Friday, February 29, 2008

Thank-You Letter for Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/17 - James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I mentioned on Sunday Mass that I will send out email to thank everyone. Obviously I didn't know that some good guy already did.

I am happy to see Joseph's Thank-You email to you all regarding Chinese New Year Mass and Culture Activities. I second whatever he expressed in the letter - yes, thank you very much! Hope to see more fun activities in our community. Any suggestion?

May God bless you all!

James Hua
PS: BTW, ADA (Annual Diocese Appeal) still needs your kind support - small or large. Thank you! (Hmmm... do I sound like the guy in KQED fund raising program)

----- Original Message ----

Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 6:02:18 PM
Subject: Pictures of Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/17

My Dear Brother & Sister in Christ,

Here is the link of the slide show of our Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/17. If you missed it, you could still share our joy with these pictures.

We are grateful for your generous support in this event, fun Carnival, beautiful liturgy, abundant foods in reception and happy dinner banquet. As you could see, with a little help of everyone, we all could enjoy this communal event.

Our next major event will be Evangelization meeting on Easter Sunday, 3/23. Would you like to come forward to help? please contact Tony or Kerching.

Joseph Ku

SJCCC Prayer Request for Chan, Shao-Hui's father/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please pray for Chan, Shao-Hui's father's speedy recovery.

Teacher Chan, who had volunteered herself as editor for Holy City Monthly in the past 3 years, will fly to China to accompany her father who has serious illness.

Dear Teacher Chan,

We thank you for your tireless editing job for SJCCC and we hope your father regain his health ASAP. May God bless him and your family!

James Hua

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sharing A Good book - Chinese Catholic Friends Message


願天主的恩寵常與您同在。 我們有好書願與您分享 :

蘭嶼的魚男孩 - 丁松青(Fr. Barry Martinson) 神父著


小丁神父多才多藝,三十年前以英文寫了“蘭嶼之歌”經女作家三毛翻譯為中文之後,成為暢銷書,很受讀者喜愛。 近年來陸續出版原住民流傳已久的故事,幫助大家了解不同的文化傳統。 本書以中,英文對照方式編寫,配合丁神父所繪的精彩插圖,適合全家大小一起閱讀。




聖荷西華人天主教會 敬啟

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bishop Visiting Watermark/Pat Ku

Hey Watermark!

I hope you all had a blast tonight hanging out with the bishop! The
pictures from tonight as well as a few recent events are posted on
Watermark's Picasa Album. To visit it, please go to:

Again, if you have any Watermark pictures that you would like to
share, please upload them here so we can all have access to the full,
high-res versions of the pictures and not watered-down, low-res,
facebook versions =).


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pictures of Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/17/Joseph Ku

My Dear Brother & Sister in Christ,

Here is the link of the slide show of our Chinese New Year Celebration on 2/17. If you missed it, you could still share our joy with these pictures.

We are grateful for your generous support in this event, fun Carnival, beautiful liturgy, abundant foods in reception and happy dinner banquet. As you could see, with a little help of everyone, we all could enjoy this communal event.

Our next major event will be Evangelization meeting on Easter Sunday, 3/23. Would you like to come forward to help? please contact Tony or Kerching.

Joseph Ku

Thursday, February 21, 2008

SJCCC Easter Sunday Tea Party - An Evangelization Opportunity/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I bet you've heard some nagging from many Catholics either among ourselves or other communities that -

"we are not proactive as Protestants in approaching people, tagging people around and relaying people with Good News..." –or-

"we should stand up and act instead of complain and sigh…"

Well, this is everyone's chance! Tony and E.T. Committee (Evangelization Team, not Extra-Terrestrial from Steven Spielberg’s movie) had put up tons of effort to hold another action packed event for the benefit of everyone – bay area friends to be evangelized and us to be energized! It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. Isn’t that great?!

Please note this invitation excludes no one – all are expected to chip in some efforts. Please try your best to influence your dear brothers and sisters so they don’t feel left out. Please reply to ALL, Tony and me so we all know which action items are covered. We have Florence, George, Kerching, An-Pung, Cris helping you out. They are all ears too.

Here are all the details from Tony and E.T.



在復活節當天, SJCCC將邀請去年我們在華人大型活動中接觸到的五十多位「新朋友」參加一個特別的茶會。我們希望所有的區組都能參與這項活動:

1. 每一個區組都能以主人身份招待2位「新朋友」。不但是在活動當時招待他們,活動以後也保持接觸,繼續邀清他們參與區組及團體活動。
2. 每一個區組都能用1領1(1區組領1人)的方式邀請疏遠的「老朋友」,在復活節回來我們的團體。在復活節以後也繼續邀清他們參與區組及團體活動。
3. 每一個區組都能參與這活動的一部分工作(請代表您的區組認領貴組能夠承擔的部分) 。我們都知道,在一起工作中,區組才能真正的凝聚和成長。



地點:St. Clare’s Parish Hall


12:00 - 01:00 PM 精美點心招待

01:00 - 02:30 PM 以見證分享為主題,詳情未定(最好能有中英粵語,以及輕鬆喜樂的氣氛) 兒童Easter Arts & Crafts

01:30 - 02:30 PM 粵語彌撒

03:00 - 04:00 PM 國語彌撒

04:00 - 05:00 PM 兒童Easter Egg Hunt 及慕道班活動


1 Programming (Sacred Heart Children Choir has agreed to support), including MCs

2 Food preparation

3 Food serving

4 Set up, decoration, & clean up

5 Childcare/crafts

6 Easter Egg hunt

7 Audio/visual

8 New friends invitation - phone, email, and snail mail

9 The 1-0-1 pilot planning & execution - including post-event follow up

10 Community communication - both for hosting and 1-0-1 pilot (written, verbal)

11 Welcome/sign in

12 Overall project coordination

13 Cantonese group coordination

Dear group leaders,

Thank you for leading Lord Jesus’ flock! We sincerely thank you for your thoughtfulness and hard work. We know that God see and appreciate your contributions, and will bless all of your efforts for Christ.

We are happy to share with you that on Easter Sunday, SJCCC will invite those 50 “new friends” we met at the major Chinese events back to the community for a Tea Party. We would like every community group to participate in this activity:
1. Every group will be the host to 2 “new friends” during the event and continue to be in touch after the event to invite them to group and community activities.
2. Every group will have the spirit of 1-Lead-1 (each group lead/adopt one), and bring a distant Catholic back to the community on Easter. The group will continue to invite them to be involved with group and community activities after the event.
3. Every group will take part in some of the tasks of this event. We all know that it’s in working together; the group grows and jells together.

Easter Tea Party
Time: Sunday 3/23
Location: St. Clare’s Parish Hall
Noon-1pm Snacks
1-2:30pm Sharing/Testimonies to be determined (Mandarin, English, and Cantonese preferred, joyful and not too heavy) Children - Easter Arts & Crafts
1:30-2:30 Cantonese Mass
3:00-4:00 Mandarin Mass
4:00-5:00 Children Easter Egg Hunt and RCIA Activity

May God bless you and this event!

James Hua

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sr. Chen's Speech 陳麗卿修女分享在坦尚尼亞關懷愛滋病患者的感人經驗/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Can you image how much we are blessed by God? Hint - from the number of emails I spammed you today about many church activities, you know we are not alone on earth. Cheer!

Please join us this Sunday (sacrifice a bit of your weekend make up sleep) from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Parish Hall for Sr. Chen's heart-breaking soul-warming experience of AIDS care in Tanzania, Africa.

Sister is with Maryknoll Sisters Order ( Their mission statement is: "Maryknoll Sisters are committed to crossing boundaries, whether cultural, social, religious, geographic or economic to proclaim the Good News of the Reign of God."

Before you come, one small homework - do you know which part of Africa Tanzania locates? See link below for introduction so you may know what Sr. Chen is talking about.

Here are the details:

瑪利諾會陳麗卿修女在坦尚尼亞從事第一線愛滋工作多年, 她將於2008年二月二十四日星期日9:00 am – 12:00 noon 在St. Clare Church, Parish Hall 和我們分享她推廣愛滋教育,
關懷愛滋患者, 帶原者,以及他們家人的親身經歷, 並傳達受愛滋病波及的這些人的心聲

Date: 2/24
Time: 9 AM to 12 PM
Place: Parish Hall, St. Clare's Parish
Speaker: Sr. Chen

May God bless the poor! May God bless Maryknoll Sisters' mission!

James Hua

Bye! Fr. Chu 再見!朱蒙泉神父/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Sorry that I send you many emails today! I hope they can be inspiring to your devotion to God.

Tian-Zhu Radio Web 天主教真理電台 published links of Fr. Bernard Chu's funeral mass taken place on 2/16 11 AM at Taipei Holy Family Church.

Here are the full length audio recording:

Here are the photo album:

Many thanks to Guu for sharing this information!


Fr. Lou Aldrich's Speech/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Still remember the famous "1-0-1" (in Mandarin) concept brought to us by Jesuit priest, Fr. Aldrich (愛神父) last year. Well, he's here again and we have another joyful chance to listen to his talk about 1-0-1 evangelization work in Taiwan. Here are the details:

Topic: Evangelization work in Taiwan
Date: 2/24/2008 (Sunday)
Time: After Mass
Place: Lower Church

Please join us after Sunday Mass in lower church. May God bless your Christian life!

James Hua

Memorial Mass for our beloved 朱蒙泉神父 Fr. Bernard Chu/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

If you missed Memorial Mass on 2/16 for Fr. Bernard Chu, you are invited to Mass on this Saturday at St. Leo Church, 176 Ridgeway, Oakland. Please see Tony and Agnes' announcement to Bay Area Marriage Encounter members for details.

May God bless Fr. Chu!

James Hua

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tony Lau
Subject: Fwd: Memorial Mass for Fr. Bernard Chu

Hi James,

Please forward this information and invite all the SJCCC and ME members of the Bay area to attend. Thanks a lot and God bless,


Dear All,

The Bay Area Marriage Encounter groups and Interfriendship Housing Association are inviting you to attend a memorial Mass presided by Bishop Cummings for our beloved Fr. Bernard Chu who passed away on 2/8/08. The following is the detailed information:

Date: February 23, 2008 (Saturday).
Time: 2:30 pm Rosary, 3:00 Mass (presided by Bishop Cummins).
Location: St. Leo Church, 176 Ridgeway, Oakland, CA 94611.
Refreshments will be provided after Mass in the Fr. Lacey's room across the street from the church.

Please let us know if you have any questions and hope to see you all there. God bless,

Tony and Agnes

Saturday, February 16, 2008

New year celebration 2/17 - Joseph Ku

SJCCC will celebrate Chinese New Year as a community tomorrow.

1. Sacred Heart School will have fun activities from 1 to 2:30pm.
2. After Mass, there will be refreshment in the Parish Hall.

While many faith groups are generously preparing some goodies, we also hope we will have food of various kinds.

If your family has any finger food and/or fruits that is good for CNY celebration, please bring them over.

Look into your pantry. Anything will help. Bring your home grown fruits. Be creative.

Thank you so much in advance.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Memoir for Fr. Chu/ Li-Peng Chou

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

One of our youth puts his tribute for memoirs of Fr. Chu in video. Many were captured in various marriage encounter sessions. It brings back those good old days for many of us.

In Christ

Celebrate New Year in SJCCC on 2/17 - Joseph Ku

DearGod and Dear Brother & Sister in Christ,

This coming Sunday (2/17), San Jose Bishop McGrath will come to our community to celebrate Chinese New Year with us in St. Clare. Hope you would join us with a good festive spirit.

Program will start at 1:00PM in GYM, Chinese School and Cantonese Community will set up many fun booths for Kids and Adults to eat(dumpling) and play, welcome everybody.

Mass will celebrate at 3:00PM, ancenster memorial ceremony will follow.

4:30-5:30PM Reception in Gym, Bishop will distribute Red Envelop to all children, don't miss it.
Reception will be decorated by Cantonese community.
Light deserts will be prepared by various individual or groups.
年糕: Teresa Lai (賴照郁), Brownie: 陳慶文, 春捲: 胡台娥 and north valley, Sandwich: Palo Alto bible study, Miscellaneous goodies.......: Cantonese community

6:00PM Dinner Banquet with Bishop in Royal Garden (翠苑) in De La Cruz Blvd. $15 per person.
Currently we have 60 people signed up. If you would like to join us, please let me know.

May God bless each one of you abundantly in the year of RAT.

Joseph Ku

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Re: Please praye for Ho, Mian Rosa's father/James Hua

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Rosa appreciates your prayer! Thank you!

The funeral Mass for Mr. Ho will be held on 2/16 (Sat) at 9:00 AM in St. Clare Church. May God bless Mr. Ho and grant him eternal life.

James Hua

----- Original Message ----
From: James Hua
To: All SJCCC Members
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 10:58:57 PM
Subject: Please praye for Ho, Mian Rosa's father

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am sorry to inform you that Rosa Shu's (Ho, Mian 何媔) father passed away today. Let's pray for dear Mr. Ho's soul to rest in peace in Heaven. May our almighty God welcome him into His Kingdom. Rosa will let us know about funeral service when available.

James Hua

SJCCC: February Council Meeting Agenda/James Hua

Dear Members,

Happy Chinese New Year! We wish you a wonderful and blessed new year.

Unfortunately my last night's email got corrupted and spammed to all of you with 50+ copies due to email service provider problem. I am sorry to cause you trouble!

Here is the proposed February Council Meeting agenda. Please let me know if I miss anything.

1. Preparation Status of Chinese New Year Mass and celebration. - Joseph
2. Preparation Status of Memorial Mass for Fr. Bernard Chu - Cris
3. New Chairman Board Election Plan - Alex Wang
4. Relationship between SJCCC and St. Clare parish - Committee
5. Activity status, Family Camp, Easter Evangelization
6. Hospital Ministry Expense Bill from DSJ
7. Email Server problem
8. Office Report
9. Financial report

Place: St. Clare's Parish, Room 5
Time: 2/14/2007 Thursday 7:00 PM

May God bless this meeting with abundant fruits!

James Hua

Chinese New Year Mass With SJ Bishop - Chinese Catholic Friends Message


新年快樂!願天主的恩寵常與您同在。 歡迎您踴躍參與我們的新年活動。

地點:St. Clare 教堂旁邊的活動中心
941 Lexington St. (at Lafayette St.) , Santa Clara, CA

地點:St. Clare 教堂
941 Lexington St. (at Lafayette St.) , Santa Clara, CA


聖荷西華人天主教會 敬啟

Cardinal Tien Cultural Foundation, Taiwan - Overseas Chinese Service and Experience Group 2008

From: 耕莘

Dear all:

Thank you for your patience reading our latest development on this year's Overseas Chinese Service and Experience group, and this year we are going have a big change concerning the program itself.

We will focus more on the experiences of the traditional Chinese and Taiwanese culture, and we will also devote ourselves to the volunteering works to the local communities. The activity site will be in I-Lan county, northeastern part of Taiwan, and we will stay in the Dormitory of the Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center.

During the 3 weeks of time, we are going to help the world famous "Lan Yang Dancers" with their stage performance, and also participate in many colorful local activities and festivals in the meantime; besides, we will visit the St. Mary's Hospital and keep patients there company. Community servi ce is also an important part of this program.

We are here to invite 6 Overseas Chinese students to join us for this great summer time. More information is included in the DM of the attachment; please help us to pass this wonderful news to anyone who might be interested. For furher inquery and information, please contact our program coordinator, Ms. Chaung.

from Cardinal Tien Cultural Foundation

PS. the attached files are the DM and application form for this activity. If you have received this information before, please discard the previous DM, and pass the new one included in the mail to your dear relatives and friends.

Chinese: More information and Application Form
English: More information
and Application Form

Service opportunity for Young People in Taiwan - Doc/English


The Cardinal Tien Culture Foundation is pleased to prepare the seventh year of the Overseas Chinese Youth Program in Taiwan. This year, the program will be held in I-Lan, a beautiful county in the northeastern part of Taiwan.

Forty years ago, Italian Catholic missionary Gian Carlo Michelini arrived in I-Lan and established the Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center. Today, we will see face-to-face the world famous Lan Yang Dancers and go to the Fringe Festival to experience the splendid local culture. We will have great fun in I-Lan, a heavenly place without polluting industries. We will also lightly expose ourselves to the services for mentally retarded people and patients with terminal illness.

This summer, let’s become the most gorgeous cultural man in I-Lan!


1. Volunteering with the Lang Yang Dancers and Loudong Fringe Festival

We will help the Lang Yang Dancers for their stage performance, including on-stage and back-stage preparation, ticketing, and receptionist service, etc. We will be part of the dancing group. We will be part of the Loudong Fringe Festival, too.

2. Teaching English for Children

We will visit children in the local communities twice a week to teach them to sing English songs and to tell them some interesting English stories. We will interact with local children and people.

3. Compiling the Historical Materials of the Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center

We will help the Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center to compile their historical materials, to translate and digitalize these files, and to improve their website.

4. Visiting the St. Marys Hospital:

Every week, sisters will lead us to help the patients with terminal illness and to the mentally disadvantaged people.

5. Local Tour in I-Lan County

We will visit the marvelous I-Lan streets, farms, oceans, mountains, night markets, etc.

Date: 2008/07/07-2008/07/27


1. College students or above, interested in art, stage and culture experiences.

2. Basic Mandarin abilities - listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

3. There will be 3 weeks of group life; all participants need to be self-reliant and respect group leaders and teachers.

4. A respect of local religions and cultures.

Number of Participants: 6

Activity Site: Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center and I-Lan County

Accommodation: the Dormitory of the Lan Yang Youth Catholic Center

Application: Fill in the application form and mail it to

For More Information please contact Ms. Chaung by +886-2-23655615, ext.311 or visit our website at

Service opportunity for Young People in Taiwan - Doc/Chinese








1. 蘭陽舞蹈團、羅東藝穗節工作體驗:


2. 英文故事導讀、英文歌曲教唱工作體驗:


3. 蘭陽青年會文史整理工作體驗:


4. 靈醫會相關機構參訪體驗:


5. 蘭陽風土逍遙遊:



招募條件:1. 對劇場、藝術、人文充滿興趣的大專以上學生。

2. 因活動中需要華裔青年有溝通、翻譯的工作,因此中文需能聽能說略看得懂

3. 三個星期均為團體生活,需要能自行照顧生活起居,並尊重營隊老師、隊長的領導。

4. 蘭陽青年會雖是天主教機構,但仍有許多機會接觸到台灣民間的當地信仰,因此需要對於不同民俗風情充滿興趣,並尊重當地信仰。






相關查詢請上耕莘文教基金會網頁查詢 http//

Monday, February 11, 2008

Retreat Invitation from Fremont Chinese Catholic Community/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Please find retreat invitation from Fremont Chinese Catholic Community. May God bless you with a refreshing Lent Season!

James Hua

跟隨耶穌 -- 逾越 ~~走向成全~~
王 和 平 神 父


時 間 :2008年 3月 1日 星 期 六 9AM – 4:30PM
地 點 :St. Joseph Administration House # 2
St. Joseph Terrace., Fremont , CA 94539
酌收費用十元(含午餐), 歡迎大家一起來。
報名請洽陳鳳文姊妹 (408-996-7013)

9:00 讚 美 感 謝 主
9:10 第 一 講
10:20 靜 默 祈 禱
10:50 第 二 講
12:00 午 餐

1:10 讚 美 感 謝 主
1:20 第 三 講
2:30 靜 默 祈 禱
3:00 第 四 講
4:00 問 題 與 解 答
4:30 避 靜 結 束

The Administration Office #2 of St. Joseph Church . You may park your cars at the parking lot of the St. Joseph Church ( 43148 Mission Blvd. Fremont , CA 94539 ) and then walk toward St.Joseph Terrace --> make a right turn and the Admin House #2 is the 2nd house at the right side.

Memorial Mass for our beloved 朱蒙泉神父 Fr. Bernard Chu/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Taiwan Jesuit Society will hold Fr. Chu's Funeral Mass on 2/16 11 AM (Taipei Time) at Taipei Holy Family Church.

After quite a few discussions among acting chairs, senior members, Fr. Moses Kan and Fr. Koo, we decided to pay our last respect to Fr. Chu as close as possible to Taipei's Funeral Mass. This is the arrangement:

The Memorial Mass for our beloved Father Bernard Chu 朱蒙泉神父 will be held this Saturday, 2/16, at 2 PM, in St. Clare's Parish upper church. We will pray Rosary at 2 and Mass starts at 2:30.

Let us pray to our Holy Father that He will grant Fr. Chu eternal life, forever joy and bless his unfinished work on earth.

James Hua

----- Original Message ----
From: James Hua
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2008 9:52:41 AM
Subject: Please Pray for Fr. Chu

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It's deeply sadden to pass on this news to you all that our beloved Fr. Chu passed away this morning, Taipei Time 5:39 PM. Please pray to our Heavenly Father receive Fr. Chu to His Eternal Home. We believe Fr. Chu will look down upon us and pray for us from Lord's Garden.

We are arranging Memorial Mass to pay our final respect to Fr. Chu's kind and fruitful helps to SJCCC and many other overseas Chinese. Please stay tuned.

May God bless Fr. Chu and his family!


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ken wang
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2008 6:18:27 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: Do you have any latest (After February 1, 2008) Fr. Chu's Status?

Dear all,

I am so sorry to inform you that our beloved Fr. Chu passed away this early morning (CA time). Please pary for him and may our mercy Lord receive his soul in heaven.


----- Forwarded Message ----

Fr. Chu just left for heaven at 5:39pm Taipei time.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Please praye for Ho, Mian Rosa's father/James & Li-Peng

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am sorry to inform you that Rosa Shu's (Ho, Mian 何媔) father passed away today. Let's pray for dear Mr. Ho's soul to rest in peace in Heaven. May our almighty God welcome him into His Kingdom. Rosa will let us know about funeral service when available.

James Hua

Friday, February 8, 2008

Please Pray for Fr. Chu/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It's deeply sadden to pass on this news to you all that our beloved Fr. Chu passed away this morning, Taipei Time 5:39 PM. Please pray to our Heavenly Father receive Fr. Chu to His Internal Home. We believe Fr. Chu will look down upon us and pray for us from Lord's Garden.

We are arranging Memorial Mass to pay our final respect to Fr. Chu's kind and fruitful helps to SJCCC and many other overseas Chinese. Please stay tuned.

May God bless Fr. Chu and his family!


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: ken wang
Sent: Friday, February 8, 2008 6:18:27 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Re: Do you have any latest (After February 1, 2008) Fr. Chu's Status?

Dear all,

I am so sorry to inform you that our beloved Fr. Chu passed away this early morning (CA time). Please pary for him and may our mercy Lord receive his soul in heaven.


----- Forwarded Message ----

Fr. Chu just left for heaven at 5:39pm Taipei time.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Service opportunity for Young People in Taiwan/Joseph Ku

DearLord and All
Happy New Year!
Pleae pass the information to your kids and your friends.
Here are chances for young boys and girls visiting Taiwan and get good experiences during the summer times for about 3 weeks.
Please encourage them to join this program.
If you want to know more, please call me
Fan-Ren Chang
----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 7:50 PM
Subject: 耕莘文教基金會--2008華裔青年返台體驗服務活動訊息 敬請發佈



熱騰騰的2008年「仲夏藝文趣」--華裔青年返台體驗服務學習營 活動訊息出爐了,敬請協助宣傳、發佈。



敬祝 平安喜樂

耕莘文教基金會秘書 莊涵甄&n! bsp; 敬 上


耕莘文教基金會 莊涵甄

聖母在露德顯現150週年得大赦辦法/James Hua

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Happy Chinese New Year! We wish you a joyful New Year and abundant blessing from our heavenly Father.

If you miss yesterday's chance to pray with Fr. Koo at lower church after 3 PM Mass for "Plenary Indulgence" (大赦), you still have time (about 7 days left). Below is what you will do to receive decree. Focus on (2) and (3) if you don't have time or resource to visit Lourdes. I believe it's very easy to do.

If your computer does not have Chinese font, you can click this page (天主教亞洲真理電台

English version can be found here at Vatican Tribunal Page:
















thank you notes for our donation $1800/Joseph Ku

DearLord and all Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

(From Fremont community)

Praise the Lord and thanks again for your support spiritually and financially.

Fr.Liu in Hobei has to pay he owed the church construction workers wages around USD$5,500 (RMB40,000) before Chinese New Year. I wired out USD$6,600 to his church and $6,000 to Fr. Zan in Han-Chung yesterday. We received about $10,888 donation (detail as follows). And CCCSJ contributes $856 for each church. We like to propose a long term support, if you miss this time$B!G(Js donation or you will receive a fortune in the future (such as win a lottery or inherent a wealth), you may issue a check to CCCSJ and remark for China mission. And put into Sunday mass collection or mail to 4 0881 Mino Way, Fremont, CA 94539. CCCSJ will set up a special fund for China Mission. We will use your donation to support China – vocation plan, support poor and sick, church building etc., - to response God$B!G(Js calling do for the little brothers and sisters.

CCCSJ Donation $4,388

SJCCC Donation 1,800

Other States 1,200

徐卓越神父 2,000

SMCCC 1,500

CCCSJ matching 1,712

Total Funds $12,600

Wire to:

Fr. Liu – HoBei 6,600

Fr. Zan – Han Chung 6,000

A letter from Fr.Zan- Han Chung Church. Thanks again for your donation.





心的捐款!感谢你们无私的奉献精神,是你们让我再一次! 感受到� 熘鞯陌�,感受到我们是


Luke zan

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Chinese New Year invitation/Wendy Lai & Judy Sun


傑瑞, 喜, 喜,今年是你的年!

Jerry, gong xi3, gong xi3, this is your year!

Zhu4 ni3 shu3 nian2 xing2 da4 yun4


Welcome to the Festival of Chinese New Year



When : February 17, 2008, 1:00-2:30 PM

地點: St. Clare 教堂旁邊的活動中心

Where: Parish Hall of St. Clare Church

941 Lexington St. (at Lafayette St.) , Santa Clara, CA



What & How : In the festival

Use your hands, brain, mouth and ears to make the 鼠年 souvenir