Monday, March 30, 2009

Pray for the recovery of Fr. Rick's health

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Recently, doctors have discovered that Fr. Rick, our pastor of the St. Clare Parish, has prostate cancer. He wrote an article, titled as "What to avoid when you have cancer", on the bulletin flyer of last week. While holding complete faith and trust to God, he requests our prayer to him as "God's will be done". The article expresses his deeper appreciation of what the experience may bring us a greater solidarity as a human family, let's extend our prayer for a full recovery of his health.

God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pictures from Fr. Wang's 88th Birthday

Pictures from Fr. Wang's 88th Birthday Party. See the original version at:

Friday, March 27, 2009

SJCCC eNews: Easter Celebration Invitation & RSVP

Dear brothers and sisters,
Peace and Joy to you and your family!

1. All of us have been praying for the upcoming Easter Event on 4/12. This year, we will celebrate with lunch, exciting sharing from the recently baptized, praising from Choir, childcare with games, as well as egg hunt and cakes after Mass.
11:30 - 12:00 PM 接待 - Registration
12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待 - Lunch
01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享,童玩活動 - Sharing (with Childcare)
03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒(感恩禮) - Mass
04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋及蛋糕 - Egg Hunt and Cake

2. Now, it's time to follow the Holy Spirit and invite friends and family, especially those who are not yet Catholics, to join us. Here are 3 versions of the flyers that you can download and use:
英文標題 (great for posting):

3. To best prepare for the lunch, the activities, and childcare, we urge you to follow up and get RSVP to 湯明昭 at 408-216-9848 or 陳惠群 at 408-272-4975 by Monday 4/6. Please feel free to contact Tony Fu (408-318-7403) if there are any questions or issues.

Thank you for your work for Christ and our Community!

May God bless you and your family always,
Chair Board

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Embedded System Conference

To all,

Next week, ESC is coming to town at McEnery Convention Center 3/31-4/2. You can sign up for a free pass using the following URL. You can sign up many workshops. One of the keynote speaker is Freescale CTO Lisa Hsu, a Chinese Female officer.


Best Regards,
Joe Tang

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Job Seeker Support: You Can Do It!

Dear brothers and sisters,
Yes, we can!

"If God is with us, who can be against us?" This was part of the Sunday reading from a couple of weeks ago. Let's continue to encourage and remind each other that God is with us.

I have just talked to Cris, and here is a reminder that we have a special support meeting this week. We have 3 speakers sharing some perspectives of the future about Green tech and computing.
Time: 3/22, 4:15-5:45
Location: Rectory
Sharing From: Joseph Teng, Daniel Wang, Tony Fu plus brainstorming and discussion
We are also arranging other topics such as financial planning and starting a small business in upcoming sessions. If you can speak to the topic or recommend someone, please let Cris know. Thank you very much!

May God bless you and your family always,

PS, sharing this very touching and inspirational "You Can Shine" video with you.

Friday, March 13, 2009

SJCCC Community Council Meeting minutes 3/12/09

We had a good community council meeting last night. 18 people attended.

Here are the summary of our meeting (3/12/09)
1. Easter Sunday Evangelization meeting,
4/12, St. Clare Parish Hall
11:30-12:30PM, Sandwich & Soup, (Jessica Wang )
12:30-2:30PM, Song & Testimony (Ken Wang)
3:00-4:30PM Easter Mass
4:30-5:30PM Cake & Easter Egg Hunting for Children (CM teacher & Parents)
Invitation(Joseph Ku)-Gather invitee name, arrange host
Prayer (Yvonne Chow) & Pre-RCIA (Tony Fu) – community prayer for the invitees
Logistic support (????)- name tag, table setup, clean up
Baby sitting support (????) – provide service during Testimony time
Testimony program (Tien-Bao Shih, WaterMark Youth, Choir group)
If you can offer help in any of the tasks, please contact Joseph Ku 650-283-8170
2. Tijuana Mission Trip,
We had 27 high school youths signed up, plus 2 young adults and 5 parents plus Fr. Olivera.
Currently we have 35 people plan to go. Trip time : 6/29-7/4. We'll build one house and conduct vacation bible school for the local children. They'll start orientation and fund raising activities for all the participants. They still need a few more young adults who have previous experience to participate. They'll have a backup plan in case Tijuana local violence prevents their trip.
3. Sacred Heart Chinese School
For the new school year in Fall 2009, they will have an open meeting to community on 4/26 about their new plan for the school which includes new curriculum, possible tuition raise and teacher's compensation.
4. Feb09 financial statement indicated short fall ($18018.45), Donation: $6840, Expense : $24,858.45.

Joseph Ku

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ching-Ming Mass 4/4 11:00AM Gate of Heaven

Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery
in All Saints Chapel
22555 Cristo Rey Drive, Los Altos, CA
Date: April 4, 2009
Celebrant: Auxiliary Bishop Ignatius C. Wong, J.C.D.

For Additional Information: Gate of Heaven Cemetery 650-428-3730
or Frances Carrasco Leyerle 408-258-2940 x208
Chinese Ching-Ming Mass

Sponsored by
The Catholic Cemeteries of the Diocese of San Jose
with the support of the Chinese Catholic Community
Refreshments & Appetizers following Mass

Lent Activities and Retreat Information

Dear brothers and sisters:

Just a kind reminder for the schedule of remaining activities in Lent, as well as a notice to the site change of the retreat on Mar. 21. Instead of the Parish Hall, we'll use the Lower Church.

中英雙語特別在 3/13, 4/3。歡迎大家一起祈禱

時間:7:30 pm,3/19 (週四)

主題: 福音中的苦難記述
神師: 馬爾定神父
時間: 3/21,9:00 am - 4:30 pm 
地點: St. Clare 教堂 Lower Church
9:30-10:30 First talk
10:30-11:15 Personal Prayer
11:15-12:00 2nd talk
12:00-12:30 Personal Prayer
12: 30-1:30 Lunch Break
1:45-2:15 Station of the Cross
2:15-3:30 Sharing Grace
3:45 Mass
Please register with Ms. Irene Tang (408)216-9848

SJCCC Chair Board

SJCCC Community Council Meeting March 12/Joseph Ku

We'll hold a SJCCC community Council at 7:00PM this coming Thursday, March 12. Here is the meeting agenda :
7:00-7:30 Lenten Reflection and sharing
7:30-9:00 Meeting
-Easter Evangelical Meeting planning and discussion
-Tijuana mission trip plan
-Sacred Heart Chinese School Plan

If you have other agenda, please send email to me.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the meeting.

Joseph Ku

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Job Seeker's support: Things we talked about today

Dear brothers (and sisters),
Here is the link to the blogs I mentioned today:
with 2 important trends:
1. iPhone is the future computing platform
2. 1 Billion Internet users as of December 2008, Number 1 is China and Number 2 is US, we are blessed to be connected to both top 2 markets

Separately, if you are interested, please also come to the 心 靈醫治與神恩運用研討會(2) this coming Saturday 3/14 from 1-6pm (room 1), praising and praying from 7:30-8pm and healing Mass from 8-10pm. (please contact 胡台娥 408.258.1524)

Please also send others any referred material, especially, Daniel and Joe, please feel free to send information about yesterday's meeting and Pro Match.

May God you with a very joyful and blessed week!,
Check out our new:

Chinese/English New Testamnet 天主教中英對照新約全書

Dear All,

Many thanks for your orders of and donations to the Chinese/English New Testament, 天主教中英對照新約全書.

With many people's help, we have finished all the proofreading. The printing company in Nanjing will start printing this month. We expect all the books can be shipped out from China in April.

Shipping from China to the U.S. and Canada will take about one month. We have volunteers in several areas (New York, Washington DC, Texas, California, Vancouver, Toronto, Taipei, and Hong Kong), from where Bibles will be distributed to you in May. This is later than what we initially planned for a final distribution around Easter time. We appreciate your waiting. In April, we'll provide an update again.
Thanks and please let us know if you have any question.

God Bless,

Joseph Chiang
Coordinator, Catholic Chinese/English Bible Team

Friday, March 6, 2009

Charismatic Prayer Team Activity on March 14/Joseph Ku

Dear brothers and sisters:

The Charismatic Prayer team had a wonderful 心靈醫治與神恩運用研討會 in January and the feedback are all positive and encouraging! Many attendees are asking when will be the 2nd seminar. They plan to host a subsequent session on March 14th from 1 PM to 10 PM, Saturday, for all who are interested in Jesus healing.





方式 : 觀看 王敬弘神父的教學錄影帶, 並跟著王神父的教導步驟運用學習 .

時間 : 3 月 14 日, 星期六 下午 1~ 6 PM ( Lower Church)

6 ~7 PM 晚餐 ( 每位酌收 $ 6.00 元, 請報名以利統計)

7:30 ~ 8 PM Praise and Prayer 感恩讚美

8~10 PM 彌撒- 歐維禮神父

地點 : Saint Clara Parish

報名 : 請撥電話 408-258-1524 ( 胡台娥 ).





棄絕祈禱之運用,各種祈禱之使用 (一,二)

祈禱中靈恩運用,心靈治癒與人格成長 (一,二)

God Bless,

SJCCC Chair Board

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SJCCC: 2009 Evangelization Actions

Dear SJCCC brothers and sisters:
Let us all provide our support for the upcoming Year of Evangelization activities (福傳年活動,敬請全團體參與):
1. Weekly "Burning Bush" Prayer Meetings ("一領一"福傳祈禱團體): starting this Friday 3/6 evening at 7:30pm at room 1 (Yvonne Chow)
2. Easter Sunday Evangelical event (復活節見證會) planning. please contact 650-852-0176 to provide support (Joseph Ku)
3. Daily Evangelization prayer (團體每日福傳祈禱), please also use at all Bible Study gatherings (Fr. Olivera)

Please email for comments, suggestion, or questions.

May God bless us to bear fruits for Him a hundred fold,
Chair Board

SJCCC: Rosary/Funeral for Theresa H. Kuo's mother

Dear brothers and sisters:
Theresa H. Kuo's mother has passed away, please pray for her soul. Here is the ceremony schedule:

3月4日 7:00PM - 7:30PM ------玫瑰經/Rosary
3月5日 9:00AM - 9:30AM------玫瑰經/Rosary
3月5日 9:30AM ----- 告別式

Alameda Family Funeral & Cremation
12341 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. Saratoga, CA 95070

Contact: 欒心苓 (Theresa H. Kuo)

God bless,
SJCCC Chair Board

Job Seeker Forum Gathering Schedule

Dear All:

For Job & Seeker Forum gathering will be resummed from this Sunday. The detail information is listed as follows:


* The 2nd and 4th Sunday in each Month (From March, April, May and June)

* The Month March will be: March 8 and March 22
* The Month of April will be: April12, and April 26
* The Month of May will be: May 10, and May 24
* The Month of June will be: June 14, and June 28

Time: 4:30PM to 6:00PM

Place: Retory Dinning Room


* The 2nd Sunday: Open Discussion and Requests
* The 4th Sunday: Specificed Topical which will be decided in previous Gathering

Peace and joy,

Monday, March 2, 2009

US White Collar workforce [was: Need a favor]

Dear fellow job seekers, fyi, please see Albert's email for a video about people like us across America. 加油!
Dear Albert. Thanks very much for sharing and thinking of us.

Have a very blessed week!
Purpose Driven Life: Day 6, This world is not my home.

Wu, Albert wrote:
> Dear Tony:
> I found below video clip after watching Good Morning America about the US White Collar workforce…
> Check it out…
> Love in Christ,
> Albert

2008 Easter Event Recap

Here are some records from 2008 Easter Event as a reference for future:
  • see attached summary email - over 300 people including 80 guests.
    • Kerching led the ET team for all invitation of new friends met at external events, plus community members brought friends/relatives (1區 組領1人), last year's objectives included both 非教友 and 疏遠教友
  • rsvp necessary for food preparation (free) - rsvp was complex as they came in from different sources with overlaps, and complexity for arranging 招待
    • Cris and Florence let the team for food preparation and distribution, and Wendar led the rsvp, sign-in, and pair up
  • Program, MC, Logistics (location, set up, AV, decoration, clean up) - Cris
  • Sharing, Faith/Mass intro, prayer - Po-Choo
  • 11 families each contributed $100 special funding for this event - I think only one request upstairs and one downstairs
  • Entire program from noon-5pm (see program attached) with Mass booklet - Maria
  • 9 consecutive weeks of Novena prayers for intentions of Guests - Angie
  • Child care (Teresa Lai), Easter Egg hunt (高愛華,Watermark)
  • Reporter: Wen-Lan & Natalie, see SJCCC Article, including all key task leaders and most contributors:
  • Photo Album:
God bless,


Dear Community Group Leaders and ET Team,
Alleluia!! Thank you all for your work for our risen Lord and for the community. We had a very joyful and successful Easter Event serving over 300 people including over 80 guests. It is amazing! EVERYONE received a piece of God's blessing through your work for Jesus and your prayers for them.

Please share the good news with your group, and thank everyone for the participation. Please don't forget, the next step is to continue inviting/bringing these guests to your gatherings. With prayer, this will happen and will bear fruits.

Thank you ET team for leading the evagelization efforts, making Chinese Catholics visible, meeting and bringing new friends to our family. Thank you Church is our Family team, including all community groups, for keeping God's family bonding together and growing.

Our deep thanks to the "core team" for the countless hours of planning and excellent execution. Thank you for your patience with these long conference calls, emails, and phone calls. Thank you for taking your responsibility seriously and do the work with your heart. Many of you got there before 9:30am and left after 6pm. Everyone did a great job! Thank you!!

Praise and thank God for touching 11 families to contribute $100 towards the event, the offering has entered SJCCC's Evengelization account which just about paid for the expenses for this Event.

May God be pleased with our Lent/Easter offering, may all the seeds bear fruits for Him 100 fold, and may God bless you with joy and peace every day.
+Tony & Wendar
PS, Dear James, would you please pass on our thanks to the community.

Tony Fu wrote: Dear Community Group Leaders & ET Team,
Good new! Thank you all for your hard work. Right now, we already have about 160 RSVPs for Sunday including about 50 guests. We have also confirmed that the newly baptized 新教友families will be special guests providing testimony sharing at the event. Praise and thank God!

Please email/call and remind your group a couple of tips abut this Sunday:

1. We are still missing RSVP from many groups, including servants and family. Since the lunch is free, we all can appreciate the challenge for the kitchen and child care team. Please be kind and courteous by helping us getting as accurate numbers as possible so we won't run out of food for our guests. Please have your group RSVP now (- removed -) to make this event a joyful and abundant experience for everyone. Wednesday is the deadline so we can finalize the plans.

2. Let's all be good hosts and plan to come earlier instead of coming later. :) Keep a big friendly smile, meet at least 1 new friend, write down their contact information, pray for their needs, and invite them to your group gathering.

3. Pray for this event and all the participants everyday.

We will have a quick program walk through telephone meeting Wednesday night, everyone is invited to join if you'd like:
Date: 3/19 Wednesday
Time: 8:30pm - 9pm Pacific
Conference Phone Number: - removed -
Conference Code: - removed -
  • Current head count - Wendar
  • Program Walk Through - Martina & Simon (MCs)
    • Sharing, Faith/Mass intro, prayer - Po-Choo
  • AV set up - James, Eddie
  • Mass booklet - Maria
  • Food preparation - Florence
  • Host new friends & Follow up - AnPung, George and all
  • Any open issues - Cris & Tony
Thank you all, and thank God always!!

May God bless and lead this event to glorify His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Please be advised that there might not be food for members come without RSVP.)

James Hua wrote:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I bet you've heard some nagging from many Catholics either among ourselves or other communities that -

"we are not proactive as Protestants in approaching people, tagging people around and relaying people with Good News..." –or-

"we should stand up and act instead of complain and sigh…"

Well, this is everyone's chance! Tony and E.T. Committee (Evangelization Team, not Extra-Terrestrial from Steven Spielberg’s movie) had put up tons of effort to hold another action packed event for the benefit of everyone – bay area friends to be evangelized and us to be energized! It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Isn’t that great?!

Please note this invitation excludes no one – all are expected to chip in some efforts. Please try your best to influence your dear brothers and sisters so they don’t feel left out. Please reply to ALL, Tony and me so we all know which action items are covered. We have Florence, George, Kerching, An-Pung, Cris helping you out. They are all ears too.

Here are all the details from Tony and E.T.



在復活節當天, SJCCC將邀請去年我們在華人大型活動中接觸到的五十多位「新朋友」參加一個特別的茶會。我們希望所有的區組都能參與這項活動:

1. 每一個區組都能以主人身份招待2位「新朋友」。不但是在活動當時招待他們,活動以後也保持接觸,繼續邀清他們參與區組及團體活動。
2. 每一個區組都能用1領1(1區組領1人)的方式邀請疏遠的「老朋友」,在復活節回來我們的團體。在復活節以後也繼續邀清他們參與區組及團體活動。
3. 每一個區組都能參與這活動的一部分工作(請代表您的區組認領貴組能夠承擔的部分) 。我們都知道,在一起工作中,區組才能真正的凝聚和成長。



地點:St. Clare’s Parish Hall


12:00 - 01:00 PM 精美點心招待

01:00 - 02:30 PM 以見證分享為主題,詳情未定(最好能有中英粵語,以及輕鬆喜樂的氣氛) 兒童Easter Arts & Crafts

01:30 - 02:30 PM 粵語彌撒

03:00 - 04:00 PM 國語彌撒

04:00 - 05:00 PM 兒童Easter Egg Hunt 及慕道班活動


1 Programming (Sacred Heart Children Choir has agreed to support), including MCs

2 Food preparation

3 Food serving

4 Set up, decoration, & clean up

5 Childcare/crafts

6 Easter Egg hunt

7 Audio/visual

8 New friends invitation - phone, email, and snail mail

9 The 1-0-1 pilot planning & execution - including post-event follow up

10 Community communication - both for hosting and 1-0-1 pilot (written, verbal)

11 Welcome/sign in

12 Overall project coordination

13 Cantonese group coordination

Dear group leaders,

Thank you for leading Lord Jesus’ flock! We sincerely thank you for your thoughtfulness and hard work. We know that God see and appreciate your contributions, and will bless all of your efforts for Christ.

We are happy to share with you that on Easter Sunday, SJCCC will invite those 50 “new friends” we met at the major Chinese events back to the community for a Tea Party. We would like every community group to participate in this activity:
1. Every group will be the host to 2 “new friends” during the event and continue to be in touch after the event to invite them to group and community activities.
2. Every group will have the spirit of 1-Lead-1 (each group lead/adopt one), and bring a distant Catholic back to the community on Easter. The group will continue to invite them to be involved with group and community activities after the event.
3. Every group will take part in some of the tasks of this event. We all know that it’s in working together; the group grows and jells together.

Easter Tea Party
Time: Sunday 3/23
Location: St. Clare’s Parish Hall
Noon-1pm Snacks
1-2:30pm Sharing/Testimonies to be determined (Mandarin, English, and Cantonese preferred, joyful and not too heavy) Children - Easter Arts & Crafts
1:30-2:30 Cantonese Mass
3:00-4:00 Mandarin Mass
4:00-5:00 Children Easter Egg Hunt and RCIA Activity
May God bless you and this event!
James Hua