Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas party gifts/Li-Peng Chou

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

For the Christmas Dinner Party, we also need your support in donating gifts to share joyfulness of the season. Please bring your gifts to Jeanet Lee on this Sunday at the hall way across the church.

In Christ,
Li-peng Chou

SJCCC 2007 Christmas Celebration
Time: 12/16 at 5:00pm
Place: Parish Hall
Tickets: Adults and youth 10 yrs & up - $7, at the door: $8
4-10 years old child - $4, at the door $5
kids below 4 are free.
Tickets are now on sale at the hall across the church.
The last chance pre-sale day is 12/9.
*** So far no Santa Claus candidate, urgent request for volunteer,
only 30-minute show up time. Please help. ***

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