Monday, February 23, 2009
SJCCC: Lent Season Activities
The Lent season is just around the corner. In order to have a better preparation to our spiritual life, a series of activities is given as follows:
1. 聖灰瞻禮, 中文禰撒 - Ash Wednesday Chinese Mass
時間:7:30 pm,2/25 (週三)
2. 病人敷油聖事, 英文彌撒 - Anointing of the Sick
St. Clare Church 於3/3 (週二) 5:30 pm, 歡迎教友參加。
3. 四旬期中,每週五6:00pm有各族裔聯合拜苦路 - Multi-lingual Community Stations of the Cross 6pm on Fridays during lent
中英雙語特別在 3/13, 4/3。歡迎大家一起祈禱 (Chinese + English on 3/13 and 4/3)
4.四旬期團體和好聖事 - Lent Community Reconciliation
時間:7:30 pm,3/19 (週四)
5. 四旬期避靜 - Lent Retreat
主題: 福音中的苦難記述
神師: 馬爾定神父
時間: 3/21,9:00 am - 4:30 pm
地點: St. Clare 教堂 Parish Hall
9:30-10:30 First talk
10:30-11:15 Personal Prayer
11:15-12:00 2nd talk
12:00-12:30 Personal Prayer
12: 30-1:30 Lunch Break
1:45-2:15 Station of the Cross
2:15-3:30 Sharing Grace
3:45 Mass
Please register with Ms. Irene Tang (408)216-9848
God Bless
SJCCC Chair Board
Friday, February 20, 2009
Re: Evangelism mtg at 1pm on this coming Sunday, 1/22? - Yvonne Chow
Dear all, The last email was a kind of lengthy, I'll summarize the [Evangelism Prayer Community] briefly: The basic patten is: - a group of Catholic to pray for the possible candidates (non-Catholics) - ask for God's inspiration, be closer to the candidates, and invite them at the proper time - A core group of Catholics gather weekly (or 3 out of 4 weeks each month) and the primary goal of the gathering is for direct evangelism - Before non-Catholics join in, this core group of the Catholic gathers weekly to experience and familiar with the methods of this Evangelism Prayer Community for several months - This EPC should be easy for non-Catholic to participate in and no stress: sing simple songs which they can follow easily, learn Catholic basic and simple prayers, a short "theme" sharing, life sharing, personal prayer requests, and snack at the end - At the end of the 3 - 4 months gathering with the non-Catholics, offers a retreat. In the retreat, it includes to lay hands over and pray for non-Catholics - Non-Catholics will join the RCIA when they are ready We can discuss more details this Sunday. Please let me know if you can come at 1pm on this Sunday, 2/22 in Room #6. Peace! Yvonne --- On Tue, 2/17/09, Yvonne Chow From: Yvonne Chow |
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Pray for the soul of Bishop Chien
We received a message from the Chinese Cursillo group, that Bishop Chien has passed away. Please pray for his body and soul be rested peacefully in heaven.
我們敬愛的錢主教﹝第83屆聖伯鐸組﹞於昨2009年2/17日傍晚安息主懷, 請全體活力兄姊為主教頌唸玫瑰經及參與彌撒,懇求長兄耶穌基督與聖母媽媽接他老人家回歸父家。
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Evangelism in our community/Yvonne Chow
After listened Fr. Ai talked about [101 Evangelism Prayer Community] to various groups/people for two weeks, I would like to share some of my thoughts about the evangelism in our community. After talked to Joseph who is in charge of the Welcoming event, he suggested me to send everyone an email. This is a quick draft, please comment. I also think we should include the 20/20 Evangelism team in the early discussion, we need their expertis and experiences to do a reality check.
1. Preparation
a. SJCCC Community
i. Novena starting 2/22 – individual prays for the non-Catholic’s name to invite
ii. Each groups (Bible study, choir, charismatic … etc.) pray for 3 – 5 names to invite and bring to the Welcoming Event, and be preparing to be their sponsors later
iii. Invite the individual when the time is right – 2 weeks before the event
iv. Pray for the success in the Intercessory prayer every mass
b. Evangelism Prayer Group - new
i. To form the group and start to meet weekly ASAP
ii. To learn the method/spirit of the [Evangelism Prayer Community] within 2 months – adapt Fr. Aldirch’s [101]
iii. To plan the meeting (with non-Catholics) after the Welcoming Event
1. To accompany those sign-up non-Catholics from May to August,
2. if anyone who is ready for RCIA will move to RCIA in Sept.
3. Those who are not ready yet, will stay in this Prayer Community until they are ready
4. Non-Catholics are welcome to join this Evangelism Prayer Community anytime
c. Welcoming Event
i. To form a planning committee
ii. Call and follow-up those who came a year ago
2. Welcoming Event –
a. Suggested Date/time: The (2nd) Sunday after Easter, 4/26
i. 10:00 a.m. – sign in / social / welcome
ii. 10:10 a.m. – sing songs, easy for non-Catholic to follow
iii. 10:30 a.m. – testimony #1
iv. 10:50 a.m. – break
v. 11:00 a.m. – church tour slide show or Choir performance
vi. 11:15 a.m. – testimony #2
vii. 11:35 a.m. – Q & A
viii. 11:55 a.m. – collect individual prayer request
ix. Noon – lunch (sign up “Evangelism Prayer Group”)
x. 1:00 p.m. – sing songs
xi. 1:30 p.m. –Bible story [Pentecost?] sharing
xii. 1:50 p.m. – Charismatic prayer, lay hand over
xiii. 2:15 p.m. – closing testimony
xiv. 2:30 p.m. - closing songs and sign up “EPG”
xv. 2:35 P.M. – clean up
b. Event leaders
i. Welcoming / sign-in
ii. Lunch / snack / drinks
iii. Set-up and clean-up
iv. Decoration
v. Morning music
vi. Testimony
vii. Church tour slide show
viii. Choir
ix. Afternoon Charismatic prayer group
x. MC
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Pictures from 25th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Dear brothers and sisters,
Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Thank you for sharing your Valentine's day with us. (sorry some of you could not make it.) As Lydia said, we will do this again in 25 years!
Here are the pictures:
May God bless your marriage and your family always,
+Tony and Wendar
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Blessings & Resilience Workshop - powerpoint and pictures
- 在困境中找到意義與力量: 鄭玉英 主講
- Date: 1/30-2/1/2009 at SJCCC in St. Clare's Church
- Initial invitation: SJCCC Faith Formation Workshop (Dealing difficult times in faith) and flyer
- Powerpoint presentation from the workshop
- Pictures from the workshop
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Pastoral Ministry program in the Santa Clara University
One parishioner, who is taking theology class in the Santa Clara University, recommends the following study opportunity to the Community. Please feel free to access their Web site or contact the Graduate School directly, if you are interested.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries. I hope that
this finds you well and thriving.
I would like to ask for your help.
As you are well aware, these are difficult economic times. Here at
Santa Clara University, we have been working hard to cut back on costs
without diminishing a student's university experience in any way.
Here is where you can help the program --
Our enrollment is good but we need to increase it. I am not
speaking of anything like a 50% increase but a 10% - 15% increase allows for
two enhancements:
1. We will be able to offer a wider variety of courses and some
new time slots.
2. An increase in student numbers will also permit an
increase in scholarship assistance across the board.
I want to remind you that in addition to the four emphases with which
you are quite familiar
-- catechetics, liturgical music, pastoral liturgy, and spirituality --
we have two new emphases:
a) Catholic Education
b) Pastoral Counseling
As you know, anyone may take a course or two very simply by using our
Quick Admit.
You may know someone who is interested in that option to see if the
program is the right one for him or her.
And you may know someone who has expressed interest in the program.
May I please ask each one of you to contact at least one person in order
to promote the Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries? Your help is most
Please call, email, or visit if you need additional information,
brochures, or have any questions.
My sincere thanks . . .
Tom Powers, SJ, S.T.D.
Executive Director & Arrupe Fellow
Department of Counseling Psychology and
Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries
Bannan Hall 213
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053
Tel (408) 554-4322
Fax (408) 554-7830
Chinese New Year Activity Updates
We are informed that Bishop McGrath won't be with us for the Chinese New Year Celebration due to Fr. Barry Freyne's funeral service will be held at Ireland in this weekend. Msgr Fran Cilia will preside and preach in the Mass instead.
Also, a correction to the former announcement, that the Chinese School Fair will start at 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm, instead of 2:00 to 3:00.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
Pray for the soul of June Liu's brother
The elder brother of June Liu (劉静瑶, 陳偉的太太), 劉孟夫, passed away in yesterday (2/4) around 4:05PM. 孟夫 was struggled with a special colon cancer for few years. He has prepared for baptism in this Easter, also about the time of his 49th birthday. unfortunately, the health condition was deteriorated very rapidly at Tuesday night. With God's blessing the priest arrived just in time to baptize him, which was only few minutes before he passed way. 孟夫's funeral mass is scheduled at 2/14 9AM in 木柵堂.
Please prey for his soul and comfort for June and her family.
God Bless,
SJCCC Chair Board
1. 包鍋貼、湯圓。
2. 愛心紙花
3. 燈籠。
4. 鞭炮。
5. 國畫﹝牛年畫牛﹞、春聯。
6. 年年有餘( 魚 )。
7. 中國結﹝雙錢結別針﹞。
8. 扯鈴。
9. 諮詢中心
熱情歡迎您和您的朋友家人一同前來, 共襄盛舉.
~ 聖荷西華人天主教聖心中文學校 全體師生
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Chinese New Year Celebration Programs at St. Clare and St. Joseph of Cupertino
Just a kind reminder to our Chinese New Year programs at both St. Clare church and St. Joseph of Cupertino on Feb. 8:
St. Clare Parish:
2:00 - 3:00: New Year Activity Fair sponsored by the Sacred Heart Chinese School
3:00 - 4:15: New Year Mass with Bishop McGrath
4:30 - 5:30: Reception in the Parish Hall
5:30 - 7:00: Banquet at the China Stix restaurant (2110 El Camino Real, Santa Clara CA 95050), $20/person, please call Irene Tang for registration (408)216-9848.
St. Joseph of Cupertinao:
If you are unable to attend the Chinese New Year celebration at St. Clare's, and would like to have an additional opportunity to celebrate the New Year, you are welcome to take part in the St. Joseph of Cupertino Chinese New Year mass and ancestral ceremony (in English) at 11 A.M on the same day. A reception with food and entertainment will follow in the parish hall. Those attending are asked to bring different ethnic foods to share.
Happy Chinese New Year,
SJCCC Chair Board
Monday, February 2, 2009
SJCCC: February Stewardship meeting/Helena Ru
The agenda is as following:
1. Praying
2. Sharing
3. Financial - Lipeng
4. SJCCC property list of Young Adult - Joseph
5. Proposal of Transportation Services for elderly - Ho Main
6. Proposal of Domestic Violence - Santa Clara County LMFT - Sylvia Chen
7. 101 Evangelist - Yvong
8. Job Description of Secretary of SJCCC at Diocese
9. Discussion:
Service Team
10. Blessing - Fr. Olivera
Love in Christ,
Helean ^ _ ^
Sunday, February 1, 2009
February Stewardship Meeting
You are cordinally invited to the stewardship meeting on February 12, 2009, Thursday, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
The agenda is as following:
1. Praying
2. Sharing
3. Financial report - Li-peng
4. SJCCC Property List - Young Adult -Joseph
5. Transportation Service for elderly -Legio Mariae - Rosa Ho
6. Proposal of Domestic Violence - Santa Clara County LMFT - Sylvia Chen
7. Job Description of Secretary of SJCCC at Diocese
8. Discussion
(1) Preparation for Chinese New Year -2/8/09 -
a. Announcement of the assignment for host - Ken
b. Service team
9. Blessing - Fr. Olivera
Love in Christ,
Helena ^ _ ^