Monday, March 31, 2008

Fr. Richard P. McBrien on the Papacy of Benedict XVI, 4/27/Yvonne Chow

This talk is at Sacred Heart Prep. which is located at 150 Valparaiso Ave. Atherton, CA 94027. Phone # 650-322-1928. Map and direction:

Deborah Farrington Padilla wrote:
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:46:08 -0700
Subject: Fr. Richard P. McBrien ~Univ. Of Notre Dame
From: Deborah Farrington Padilla

SHS announces a public lecture by Fr. Richard McBrien on the Papacy of Benedict XVI.

Sacred Heart Schools is holding a public lecture by Richard McBrien from the University of Notre Dame. Fr, McBrien will be speaking about the pontificate of Benedict XVI. This lecture will be especially timely since the Pope will have just finished his visit to the US on April 20. We are providing this lecture as a service to the community. We hope you will spread the word about this event in the Campbell Center at 7:00 pm
on April 27th, 2008.

Richard P. McBrien was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut, in 1962. He is now the Crowley-O'Brien Professor of Theology at Notre Dame, where he chaired the Department of Theology from 1980-1991. While a few might contest this claim, I think that it is almost universally recognized that it became the pre-eminent Department of Theology in the English-speaking world under his leadership. He was President of the Catholic Theological Society of America in 1973-74, and served as the first Visiting Fellow at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1975-76. His special area of expertise is ecclesiology, which is the theological assessment and meaning of the church. He has written 21 books, the most recent of which is Lives of the Saints. The other ones that most of us have in our own libraries, and have used in both the classroom and the parish, are Catholicism, The Harper Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, and Lives of the Popes, which has been
translated into Polish. He has written a weekly column, "Essays in
Theology," since the middle of 1966; if you're counting, that comes to is
over 1,900 columns. And, he regularly serves as a television commentator on Catholic matters.

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