Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Memorial Mass for our beloved 朱蒙泉神父 Fr. Bernard Chu/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

If you missed Memorial Mass on 2/16 for Fr. Bernard Chu, you are invited to Mass on this Saturday at St. Leo Church, 176 Ridgeway, Oakland. Please see Tony and Agnes' announcement to Bay Area Marriage Encounter members for details.

May God bless Fr. Chu!

James Hua

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tony Lau
Subject: Fwd: Memorial Mass for Fr. Bernard Chu

Hi James,

Please forward this information and invite all the SJCCC and ME members of the Bay area to attend. Thanks a lot and God bless,


Dear All,

The Bay Area Marriage Encounter groups and Interfriendship Housing Association are inviting you to attend a memorial Mass presided by Bishop Cummings for our beloved Fr. Bernard Chu who passed away on 2/8/08. The following is the detailed information:

Date: February 23, 2008 (Saturday).
Time: 2:30 pm Rosary, 3:00 Mass (presided by Bishop Cummins).
Location: St. Leo Church, 176 Ridgeway, Oakland, CA 94611.
Refreshments will be provided after Mass in the Fr. Lacey's room across the street from the church.

Please let us know if you have any questions and hope to see you all there. God bless,

Tony and Agnes

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