Monday, February 2, 2009

SJCCC: February Stewardship meeting/Helena Ru

You are cordinally invited to the stewardship meeting on February 12, 2009, Thursday, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

The agenda is as following:

1. Praying
2. Sharing
3. Financial - Lipeng
4. SJCCC property list of Young Adult - Joseph
5. Proposal of Transportation Services for elderly - Ho Main
6. Proposal of Domestic Violence - Santa Clara County LMFT - Sylvia Chen
7. 101 Evangelist - Yvong
8. Job Description of Secretary of SJCCC at Diocese
9. Discussion:
Service Team
10. Blessing - Fr. Olivera

Love in Christ,

Helean ^ _ ^

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