談 施天寶
08/09 天主教及中國 鄭繼宗
08/16 存在一創造天地萬物的天主嗎? 鄭繼宗
08/23 耶穌是誰? 徐伯初
08/30 耶穌死是為了什麼? 徐伯初
09/06 耶穌復活的意義與再次來臨 徐伯初
09/13 如何讀聖經? 施天寶
09/20 彌撒結構 王恩琪、黃天佳
09/27 聖神是誰?聖神做些什麼? 周麗鵬
10/04 什麼是教會? 周麗鵬
10/11 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (一) 鄒世亮
10/18 我們的信仰 ─ 信經 (二) 鄒世亮
10/25 禮儀 ﹣天主聖三的工程 劉明毅
Monday, June 22, 2009
SJCCC eNews: Funeral Schedule for Mrs. Sheau-Yin Hsia
玫瑰經頌唸 6月26日,星期五,上午 10:00 - 10:30
喪禮彌撤:6月26日,星期五,上午 10:30 - 12:00,由歐禮惟神父主祭。
地點:St. Clare 本堂, 724 Washington St. Santa Clara。
花圈,花籃代訂:Josephine Chou (FCSN), (510)739-6900, ext. 3303
慈善捐款:"Friends of Children with Special Needs, FCSN", 請註明 "in memory of Sheau-Yin Hsia"
聯络:Alan Hsia ( 408) 238-5529
It is with great sadness to announce that Sheau-Yin Hsia, wife of Peter Cheng-Ming and mother of Joanne, Jenny, & Alan Hsia, passed away suddenly on June 20th at age 59 from cancer. The Funeral Mass will take place on Friday, 26 June at St Clare's, Washington St, Santa Clara from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Fr. Olivera will be presiding. A Rosary service will take place at 10AM at the Church.
Please contact Josephine Chou at the FCSN mainline 510-739-6900, ext. 3303. if you would like to make a floral tribute. She will be coordinating all orders.
If you wish to make a charitable contribution, please direct it to "Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN)" and note "in memory of Sheau-Yin Hsia." FCSN was an organization very dear to Sheau-Yin, and one into which she poured much energy and love.
For more information please call Alan Hsia at 408-238-5529
May the body and soul of 任小音姊妹 be rested peacefully in heaven,
SJCCC Chair Board
Sunday, June 21, 2009
SJCCC eNews: 甘國楝神父 - 聖依納爵靈修工作坊
時間:2009 年 9 月19 日 8:30 ~17:00
地點: Jesuit Retreat Center, 100 Manresa Way, Los Altos, CA94022
聯絡:Mrs. Ivy Chu (饒瑞美), ivycchu@yahoo.com
名額:25 人 (first come first serve)
費用:$50 (including lunch, snacks)
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Please Pray for Mrs. Hsia (請為任小音姊妹祈禱)
Dear brothers and sisters,
Please pray for Mrs. Hsia, she past away last night. Mrs. Hsia and her family have contributed significantly to the church over the last 30 years, especially building our cultural and educational programs. Mrs. Hsai has also visited and comforted many families in difficulties and supported many people during our faith journey. We are sad to learn about her sudden death, and she will remain in our memories. Please pray that she will remain in Christ's joy and peace forever.
SJCCC Chairboard
Saturday, June 13, 2009
SJCCC June Council meeting summary 6/11/09
1. Donation to St. Joseph of Cupertino for the usage of their church facilities in the past year. Currently we have 3 groups using some rooms at various time of the week. These groups are: Cantonese YAG (Edward), Cornerstone (Vincent Wang), Bible Study Friday Morning(Cecilia Chao). Throughout sharing and discussion, Fr. Olivera delegated Cecilia and Vincent to communicate this donation issue(how much and how to pay) with Fr. Kimm.
2. SJCCC Core value reflection, we had some sharing on what the core value of SJCCC in the meeting. In last a few months, we could observe the level of community enthusiasm and financial support was getting low. During summer time, it will be even lower. This is a huge topic and will affect how we perceive the future SJCCC organization and direction. We plan to have one day retreat in August. Currently we are checking availability of presentation center, Los Gatos, and will announce later.
3. 6/21 celebration of Fr. Olivera 25 year anniversary of priesthood ordination. Bishop McGrath will preside Mass at 3:00PM in St. Clare. There will be slide show and story sharing from Fr. Olivera after Mass at upper church. We'll have a pot luck dinner to celebrate this event and Father's Day. 李志慈 and 姜新新 will coordinate all the dishes. We suggested each ministry group (legion of Mary, small faith sharing group, bible study, WaterMark YAG…….) bring 2 tray of same kind dish.
To avoid duplication, please register yours first. We need to have 5 people help in the kitchen from 1-3:00PM on 6/21 and 10 people help in setting up table at 4:30PM. Please let李志慈 know if you could help.
4. TJ fund raising and community service. We did not get update from leaders in this ministry.
5. Monthly financial statement. We did not get update from our financial committee in time.(will be published later)
6. Kid for Christ, Day Camp activity for young children will be held on Aug 15, Saturday. Please reserve a fun day for your children or grandchildren.
Joseph Ku Chair-on-Duty of June
Monday, June 8, 2009
SJCCC Council meeting announcement
Here are the tentative agenda,
1.Faith sharing (30 mins)
2.SJCCC Core Value, reflecting low attendance in summer time (30min)
3.Celebration of Fr. Olivera 25 year anniversary ordination program
4.TJ program and fund raising activity
5.Kids For Christ, Saturday, Aug 15
6.Business routine (financial statement........)
If you have other idea, please let me know.
Joseph Ku
Friday, June 5, 2009
SJCCC Faith Seminar Announcement
方式 : 觀看 王敬弘神父的教學錄影帶, 並跟著王神父的教導步驟運用學習
時間 : 6 月 13 日 星期六 下午 1~ 6 PM (North Hall) (6/13, Saturday 1:00PM)
6:00 ~ 7:00 PM Dinner晚餐 (每位酌收 $ 6.00 元, 請報名以利統計)
7:30 ~ 8:00 PM 感恩讚美Praise and Prayer
8:00 ~ 10:00 PM Mass 彌撒- 歐維禮神父
地點 : location : Saint Clara Parish
報名 : Registration請撥電話 408-258-1524 (胡台娥)
1. 心靈創傷的主要來源,醫治服務的簡介
2. 祈禱前的初步協談,基本準備祈禱
3. 棄絕祈禱之運用,各種祈禱之使用 (一,二)
4. 祈禱中靈恩運用,心靈治癒與人格成長 (一,二)
王敬弘神父簡介 :
耶穌會士 . 於1971 年進鐸為神父, 自1972 年參加天主教神恩復興運動以來,便持續以所得的神恩為教友服務, 舉辦各種神恩性的活動, 對各種神恩的性質和運用, 有豐富的經驗. 1974年在加州柏克萊聯合神學研究院進修神學. 在參加了該院師生及其他教會的聖神同禱會, 並學習如何為人作心靈醫治祈禱. 廿多年來,至少花了一萬小時, 為人做個別的心靈醫治祈禱, 並經歷了許多復活主耶穌藉聖神所顯示奇妙的愛. 1976 年, 在台灣任教於神學院, 並在輔大組織聖神同禱會. 1987~1993年任職耕莘文教院院長, 1995~1999 年在台北教區神恩復興運動擔任指導神師,其間也經歷了一次心臟手術,及1996年的右耳聽覺神經腫瘤切除手術.此後仍堅持致力於心靈醫治祈禱與神恩運用的侍奉工作. 直到 1999年 1 月21 曰, 安息主懷.