Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Attendees for the Council Member Stewardship Retreat/Li-Peng

Dear Leaders:
In order to have a proper reservation of the site, I still count on you to give me an estimation of the attendees, even if you are the only one in the group. Please take efforts and reply at your earliest convenient time. Also attached is the flyer of the announcement. The $35 charge is just a recommendation, don't feel obligated.
I apologize to those who didn't receive this notice before. If you know someone, who is not on the list, please feel free to inform them.

Dear All:
As you all know this year marks a new mile stone to the Community, we have a new priest, a new chair board and new ministry teams. It has been for a while we didn't meet together to learn and share our ministry experience, as well as our spiritual growth in church. On September 6, we are pleased to have Fr. Olivera lead a stewardship retreat for all Community members at the Presentation Center. Fr. Olivera indicates specifically that the retreat is suitable for both Mandarin and English speaking people. In order to make a proper reservation of the site, we need to know a rough count of the attendees. Please provide me an estimation of attendees from your group:
  1. Liturgical team: Tien Chia or Angie,
  2. RCIA: Tien Pao
  3. CM: Jesica
  4. Chinese School: (Joseph Ku informs Yu Wan Hua)
  5. Finance team: Jimmy
  6. Bible Study Groups: Helena, Kam, Marcus, Vincent, ... etc.
  7. LOM: An Pung
  8. Choir: Vivian Chu
  9. English Mass: Joanne
  10. Watermark Youth: Patrick and Henry
  11. Publications: Jade, Mark
  12. 20/20 groups: Tony, Eddie
  13. Other teams: forgive me not being able to list all the leaders.
Please email me the number of estimated attendees of your group no later than July 30, Wednesday.
Thanks and God Bless,

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Continue praying for Cecilia's brother/Li-Peng Chou

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Cecilia Chao (Zhao Zhung) just called from Taiwan, that she needs our continuous prayer for the recovery of her brother, who received a critical surgery on July 1st, but is still in coma ever since. Cecilia's younger brother took care of their stroke mother for ten years, now he is the only person available in the family to take care of the seriously injured brother. Please pray for the family to have enough strength to go through this difficult time.

In Christ

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A series of seminars led by Fr. Peter Hu, 胡鳨神父/Li-Peng Chou

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Fr. Peter Hu, 胡國楨神父, will stay in the Bay area for two weeks. We are proud to invite him to present a series of seminars, which will certainly benefit most people in the learning of Christian faith.
  1. 基督宗教信仰的核心特色與生活表現
    Time: July 26, Saturday, from 9:00am to 12:30pm,
    Place: St. Clare Parish
    Sponsored by the SJCCC Faith Formation Team
  2. From the Book of Hebrews to learn the center path of the Christian Faith
    This is a series of three private evening sessions:
    Time: July 14, 15, 16, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
    Place: 5399 Lassen Ave., San Jose CA 95129 (Rae Yang's Home)
  3. From the common ancestor, Abraham, to learn the correlations among the three religions: Christian, Jewish and Islam
    This is a series of three private evening sessions:
    Time: July 21, 22, 23, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
    Place: 5399 Lassen Ave. San Jose CA 95129, (Rae Yang's Home)
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou

Summary of SJCCC Council Meeting 7/10 - Joseph Ku

SJCCC Council meeting 7/10/2008

1.Role of Community Council (Joseph Ku)

2.Summary of Monday meeting with advisory board (Li-Peng Chou)

3.Service and Ministry (Yvonne Chou)

4.Meeting with Fr. Brenden McGuire (Li-Peng Chou/Ken Wang)

5.Perspective of SJCCC (Helena Ru)


1. Celebration of 2000 Jubilee year of St. Paul

Angie suggested having weekly reflection material for faith sharing group and homily theme similar to those years we participated in ¨RENEW〃 program.

Joseph Ku and Angie will work on this and prepare material before next Council meeting.

  1. Identify the current leaders in each existing ministry.

We had gone through this last Monday. A few ministries are lacking of leadership now. These are: (1) Marriage Encounter and family support ministry: Irene and Helena will look into this based on Sister Chiang Fan-Huaˇs article in HolyCity and provide their suggestions in August meeting. (2) Bible and Spiritual Book Sale: Irene and George have served in this ministry for a number of years. Irene would like someone can take over, perhpas focus on Bible sale only.

(3)Finance group: current leaders have served in this area for many years. They would like to have replacement. Li-Peng will talk to the newer members in this group to see if they would like to assume the leadership position. (4) Office Secretary in Dioceses Office: Karen has also devoted many years in this office after Katherine Nie. She would like to have a replacement. This is an important liaison position for our community to communicate with Diocesan staff. (5) Senior group leader, Huang Chung-Wen, reported that he also wanted to have replacement, more importantly, he would like transportation support for senior group activity. (6) Evangelization group leader, Liu Ker-Ching, resigned and needs replacement. Weˇll call a gro! up meet ing to identify for new leader for this group. (7) Sacred Heart School needs principal. We hope one of the student parents can assume this position. This is critical for the quality of CM and Chinese education deliver to our youngsters.

  1. Near the end of the meeting, an organization issue was raised. In recent years, many faith sharing groups has either diminished or cut loose their relationship with SJCCC. While SJCCC is still being recognized as a Chinese Catholic Community by Bishop, yet it is lacking of resources both financially and leadership to be able to function as a viable entity. Many people still show strong desire in spirituality development, but only individually, not collectively. We need proper guidance and also need more time to think through this issue.
  2. Identify major event coordinators in each of the following event, (We did not have time to go through this agenda, wait to next month)

-Christmas Program (including programs during Advent)

-Chinese New Year and Bishop Visit (2/8)

-Easter Program (including programs during Lenten season)


1. Leadership Retreat on 9/6, prefer in Presentation center depending on the availability, or in St. Clare Rectory. Ana Tsai will assist Fr. Olivera on the retreat preparation. We ask all ministry leaders to set this day aside and give yourself a quiet day for recollection.

2. Fr. Hu Kao-Jen SJ, will give one day seminar to us in St. Clare on Saturday, 7/26.

3. Sister maria wang (from China, currently study in Washington State) will visit Bay Area Church during 7/24-7/31. Weˇll invite her to share her testimony to us after 7/27 Sunday Mass.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cornerstone Bible Study Group Special Event/Li-Peng

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

The Cornerstone Bible Study Group invites Fr. Marvin to talk about "Catholic Church and Pope" on next Friday evening. He will start from the origin and fundamental for easy understanding, then go in depth for more to think. Here is the details.

Led by: Fr. Marvin Deutsch
Subject: "Catholic Church and Pope" - what do they mean to our life as a Catholic, especially in today's environment.
Date: 2008-07-18, Friday, 7:30pm
Location: St Joseph School of Cupertino (Art Classroom and School Library)
Address: 10120 N De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Please feel free to join this special event session.

In Christ,

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Community Council meeting 7/10, Thursday/Joseph Ku

Dear Brother & Sister in Christ,
We'll hold our regular Community Council Meeting at 7:00PM on 7/10, Thursday.
Tentative Agenda:
1.Role of Community Council (Joseph Ku)
2.Summary of Monday meeting with advisory board (Li-Peng Chou)
3.Service and Ministry (Yvonne Chou)
4.Meeting with Fr. Brenden McGuire (Li-Peng Chou)
If you have other agenda, please let me know.
Peace & Joy in Serving Christ,
Joseph Ku

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Car for Fr. Olivera/Li-Peng

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Many of you may already meet our new chaplain, Fr. Alberto Olivera, in the last Sunday mass. SJCCC is a geographically dispersed community, the priest needs to travel around the cities to provide sacrament services. As a new comer to the valley, he needs a car to meet with people and for daily operations. If you have a car for sale or intend to donate, please contact Fr. Olivera.

In Christ,

Thank You So Much from Father Barry Martinson/Hai Hsia

--- On Wed, 7/2/08, Hai Hsia Chen wrote:
Fr. Barry wants to thank all of you for the team work we had during his visit. I want to thank all of you too.
Jade, can you please forward this e-mail to Lighthouse group? Thanks.
God bless.
Hai Hsia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barry Martinson
Date: Jul 1, 2008 11:32 PM
Subject: Thank You So Much
Dear Hai Hsia,
Thank you so much for all you did to organize my Masses, talks and book sales in the Bay Area. I am very gateful. I have been wanting to email you ever since I got back to San Diego, but I got a bad cold shortly after getting here, so that slowed me down. Please relay my gatitude to the others also.
You have some wonderful groups of Catholics. Being with them is like being with family. They are so warm and supportive. I wish I could have had more time to get to know them. It wasn't until our last meal together at the restaurant, that I finally felt relaxed enough to not worry about having to get to the next place on time.
I wasn't able to talk much to Chris and his family, whom I just saw briefly at the restaurant. Please thank him for me also. I really appreciate his help.
Your husband seemd to be able to read my mind with the slide show. He always knew just how to do it, and I felt so comfortable working with him. He is a real gift from God.
Also, I want to thank your "marketing genius" who introduced my books after Mass - without his salesmanship my sales would not have been such a success.
It was so nice to meet some of your group that became instant friends, like Darien Lu and others. People like that made everything seem even more worthwhile and were a great consolation to me.
I will keep all of you in my prayers, and I know you will remember me in yours, also. Maybe, with god's blessing, I can come again next year with some new books. Your encouragement has helped stimulate me to work even harder to produce books that reflect God's glory, and I am very happy He can use me for this work and I can share it with you.
Thanks, once again, for everything.
With prayers and best wishes,
Fr Barry

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions for July

Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions for July

VATICAN CITY, 1 JUL 2008 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for July is: "That there may be an increase in the number of those who, as volunteers, offer their services to the Christian community with generous and prompt availability".

His mission intention is: "That the World Youth Day held in Sydney, Australia, may awaken the fire of divine love in young people and make them sowers of hope for a new humanity".


Pray for the recovery of Henry Chao/Li-Peng

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

Our church member, Cecilia Chao's (zhao zhung) brother, Henry Chao, just had a bad car accidence in Taiwan, and is under critical surgery now. Please pray for the success of the operation and a full recovery of his health in the future. Henry is not baptized yet, Cecilia would like to make a special pray petition for the redemption of his soul too.

In Christ,