Monday, March 31, 2008

Photos for the Easter Party/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The Easter celebration party has attracted more than 300 people for great time, it also leaves many good memoirs in our hearts and in pictures. The Web team has taken the efforts to put them on the Community Web site. Please go to and click on Photo Album for your enjoyments.

In Christ,

Fr. Richard P. McBrien on the Papacy of Benedict XVI, 4/27/Yvonne Chow

This talk is at Sacred Heart Prep. which is located at 150 Valparaiso Ave. Atherton, CA 94027. Phone # 650-322-1928. Map and direction:

Deborah Farrington Padilla wrote:
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:46:08 -0700
Subject: Fr. Richard P. McBrien ~Univ. Of Notre Dame
From: Deborah Farrington Padilla

SHS announces a public lecture by Fr. Richard McBrien on the Papacy of Benedict XVI.

Sacred Heart Schools is holding a public lecture by Richard McBrien from the University of Notre Dame. Fr, McBrien will be speaking about the pontificate of Benedict XVI. This lecture will be especially timely since the Pope will have just finished his visit to the US on April 20. We are providing this lecture as a service to the community. We hope you will spread the word about this event in the Campbell Center at 7:00 pm
on April 27th, 2008.

Richard P. McBrien was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut, in 1962. He is now the Crowley-O'Brien Professor of Theology at Notre Dame, where he chaired the Department of Theology from 1980-1991. While a few might contest this claim, I think that it is almost universally recognized that it became the pre-eminent Department of Theology in the English-speaking world under his leadership. He was President of the Catholic Theological Society of America in 1973-74, and served as the first Visiting Fellow at the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University in 1975-76. His special area of expertise is ecclesiology, which is the theological assessment and meaning of the church. He has written 21 books, the most recent of which is Lives of the Saints. The other ones that most of us have in our own libraries, and have used in both the classroom and the parish, are Catholicism, The Harper Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism, and Lives of the Popes, which has been
translated into Polish. He has written a weekly column, "Essays in
Theology," since the middle of 1966; if you're counting, that comes to is
over 1,900 columns. And, he regularly serves as a television commentator on Catholic matters.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Memorial Mass for Frank Lin on 3/29, St. Clair/Joseph Ku

我們的朋友, 主內的好弟兄, 林家瑞, 已經在台灣時間三月十四日晚間 安息主懷, 返回天鄉. 他曾經在我們教會十多年並! 且擔任兒童主日學老師. 九O年代返台創業. 自從五年多前被診斷出膽管癌, 林弟兄便坦然接受天主安排, 樂天知命, 堪為信仰楷模. 林家瑞弟兄是聖荷西教友夏重光 , Fremont 教友夏澹寧(陳淑如) 的姐夫. 我們教會將於三月二十九日( 星期六)上午十時在St. Clair Church, Santa Clara舉行追思彌撒. 請眾教友為林弟兄靈魂祈禱, 也祈求天主安慰他的家人夏敏 及一雙兒女Jeffrey & Dana.

Our beloved brother, Frank Lin, has passed away on March 14 in Taiwan. Frank has been with our SJCCC community since beginning and was one of our CCD teachers teaching communion class in the early 90. His in-law families are still with SJCCC and Fremont Community. We’ll have a memorial Mass on this coming Saturday (3/29) in St. Clair Church at 10:00AM. Let’s pray to God to receive Frank’s soul in heaven and console his wife Ming, his son Jeffrey and daughter Dana.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

SJCCC Easter Triduum Time Table 聖週禮儀時間/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Here is the Easter Triduum time table:

聖週四 (3/20) --7:30pm 主的晚餐彌撒 (聯合各族裔)
聖週五(3/21) 耶穌受難日
--1:45pm 紀念救主受難禮儀 (英語)
--7:30pm 拜苦路 (聯合各族裔)
聖週六(3/22)--8:00pm 復活前夕彌撒 (聯合各族裔)
復活主日(3/23)--3:00pm 國語英語聯合彌撒

You may find difinition here:
Easter Triduum:
Holy Thursday:
Good Friday: (Passion Begins)
Easter Vigil:

May God bless you and grant you abundantly!

James Hua

Annual Diocesan Appeal 2008/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As with some of people, I have trouble of keeping small tasks to the last minutes before due. Many times when I remember to mail out something or start a little project, it's past due already. This is another reminder in case you forget. Cheer!

Below is the past 4 years ADA numbers. You can see that we are only at about 60% of last year's number of donors. Please help the Church as much as possible even it's a small amount. Your participation matters. May God bless your kind heart!

2004 SJCCC # of Donors:87
Total: $22,470

2005 SJCCC # of Donors:108
Total: $25,300

2006 SJCCC # of Donors:96
Total: $28,315

2007 SJCCC - SKIP 2007 for Capital Campaign

2008 SJCCC as of today # of Donors:59
As of today: $19,355

You can find ADA overall progress at:
This is ADA home page:

James Hua

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sharing a very beautiful song with you/Madeleine Ke

Got this today from Madeleine

Subject: Sharing a very beautiful song with you..... How beautiful!

非常美的一首歌與大家分享 感謝天主,很美的一首歌,非常感人。 在這聖週的開始,願藉著這一首歌, 讓我們在這一週的過程中,一起體會耶穌的死亡與復活, 和在選舉戰火下的台灣社會,一起度過百感交集的這一周。 也讓我們一起為這樣的處境下的台灣社會祈禱,願我們的禱聲蒙主垂聽! 更感謝天主,因著耶穌的受難犧牲, 為這世界帶來救恩與希望, 願更多人得到救贖恩典, 以上所求奉靠主基督耶穌之名 阿門

Friday, March 14, 2008

Prayer Request: Easter Mass Happy Hours/James Hua

Dear Friends,

This is to request some help from you. Please read.

1. Electronic version of the flier we provided on Sunday is now available on-line, this might be a good way for people to make invitations. Please invite your friends ASAP:

2. Novena: 9-day prayer. We would like to invite everyone to pray Novena for this event, starting today till Easter Sunday. You can either fast, offer Mass, pray Our Father, Divine Mercy, Rosary, or simply pray for this event during in your own prayer. A sample prayer can be:

"Come, O Divine Spirit, fill my heart with Thy heavenly fruits, Thy charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, faith, mildness, and temperance, that I may never weary in the service of God, but, by continued faithful submission to Thy inspiration, may merit to be united eternally with Thee in the love of the Father and the Son. Amen."

May God bless you and this event!

James Hua

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Easter Joyful Celebration - Chinese Catholic Friends Message/Judy & Kerching


中國人是個喜歡享受年節氣氛的民族,因為每個節慶都能在平凡日子中點綴出不同的心情。農曆春節是疲憊遊子回家與親人團聚,在享用豐盛的年夜飯及隆隆的鞭炮 聲中迎接新的一年到來。無論元宵、清明、端午、中秋,許許多多的節慶都有一些古老傳說;縱使時光荏苒,但總讓人們內心充滿溫馨與期待。


人 世間充滿憂、苦、愁、煩,心靈內極需得到拯救與改變。對基督徒而言,復活的奇蹟不是只發生在兩千多年前的空墓穴中;每個基督徒的生命中,藉著耶穌的愛與復 活,都擁有一些屬於各自的復活轉變。基督復活是我們信仰的根基,我們為信仰作證,傳報與宣告復活的基督更新了我們的生命。基督願意我們不只是在物質生活上 得到滿足,更在精神與靈性生命上得到滋養和成長。


St. Clare's Parish Hall 教堂旁邊的活動中心
941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050

11:30 - 12:00 PM接待
12:00 - 01:00 PM午餐招待
01:00 - 02:30 PM見證分享,童玩活動
03:00 - 04:30 PM復活節彌撒(感恩禮)
04:30 - 05:00 PM復活節撿蛋及蛋糕



聖荷西華人天主教會 敬邀
二零零八年 三月八日





Friday, March 7, 2008

Easter Mass Happy Hours/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

On the Easter Sunday, the “Evangelization” and “Church is our Home” teams are hosting a event including lunch, testimonial sharing, Easter Mass, and children Easter egg hunt to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and our new life in Christ. Everyone in the Community and our family are invited. We will also invite the “new friends” we encountered last year to join us in this joyful gathering. In addition to the program below, we will also provide childcare during the testimonial sharing.. We sincerely hope we can share our joy with everyone with these activities.

Time: Sunday 3/23, 11:30 AM – 5PM
Location: St. Clare’s Parish Hall

11:30 AM – noon Welcome
Noon – 1:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Testimonial Sharing
3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Easter Sunday Mass
4:30 PM – 5:00 PM Easter Egg Hunt & Cake

To help us prepare, please email by 3/19 to let us know your name, number of people in your party including guests, and how many children requiring childcare and their ages. Thank you very much!

三月二十三日, 復活節當天, “福傳組”和 “教會是我們的家組” 將以午餐,教友見證分享,參與復活節的彌撒感恩聖祭,兒童復活節撿蛋, 一連串的活動,來慶祝,並分享主耶穌基督復活的大喜慶.團體中的每一位教友和你/妳的家人都將被邀請; 同時我們在去年的活動中接觸到的許多「新朋友」也將被邀請參加這一個特別喜樂的聚會。除了附上活動的時間表, 我們在活動中見證分享的時段將提供幼兒照顧. 真誠的希望復活節的活動中,能與你/妳們一起分享我們的喜樂.
復活節午餐, 見證分享, 復活節彌撒
時間:3/23星期天 11:30AM – 5:00PM
地點:St. Clare’s Parish Hall

11:30 – 12:00 PM 接待
12:00 - 01:00 PM 午餐招待
01:00 - 02:30 PM 見證分享 (教友見證分享)
03:00 - 04:30 PM 復活節彌撒
04:30 - 05:00 PM 復活節撿蛋 & 蛋糕

為幫助我們能夠做好妥善的準備, 請於三月十九日前, 利用電郵 , 將您的姓名, 參加的人數, 包括了您的客人; 此外也請您告訴我們, 有幾個孩子須要幼兒照顧, 並請告知孩子的年齡. 謝謝!!

May God bless you all!

James Hua

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Notice for the March council meeting/Li-Peng Chou

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

The March council meeting will be held on March 13, Thursday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. A tentative agenda is given as follows:
1) Preparation to the Liturgies and activities for the Holy Week; (Anjie Wang)
2) Evangelization team Easter welcome party; (Tony Fu, Kerching)
3) Status of the Chair board election; (Alex Wang and Cris Chen)
4) Sharing of Catechetical Convention in L.A.; (attendees from Liturgy, Choir and Youth groups)

In Christ,