Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Mass on January 1, 2009/Helena Ru
Thursday, December 11, 2008
2008 Christmas Party/Yvonne Chow
Christmas party will be held on 12/21 this year. Pre-sale dinner ticket is $8 for an adult and $5 for a child under 10. You can buy the tickets after mass at the hallway.
If you would like to donate some raffle prizes, please give all wrapped gifts to Lucille Lee as soon as possible.
We are still in need of volunteers and programs, performed by adults and/or children for the evening. Please contact Yvonne Chow ( as soon as possible. Because of the tight schedule of the parish hall, the rehearsal will be on Friday, 12/19 from 6:30-10:30 p.m..
今年的聖誕晚會將於12/21舉行。晚會的餐券 彌撒後在川廊預售。大人$8:00十歲以下兒童$5:00。
Resume Workshop 12/14 - Job Seeker Support/Yvonne Chow
Please pray for everyone who is seeking a job and pray for our ministry to support each other during this challenging time. Following a well attended and very informative and blessed session last week, we will have a "Resume Workshop" after Mass on Sunday 12/14. Please bring a copy of your current resume and join us.
Topic: Resume Workshop
Time: 4:15pm - 5:30pm, Sunday 12/14
Location: Rectory Dining Room
This is the first of 5 Workshops addressing each of the 5 steps of the process outlined by Vincent on Sunday.
Important information:
1. Future sessions will be announced in the weekly bulletin, and at our SJCCC Calendar (beta) on our website:
2. A parallel spouse/family support group is being organized right now, more information will be forthcoming
3. Material from the first Overview session has been published to "Job Search [1] - Intro : Get Back on My Feet" our SJCCC Job Forum (beta) at:
There is hope and God will provide! Let's share the Joyful and Giving Spirit of Christmas by actively helping each other.
May God bless your family always,
Yvonne Chow
SJCCC Chair Group
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
December Council Meeting on the coming Thursday/Yvonne Chow
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
You are invited to the November Council meeting on this coming Thursday, Dec. 11, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at St. Clare room #5. The agenda is given as follows:
1) Finance (Li-peng);
2) Job Seekers’ Support Service (Yvonne)
3) December Masses and Reconciliation Services (Angie and TienChia)
1) Watermark keyboard purchasing proposal (Joseph and Alan)
2) Christmas celebration (Yvonne).
In Christ,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Reminder: 25th anniversary/Yvonne Chow
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Just a reminder that we’ll celebrate our 25th anniversary and Bishop McGrath will commission Fr. Olivera on this coming Sunday, Nov. 23. Please invite your friends and family members to join this special event. Don’t forget to bring your children with you. There is a special commission rite which was never done in our Chinese Community before.
3:00 mass (will be televised downstairs)
4:15 reception
4:35 slide show
Come to meet the new and not so new, and to thank God’s wonderful deeds!
God Bless!
Yvonne Chow
Monday, November 17, 2008
團體的銀慶/Yvonne Chow
3:00 彌撒
4:15 茶會
4:35 幻燈回顧
Charismatic Prayer Meeting canceled this Sat./Yvoone Chow
Due to the scheduled SJCCC Advent Retreat, Charismatic Prayer Group meeting this Saturday night is canceled. We encourage all to attend retreat. Thanks and God bless you!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November Council Meeting this coming Thursday/Yvonne Chow
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
You are invited to the November Council meeting on this coming Thursday, Nov. 13, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at St. Clare room #5.
The agenda is given as follows:
1) Fr. Olivera vacation schedule after Christmas and Easter (Fr. Olivera)
2) Celebration to the 25th Anniversary update (Yvonne);
3) Bible Study Group visit (Helena);
4) Finance (Li-peng);
1) English-Chinese Bible kick-off at the 25th anniversary celebration (ShinWu Chiang);
2) Christmas celebration (Yvonne).
In Christ,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Two activities in this weekend/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Just a kind reminder for the two faith formation activities in this weekend:
1) Nov. 7th, Faith Formation Seminar, 認識保祿的心靈世界:
St. Clare Parish, Lower Church
Friday from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
Led by Fr. Bona Ln, 林思川 神父
2) Nov. 8th, Biblical Study Workshop, 將臨期聖經講座:
St. Joseph Church, Fremont,
Dominican Sisters,
43226 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539
Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
Led by Fr. Bona Ln, 林思川 神父
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
free workshop to go/Jessica Wang
If your are interested and the time is available, please feel free to attend the workshop.
God Bless,
--- On Tue, 11/4/08, Jessica Wang wrote:
From: Jessica Wang
Subject: free workshop to go
To: "Li-peng Chou"
Cc: "Carlos Alberto Olivera"
Date: Tuesday, November 4, 2008, 12:33 PM
Hi, Li-peng,
Please forward this info to whoever might be interested, such as RCIA team, Liturgy and so on. Thanks.
JS Paluch and World Library Publications will be presenting a free day-long conference at the Oakland Cathedral for faith formation directors, catechumenate ministers, business managers, development directors, bulletin editors, and music ministers on November 13th. More info below:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Church's view of marriage/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
There is a youtube video,
which you might be interested in knowing the church's view of marriage.
God Bless,
Li-peng Chou
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pictures for All Souls Sunday/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
This coming Sunday, we'll celebrate the Mass of "All Souls" for those who passed away. The Liturgical team would like to remind you to bring pictures of your late relatives or friends for memoir. Their pictures will be placed in front of the altar and we'll pray for the peace of their souls during the Mass.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Monday, October 27, 2008
November workshop and retreat announcements/Li-Peng
- Nov. 1st, Chinese Mass, All Saints Fiesta:
- Ascension Church (Saratoga);
- Saturday from 8:00 am to 9:00 am;
- Celebrated by Fr. Olivera (歐神父)
- Nov. 1st, workshop, Parenting Guidance, e-世代親子教育面面觀:
- St. Clare Parish, Lower Church,
- Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:30 noon,
- Led by 許錫珍姐妹;
- Nov. 7th, Faith Formation Seminar, 認識保祿的心靈世界:
- St. Clare Parish, Parish Hall
- Friday from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
- Led by Fr. Bona Ln, 林思川 神父
- Nov. 8th, Biblical Study Workshop, 將臨期聖經講座:
- St. Joseph Church, Fremont,
Dominican Sisters,
43226 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539 - Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
- Led by Fr. Bona Ln, 林思川 神父
- Nov. 21 to 23, SJCCC Advent Retreat,
基督徒: 一個有影響力的服侍者: - St. Clare Retreat Center, Santa Cruz
- Friday evening through Sunday noon,
- Led by Fr. John Jao, 饒志成神父
Bishop's visit on 11/23 - Yvonne Chow
For Diocesan Calendar Please send to: · Name of event/meeting: 25th Anniversary and Commission · Day and date: Sunday, November 23, 2008 · Time (start and end): 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. · Place. (Please provide address so that a map link can be created) St. Clare Church at 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050 · Contact person with phone number and/or email address Yvonne Chow, 408-997-8524,
To celebrate SJCCC 25th anniversary and to commission our new chaplain, Fr. Olivera. Mass starts at 3:00 p.m. and the reception following right after in the parish hall. |
Monday, October 20, 2008
(941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050)
主講: 許錫珍姐妹
報名從速 請聯繫
李慧君姐妹 (408) 252-3317
或 甯秀麗姐妹 (408)667-7200
歡迎闔第光臨, 備有托兒服務
· 與孩子一起成長,建立和諧的親子關係
· 掌握孩子發展的關鍵期,增進其多元智能與情緒發展
· 幫助孩子建立健康的自我形象,活出真我,展現才華
· 提昇孩子的EQ、AQ與MQ,塑造快樂自信新生命
姓名 ________________________
電話 ________________________
子女年齡 □ 0-3歲 □ 4-6歲 □ 7-10歲 □ 11-13歲 □其他____
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Online Registration now available for RECongress 2009
For those of you who are interested in registering REcongress. Please check the link below, you have to register yourself, and print a receipt to me. I will do the reimbursement for you later on. I will book the flight together. Please email me the correct driver license name of yours, so, I can book the flight. We will take Friday 2/27 morning flight to :LA and
coming back on Sunday afternoon. Thanks.
Online Congress Registration Is Now Available!
Remember! The first 5,000 Congress registrants are "guaranteed" their first choices. Be among the first to register. And you can do that now ... online with a credit card! Start planning and Register for RECongress 2009.
Pass along this emailing or our link -- -- to share with friends and encourage them to sign up for our Congress Emailing for updates. If you do not care to receive future updates, you can find removal information at the bottom of this message.
The 2009 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress dates are:
• February 26, 2009 (Youth Day)
• February 27 - March 1, 2009 (Congress days)
Congress is held at the Anaheim Convention Center, located at 800 West Katella Ave. in Anaheim, Calif. (just across from Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure).
The registration fee for Congress is $60. ($70 after January 5, 2009 deadline.)
• First, pick your sessions -- You may either Download the Registration Guidebook (in sections or the complete Guidebook in PDF form) or check each period's listings on our web site (Congress 2009 Workshops & Links) to see workshop offerings for those you would like to attend.
• Find your interests -- You can also find a listing of speakers/topics/titles/languages on our 2009 Topics page.
• Plan out a first and second choices -- Choose a first and a second choice (in case of a full or canceled workshop) for each period you wish to attend
• You can use our new Workshop Planner (PDF: 2 pgs., 115k)
• Register -- When ready, click the red "Register" button off our home page or go directly to to register by credit card.
• Order your Guidebook -- If you're new to Congress, order a copy of the Registration Guidebook. The Guidebook provides information about Congress as well as all workshop descriptions and two Registration Forms. (NOTE: Those who registered last year will automatically receive their Guidebook in early November.)
• Choose your sessions -- Use the daily events pages and workshops descriptions to select a first and second workshop choice (in case of a full or canceled workshop) for each of the eight periods you wish to attend.
• Fill out the Registration Form -- The Registration Form is on the inside back cover of the Guidebook. Mail it in along with payment ($60 per person before January 5, 2009).
All tickets will be mailed after February 5, 2009.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Advent Retreat/Li-Peng
My apology that the previous email for the retreat announcement has some Chinese characters, which are not visible. Here is an updated version.
The Faith Formation team is pleased to invite you to the Advent Retreat of this year. Fr. John Jao, a Jesuit priest, will guide us in the preparation of a meaningful spiritual life in Advent.
主 題: 基督徒: 一個有影響力的服侍者(靜默式避靜)
神 師: 饒志成神父
時 間: Nov. 21 Friday (Dinner) to Nov. 23 Sunday (Lunch)
地 點: St. Claire Retreat Center
2381 Laurel Road, Soquel, CA 95073
費 用: 單人房 $ 130
雙人房 $ 120 per person
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
饒志成神父1943年出生於印尼,高中畢業後回到台灣,於台灣大學念機械系。中學時,受當時在印尼的鄭爵銘神父感召,加入督進團 (基督服務團前身)。
主 題 : 基督徒: 一個有影響力的服侍者
避靜神師 :饒志成神父
時 間 :Nov.21 Dinner to Nov. 23 Lunch
地 點 :St Claire Retreat Center
Friday 05:00 報到
08:00 - 09:30 入靜
Saturday 09:00 - 09:45 第一講
10:00 - 10:45 祈禱
11:00 - 11:45 第二講
02:00 - 03:45 第三講
04:00 - 04:45 祈禱
05:00 - 05:45 彌撒
07:30 –08:30 信仰交談
09:00 - 09:30 聖體降福
Sunday 09:00 - 09:45 第四講
09:45 - 10:15 祈禱
10:30 - 11:30 彌撒; 出靜
Sunday, October 12, 2008
All Saints Project/Jessica Wang
Each year CM hosts “All Saints Project” to
honor our favorite Saints. This Catechetical year church celebrates St. Paul’s Jubilee year, special dedicating the year to St. Paul.
So, this year’s All Saints Project will focus on St. Paul.
Theme : St. Paul
Due Date : Oct. 26, 2008(dates revised)
Participants : CM PK through 8th grade
Project material : Poster board, 11” x 14” any
Prizes : One first prize each grade level,
Each participant will receive a
Participation Prize.
HAVE FUN !!!!!
P.S. In order to present the Awards on All Saints Day, 11/2, during Union mass, we have changed the due date to 10/26 instead.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Invitation to a workshop hosted by the Corner Stone Bible study group/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The Corner Stone Bible study group invites Fr. Marvin Deutsch (from Maryknoll) for a talk about the book "Jesus of Nazareth" on this Friday (10/10). The book author is Pope Benedict XVI. (Amazon link: ). You are invited to join them to learn more about Jesus, our savior, as well as the author, Pope Benedict 16. Please see their blog at for more details.
Time: Oct. 10, 8:00 to 10:00 PM
Place: The St. Joseph church in Cupertino
In Christ
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lecture on St. Paul - Reading Material/Li-Peng
後來有些猶太人,看到了以後,有點眼紅,忌妒外邦人的基督徒。他們覺得:"本來救恩是給我們猶太人的。怎麼現在,外邦人也可以了。" 這些人裏,可能有宗徒。或是跟宗徒很親近的猶太人基督徒。就開始說:"外邦人要做基督徒。可以。可是要先割損。"
保祿聽了很生氣,覺得:"怎麼可以這樣?哪裡有這種道理?" 就上耶路撒冷,跟宗徒們辯論。這就是我們第一次的大公會議。那時耶路撒冷的主教是雅各伯。有人說:是雅各伯主張 "外邦人要守猶太人的法律"。也有人說:"是他旁邊的猶太基督徒說的。然後,假裝是雅各伯說的。" 不管是誰說的,當時,基督徒的主流,大概都是以猶太文化為主。覺得:" 救恩就是天主許給猶太民族的。" 不太喜歡外邦人也可以成為基督徒的想法。
其實,這個故事離我們並沒有很遠。梵二的時候,我們天主教體會到:"救恩並不一定在天主教會內。天主對教會外的朋友,也有他的計畫。" 有些天主教徒,聽到這些話,也有些不開心,也會忌妒。 覺得:"那我們為什麼還要信天主教?" 現在過了六十年,"匿名的基督徒"的想法,也慢慢在天主教裏被接受了。
其實,想想保祿那時候面對的處境,跟梵二那時候,主張"匿名的基督徒"的處境, 是有些相似的。而保祿那種對天主,對真理,對人的熱情。這些,對我們基督徒來說,常常在生活裡尋找天主的人,可能可以幫助我們,對生活有更多啟發,更多熱情。
Monday, October 6, 2008
Agenda of the October Council Meeting/Li-Peng
You are invited to the October Council meeting on this coming Thursday, Oct. 9, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at St. Clare room #5.
The agenda is given as follows:
1) Financial status report (Li-peng): meeting with Vicar of Clergy, Fr. Manrique;
2) Financial status report (Joseph): meeting with the Cantonese group;
3) The upcoming Five-Dioceses Faith Formation conference, Nov. 21, 22, (Yvonne);
4) Celebration to the 25th Anniversary (Yvonne);
5) Faith Formation activities in the next three months (Ana);
6) General guidelines in making announcement to the Community (Li-peng);
7) General guidelines in holding wedding or funeral masses in the St. Clair church (Fr. Olivera);
1) The challenge of new financial requirements in the 2008/2009 fiscal year (Jimmy Chen, Li-peng);
2) The commissioning process of all ministries (Yvonne);
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A faulty email system/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Sorry for the confusing message which is continuously looping in our members email box. I just talked to the ISP server of SJCCC, and they indicated to me that it might be a problem that a bounced email be fed back to the distribution mailbox again. The problem is not triggered by a virus in the message. They are looking into the problem and will stop the faulty server immediately.
Thanks for your understanding and patience,
Lecture on St. Paul/Li-Peng
As you know Pope, Benedict the 16th, has designated this year as the year of St. Paul. In concelebrating this meaningful theme with the universe church, the Faith Formation team has laid down a whole year activity plan with Fr. Olivera for a series of lectures, seminars and retreats. Here is the one for October:
信仰講座: 保祿
In Christ,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
An Evening with Mary/Li-Peng
Tuesday, October 7th 2008, 7:00pm
St. Elizabeth Parish
750 Sequoia Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035
Come and join us for an evening of prayer & songs honoring the
Blessed Mother in her different roles as --
Santa Marian Kamalen; Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe;
Our Lady of Antipolo; Our Lady of La Vang; Lady of Sorrows;
Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of China, and many more.
Sponsored by the Chamorro group -- Santa Marian Kamalen of St. Elizabeth
Together with the whole community of St. Elizabeth
Invitation to a parenting workshop/Li-Peng
Friday, September 19, 2008
Catholic Teaching on Marriage/Li-Peng
URLs to the documents:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Watermark parent meeting - September 20th/Amy Li
Dear Parents:
Last Saturday we had a wonderful potluck dinner. Thanks to all of you who participate it. Patrick has explained why the young adults want to lead the Watermark high school kids in our community. They felt guidance, especially religion guidance is very critical to their age. In a few years, our kids will leave us to college to pursuit their future with very minimum help from us. If we can prepare them now, then we probably do not need to worry about them while they are away. Because they know what is the true value in their hearts.
I felt extremely fortune to have so many young adults devote their time to our kids. They are willing to help but they need our support.This year we have more kids and parents from San Mateo Church, we need to thank Alice Tong (Andrew's mom) keep inviting new friends to our group. And we have some new kids and parents from the Fremont Church too. Our group is growing which means we need even more support than before.
Maybe you won't come to Watermark in a regular basis, but please still come to join our discussion to let us hear your thoughts. We also need parents to bring snacks for the kids in every Watermark meeting. The Worship team ( currently 5 or 6 people ) always come at 5:00 PM to practice their songs till 7:00 PM. We need parents to provide simple supper for them.
Please join us. If you cannot make it this Saturday but willing to help, please e-mail me.
The parent meeting time for this Saturday is 7:30 PM till 9:30 PM at room #2.
Love in Christ,
Amy Li
Pray for the recovery of Cecilia Chao's brother/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Cecilia Chao would like to thank for your prayer earlier to the health of her brother. The operation is successful, remaining liquid in his head has been cleared, and the skull is placed back. She pleads for your continues prayer to his full recovery.
In Christ,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
聖女小德蘭九日敬禮 / Li-Peng & Margarita Hua
從9/22至9/30 誦念玫瑰經或做默觀祈禱
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Margarita Hua would like to invite you to participate a nine days "Novena" for all evangelization works in China and Chinese communities. You may find detailed information in our Community Web Blog site under the category of Prayer Request and Faith Team:
In Christ,
Funeral Mass for Mr. Chin Ling - Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The rosary prayer for Mr. Chin Ling at Friday night 8:00 pm, is changed to a liturgy service as "the Vigil for the Deceased." Sharing and Viewing will follow right after the service. Please keep praying for the soul of Mr. Chin and the peace to his family."
In Christ,
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
I just received a notice for a date correction to Mr. Chin Ling's funeral mass. Instead of Sept. 19 (Friday), it is Sept. 20 (Saturday).
Rosary Prayer:
Date : 9-19-08 (Friday)
Time: 8 PM
Location : Lima Family at Santa Clara.
(466 N Winchester Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050 )
Funeral Mass :
Date : 9-20-08 (Saturday)
Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon
Location : Saint Clare
( 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA 95050)
In Christ,
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
In memory of Mr. Chin Ling, who passed away over the weekend, we pray for his body and soul be rested peacefully with Jesus Christ, our Lord, in heaven.
Rosary Prayer:
Date : 9-19-08 (Friday)
Time: 8 PM
Location : Lima Family at Santa Clara.
(466 N Winchester Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050 )
Funeral Mass :
Date : 9-19-08 (Friday)
Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon
Location : Saint Clare
( 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA 95050)
In Christ,
Monday, September 15, 2008
Parenting Seminar / Joseph Ku
Topic: From our religious perspective to discuss parent – child relationships
Please see the attached file for detail.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Stewardship Retreat Pictures/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
We have experienced a successful stewardship retreat today. Many are inspired by the Apostolic Letter, Millennium Ineunte, written by the late Pope John Paul II. In addition to the good memories in our heart, Samuel Tong helped capture the good times in picture. Please go to the following web site for viewing:
In Christ,
Retreat documents:
Pray for the success of two critical surgeries/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Please pray for the success and full recovery of two critical surgeries for:
1) Karen Chen, our beloved secretary in the Dioceses office. She is going to receive a very difficult heart surgery in September;
2) Cecilia Chao's brother, he will receive a brain surgery in the third time on this coming Tuesday;
In Christ,
September Council Meeting/Li-Peng Chou
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The September Council Meeting will be held on September 11, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (my wish). In order to protect attendees from being caught by some reluctant assignments in surprise, the Council Meeting will focus on planning and sharing of ministry services. Your participation will be the most inspiration to the ministry team. Here is the agenda:
1) Status report for the meeting with Fr. Rick and St. Clare school principle Kathy (Li-peng);
2) Proposal to form the SJCCC Boyscout Team (Ed. Chang);
3) The upcoming Five-Dioceses Faith Formation conference, Nov. 21, 22, (Li-peng);
4) Feedback to the Stewardship Retreat (Ana, Cris, Mike);
1) Commitment to the annual $36000 contribution to St. Clare (Li-peng);
2) Commitment to the $3500~$6000 contribution to the St. Clare school, (Joseph Ku);
3) Planning for the English Mass (Joanne, Patrick);
4) Planning for the 25th Anniversary of SJCCC (Yvonne);
5) Budget for the annual Anaham Catechetical Conference (Li-peng);
6) Current ministry position openings in the Community (all chairs)
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thank you for praying for 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生/James Hua
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
T.S., Lih-Ing and Lee's family would like to thank you for your kind heart. See their message below. May God bless 李家琛先生 and his family!
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lydia
To: James Hua
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 10:56:30 AM
Subject: Thank you for praying 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生
Dear James,
Thank you for passing the email through your network to our church and friends to pray for my father and our families during this difficult time. My dad was blessed and saw all our children from different parts of the world all gathering here in his bed side, say rosary for him when he passed away.
I want to express my deepest thanks to all my brothers and sisters who prays for us and attends the service. May God's peace and happiness always with everyone.
T.S. Lee
Hi James,
我婆婆, 李陳益女士, 李天祥的兄弟姊妹們, 李天祥和我, 向親愛的弟兄姊妹們表達我們無限的謝意.
謝謝大家不斷的為我的公公, 李天祥的父親, 李家琛先生頌唸玫瑰經, 使他在子孫們陪伴下和玫瑰經聲中, 非常平安的安息主懷.
謝謝大家送我的公公人生最後的一程. 害怕寂寞的他. 一定很高興這麼多弟兄姊妹們陪伴著他.
Lih-Ing Lan
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Prayer Request/Minshu
Dear all,
鳳文姐,經醫生診斷,心臟的動脈血管有問題,需要動手術來治療,其難度,超過 心臟 'By Pass' 的手術,手術的日期,尚未決定,據鳳文告之,應當在9月初!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Please Pray for 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生/ James Hua
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please join us at the Rosary Prayer on Tuesday or Funeral Mass on Wednesday if possible. Please see Lih-Ing's invitation below for details.
May God bless 李家琛 Mr. Lee's soul and comfort his wife and family.
----- Original Message ----
From: Lydia
To: James Hua ; Li-Peng Chou
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 1:43:22 PM
Subject: RE: Please Pray for 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生
Hi James,
請主內的弟兄姊妹們為我的公公, 李天祥的父親, 李家琛先生祈禱.
八月二十六日7:30 PM 在 Lima Family 有玫瑰經頌唸 (466 North Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95050)
八月二十七日9:30 AM 在 St. Clare Church 有殯葬彌撒
Please pray for Tain Shain Lee's father.
We have rosary prayer in Lima Family (466 North Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95050) on Aug. 26 at 7:30 PM.
We also have Mass in St. Clare Church on Aug. 27 at 9:30AM.
Lih-Ing Lan
-----Original Message-----
From: James Hua
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: Please Pray for 李天祥's Father
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With most regret, I inform you that our dear Mr. Lee (李天祥's father) has passed away last night. Please extend your prayer for Mr. Lee's soul. May our Heavenly Father welcome him into God's Kingdom to enjoy the eternal life.
Please prayer for Mr. Lee's wife and family during this difficult time. May God bless Lee's family!
James Hua
----- Original Message ----
From: James Hua
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 1:18:57 PM
Subject: Re: Please Pray for 李天祥's Father
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sorry about the confusion! My mistake on the first name! I gave "Joseph T.S. Lee" to Li-Peng for the broadcast. It should have been "T.S. Lee" and the Chinese name should be 李天祥 if your computer can decode Chinese font.
So please continue to pray for 李天祥's father (Joseph Lee's grandpa) for recovery. May Gos bless Lee's family!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Please Pray for 李天祥's Father/James Hua
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With most regret, I inform you that our dear Mr. Lee (李天祥's father) has passed away last night. Please extend your prayer for Mr. Lee's soul. May our Heavenly Father welcome him into God's Kingdom to enjoy the eternal life.
Please prayer for Mr. Lee's wife and family during this difficult time. May God bless Lee's family!
James Hua
Monday, August 18, 2008
Workshop Announcement/Li-Peng
- Date and Time: August 24, 2008, Sunday, 1:00pm to 3:30pm
- Place: St. Joseph Catholic Church- Parish School, Room #7, 43148 Mission Blvd, Fremont CA 94539.
Date and Time: August 24, 2008, Sunday, 1:00pm to 3:30pm.
Place: St Joseph Catholic Church - Parish School, Room# 7. 43148 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94539
主講者: 鄭玉英教授
主題: 由心理諮商到心靈醫治
聯絡人: 王汝斌
專業: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.
"在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。 而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密契,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老師的心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗?#92;為感人"。 - - 節錄自教友生活週刊
Peace in Christ
CCCSJ Servant Group
Friday, August 15, 2008
Pray for the recovery of Joseph Lee's father/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
We need your special pray for Joseph Lee's father (in North Region Bible Study group), who is in critical condition now and is in the Intensive Care Unit of the San Jose Regional Hospital. Please pray for the recovery of his health and all needed supports to the family.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sorry about the confusion! My mistake on the first name!
I gave "Joseph T.S. Lee" to Li-Peng for the broadcast. It should have been "T.S. Lee" and the Chinese name should be 李天祥 if your computer can decode Chinese font.
So please continue to pray for 李天祥's father (Joseph Lee's grandpa) for recovery. May Gos bless Lee's family!
Assumption of Mary Mass and the workshop of Sr. Helen Fu/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Just a kind reminder for two upcoming services, please take time to participate:
1. Assumption of Mary Mass, this evening, Aug. 15, 7:00pm in lower church;
2. "I and Family", workshop led by Sr. Helen Fu, Tomorrow, Aug. 16, from 9:00am to 12:00 noon, in lower church. Babysitting service will be provided.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Agenda changes for the Charismatic Prayer group/Li-Peng,James Hua
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The Charismatic Prayer group would like to make the following announcement to the members:
"The bi-weekly SJCCC Charismatic Prayer Meeting at the same time will be canceled and all members are encouraged to join Watermark's Praise Night event to support our youth. May God bless the Praise Night event. James Hua"
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Monday, August 4, 2008
Workshop for the improvement of communication skills in family/Li-Peng
主題: 家庭溝通
時間: 8/16/2008 ,9:00AM -Noon 家和萬事興, 下午; 座談會,問與答
地點: St. Clare Lower Church
主講: 傅世英修女(耶穌孝女會 )
請向陳慶文姐妹報名 午餐自費
費用: 自由奉獻
歡迎闔第光臨, 備有托兒服務
Pray for the soul of Fr. Olivera's brother-in-law/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
I feel sorry to inform you that Fr. Olivera's brother-in-law has passed away in last week. Please pray for his soul be rested peacefully in our Lord Jesus Christ, and comfort his family at this difficult time. We also pray for a safe trip when Fr. Olivera travels back to San Jose.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Family and Me -workshop by Sister Helen Fu/Ana Tsai
Love In Christ,
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Attendees for the Council Member Stewardship Retreat/Li-Peng
- Liturgical team: Tien Chia or Angie,
- RCIA: Tien Pao
- CM: Jesica
- Chinese School: (Joseph Ku informs Yu Wan Hua)
- Finance team: Jimmy
- Bible Study Groups: Helena, Kam, Marcus, Vincent, ... etc.
- LOM: An Pung
- Choir: Vivian Chu
- English Mass: Joanne
- Watermark Youth: Patrick and Henry
- Publications: Jade, Mark
- 20/20 groups: Tony, Eddie
- Other teams: forgive me not being able to list all the leaders.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Continue praying for Cecilia's brother/Li-Peng Chou
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Cecilia Chao (Zhao Zhung) just called from Taiwan, that she needs our continuous prayer for the recovery of her brother, who received a critical surgery on July 1st, but is still in coma ever since. Cecilia's younger brother took care of their stroke mother for ten years, now he is the only person available in the family to take care of the seriously injured brother. Please pray for the family to have enough strength to go through this difficult time.
In Christ
Sunday, July 13, 2008
A series of seminars led by Fr. Peter Hu, 胡鳨神父/Li-Peng Chou
- 基督宗教信仰的核心特色與生活表現
Time: July 26, Saturday, from 9:00am to 12:30pm,
Place: St. Clare Parish
Sponsored by the SJCCC Faith Formation Team - From the Book of Hebrews to learn the center path of the Christian Faith
This is a series of three private evening sessions:
Time: July 14, 15, 16, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Place: 5399 Lassen Ave., San Jose CA 95129 (Rae Yang's Home) - From the common ancestor, Abraham, to learn the correlations among the three religions: Christian, Jewish and Islam
This is a series of three private evening sessions:
Time: July 21, 22, 23, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Place: 5399 Lassen Ave. San Jose CA 95129, (Rae Yang's Home)
Summary of SJCCC Council Meeting 7/10 - Joseph Ku
SJCCC Council meeting 7/10/2008
1.Role of Community Council (Joseph Ku)
2.Summary of Monday meeting with advisory board (Li-Peng Chou)
3.Service and Ministry (Yvonne Chou)
4.Meeting with Fr. Brenden McGuire (Li-Peng Chou/Ken Wang)
5.Perspective of SJCCC (Helena Ru)
1. Celebration of 2000 Jubilee year of St. Paul
Angie suggested having weekly reflection material for faith sharing group and homily theme similar to those years we participated in ¨RENEW〃 program.
Joseph Ku and Angie will work on this and prepare material before next Council meeting.
- Identify the current leaders in each existing ministry.
We had gone through this last Monday. A few ministries are lacking of leadership now. These are: (1) Marriage Encounter and family support ministry: Irene and Helena will look into this based on Sister Chiang Fan-Huaˇs article in HolyCity and provide their suggestions in August meeting. (2) Bible and Spiritual Book Sale: Irene and George have served in this ministry for a number of years. Irene would like someone can take over, perhpas focus on Bible sale only.
(3)Finance group: current leaders have served in this area for many years. They would like to have replacement. Li-Peng will talk to the newer members in this group to see if they would like to assume the leadership position. (4) Office Secretary in Dioceses Office: Karen has also devoted many years in this office after Katherine Nie. She would like to have a replacement. This is an important liaison position for our community to communicate with Diocesan staff. (5) Senior group leader, Huang Chung-Wen, reported that he also wanted to have replacement, more importantly, he would like transportation support for senior group activity. (6) Evangelization group leader, Liu Ker-Ching, resigned and needs replacement. Weˇll call a gro! up meet ing to identify for new leader for this group. (7) Sacred Heart School needs principal. We hope one of the student parents can assume this position. This is critical for the quality of CM and Chinese education deliver to our youngsters.
- Near the end of the meeting, an organization issue was raised. In recent years, many faith sharing groups has either diminished or cut loose their relationship with SJCCC. While SJCCC is still being recognized as a Chinese Catholic Community by Bishop, yet it is lacking of resources both financially and leadership to be able to function as a viable entity. Many people still show strong desire in spirituality development, but only individually, not collectively. We need proper guidance and also need more time to think through this issue.
- Identify major event coordinators in each of the following event, (We did not have time to go through this agenda, wait to next month)
-Christmas Program (including programs during Advent)
-Chinese New Year and Bishop Visit (2/8)
-Easter Program (including programs during Lenten season)
1. Leadership Retreat on 9/6, prefer in Presentation center depending on the availability, or in St. Clare Rectory. Ana Tsai will assist Fr. Olivera on the retreat preparation. We ask all ministry leaders to set this day aside and give yourself a quiet day for recollection.
2. Fr. Hu Kao-Jen SJ, will give one day seminar to us in St. Clare on Saturday, 7/26.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Cornerstone Bible Study Group Special Event/Li-Peng
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
The Cornerstone Bible Study Group invites Fr. Marvin to talk about "Catholic Church and Pope" on next Friday evening. He will start from the origin and fundamental for easy understanding, then go in depth for more to think. Here is the details.
Led by: Fr. Marvin Deutsch
Subject: "Catholic Church and Pope" - what do they mean to our life as a Catholic, especially in today's environment.
Date: 2008-07-18, Friday, 7:30pm
Location: St Joseph School of Cupertino (Art Classroom and School Library)
Address: 10120 N De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014
Please feel free to join this special event session.
In Christ,
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Community Council meeting 7/10, Thursday/Joseph Ku
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Car for Fr. Olivera/Li-Peng
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Many of you may already meet our new chaplain, Fr. Alberto Olivera, in the last Sunday mass. SJCCC is a geographically dispersed community, the priest needs to travel around the cities to provide sacrament services. As a new comer to the valley, he needs a car to meet with people and for daily operations. If you have a car for sale or intend to donate, please contact Fr. Olivera.
In Christ,
Thank You So Much from Father Barry Martinson/Hai Hsia
--- On Wed, 7/2/08, Hai Hsia Chen wrote:
Fr. Barry wants to thank all of you for the team work we had during his visit. I want to thank all of you too.Jade, can you please forward this e-mail to Lighthouse group? Thanks.God bless.Hai Hsia
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barry Martinson
Date: Jul 1, 2008 11:32 PM
Subject: Thank You So Much
Dear Hai Hsia,Thank you so much for all you did to organize my Masses, talks and book sales in the Bay Area. I am very gateful. I have been wanting to email you ever since I got back to San Diego, but I got a bad cold shortly after getting here, so that slowed me down. Please relay my gatitude to the others also.You have some wonderful groups of Catholics. Being with them is like being with family. They are so warm and supportive. I wish I could have had more time to get to know them. It wasn't until our last meal together at the restaurant, that I finally felt relaxed enough to not worry about having to get to the next place on time.I wasn't able to talk much to Chris and his family, whom I just saw briefly at the restaurant. Please thank him for me also. I really appreciate his help.Your husband seemd to be able to read my mind with the slide show. He always knew just how to do it, and I felt so comfortable working with him. He is a real gift from God.Also, I want to thank your "marketing genius" who introduced my books after Mass - without his salesmanship my sales would not have been such a success.It was so nice to meet some of your group that became instant friends, like Darien Lu and others. People like that made everything seem even more worthwhile and were a great consolation to me.I will keep all of you in my prayers, and I know you will remember me in yours, also. Maybe, with god's blessing, I can come again next year with some new books. Your encouragement has helped stimulate me to work even harder to produce books that reflect God's glory, and I am very happy He can use me for this work and I can share it with you.Thanks, once again, for everything.With prayers and best wishes,Fr Barry
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions for July
Benedict XVI's Prayer Intentions for July
VATICAN CITY, 1 JUL 2008 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for July is: "That there may be an increase in the number of those who, as volunteers, offer their services to the Christian community with generous and prompt availability".
His mission intention is: "That the World Youth Day held in Sydney, Australia, may awaken the fire of divine love in young people and make them sowers of hope for a new humanity".Source: