Tuesday, July 31, 2007

New Vatican Website/Jenny Pama

Dear Lighthouse,

On July 19 the Vatican launched www.vaticanstate.va, a new website in
Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. The Vatican's main
website is still www.vatican.va, but the new website, with live pictures from
five webcams, provides more info about the offices that help run the
State of Vatican, as opposed to the Church.
Internet users can join pilgrims praying at Pope John Paul II's tomb in the grotto
of St. Peter's Basilica. A camera high on the Vatican hill points toward the
dome of St. Peter's Basilica. Three webcams have been set up on the
dome itself: one looking at St. Peter's Square, another at the Vatican
Gardens and the third at the home of the new Web site, the Vatican
governor's office.
For more details, see news on CNS:

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Public hearing meeting summaries/Li-Peng Chou

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Here is the notes for the public hearing meeting held on Thursday, July 26. The meeting went very well. In addition to the inputs for chair board structure, there are many others which may result profound changes to the community. The council meeting should study.each request and take proper actions with wisdom.
In Christ,


主題; 為什麼主席團那麼難以產生?

議程: July 26, 2007

7:00 ~ 7:10: 简介會議的目的;

7:10 ~ 8:00: 第一組分享: 鄒世亮,米波,Mike 陳,Eugene Lee, 陳海霞,岳安邦:

8:00 ~ 8:50: 第二組分享:白瑞云,廖煥中,楊彤芳,徐伯初,李曉英,李自慈;

8:50 ~ 9:20: 自由分享:王樹治,潘齊家,傅典端,徐琪(書面);

9:20 ~ 9:30: 結論: 周麗鵬,顧神父。

出席人數: 30

記錄: 李曉英,白瑞云;


我 對 團 體 現 況 的 看 法 為 �.

我 認 為 問 題 出 在

我 建 議 解 決 的 方 法 可 以 是


1. 教會與團體的分別與各自存在意義:

2. 主席團的結構方式:

3. 垂直的功能小組與策劃會議的互補關係:

4. 領導層的接班問題:

5. 團體的斷層現象:

6. 團體的成員與組織:

7. 神父與教友的分際:

8. 平行團體:

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Evangelization Team report on Chinese American Athletic Tournament on 7/22 - Kerching

Dear all,
Thanks be to God. Our booth did well and we had a lot of support.
I also want to thank Shang-Uh Huang, Dean Chen & Elisa Yao , TS & Florence Pan, Yu Chen, Cris & Angely Chen, Lisa Lee, Simon Liao, Lucy Chou, Joseph Ku, An Pung Yueh, and many Legion of Mary members for their time and effort.
Here is my brief report.
How did we do?
1. Our booth was quickly set up at 8am before most booths.
2. Our booth was easy to spot thanks to a 8ft x 2ft banner showing "Catholic Church" in Chinese and English.
3. The peak time was from 10am to 2pm.
4. More than 1000 bookmarks were given away.
5. Hundreds of SJCCC Monthly back issues were given away.
6. Legion of Mary gave away many Luke VCD's, Rosary, and various pamphlets.
7. Some of us went extra miles at engaging those who walked by our booth.
8. 10 guests left their contact information for follow-up.
9. At least a total of 15 ET supporters and 7 LOM members came to help.
10. We left around 3pm after most visitors were gone.
What did others do?
1. Tzu Chi was one of the most organized one and had a booth 4x of ours.
1. Most organizations had some kind of uniform.
2. Bigger booth with rest area for visitors helped engagement.
3. Posters were used to demonstrate details of their organizations.
What can we improve at Chinese American Athletic Federation in Union City on 8/11 and 8/12?
(This is expected to be a much bigger event than the one on 7/22.)
1. Uniform for our team
2. Orientation for our team
3. Recruit Homeland group members to help
4. Invite Fremont community to join the effort
5. Bigger booth?
Please kindly let me know if I miss anything or if you have any feedback for us.
By God's grace, we have the opportunity to serve Him and His people.
May the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit lead every single step of what we do.
In Christ,

Monday, July 23, 2007

Announcement for Sr. Fu activities/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

The SJCCC "Faith is our Foundation" working group is delighted to inform all interested members and your families and friends a wondering opportunity to have 1-on-1 meetings with Sister Helen Fu, who will be visiting the South Bay and be in our midst in August 2007.

Sr. Fu is in the order of Daughter of Jesus, and has more than 30 years of experiences in education and psychological consulting. Her background includes a master degree in Psychology. She teaches Psychology in Fu Jen University in Taipei. She also leads Catholic College Student Association and Christian Life Community in Taipei. Sister Fu has special interests and training in family life improvement and reformation; and in St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercise.

Topics of discussion are not limited to the above however. If you and/or your family have a need for spiritual, family life or any faith related direction, and you feel can benefit from talking with sister, please make use of this wonderful opportunity. You can either meet with Sister alone or with your family. It's flexible. Private sessions are two hours each, but you can sign up for multiple sessions if needed. You can also consider inviting Sister to a small group sharing or any special topic of discussion.

Sister will also present a workshop on St. Ignatius' Spiritual Exercise on Saturday 8/25/07 at the home Mrs. Phyllis Chen林鳳珍 , from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Please refer to the attached registration form for registration information, and the attached spreadsheet for Sister Fu's date/time availability.

God Bless,

SJCCC "Faith in Our Foundation" working group



1. 8月 10 日,星期五, 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm, CornerStone 查班, St. Joseph Church, Cupertino;

2. 8月 20 日 至 8月 24 日,接受有須要進行家庭重塑的個別服務。每次两小時,請事先登記;

3. 8月 25 日,星期六, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, 全天的聖依納爵神操講習,地址在教友家

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lighthouse: Labor Day Retreat/Jenny

Dear Lighthouse,
At last night's Bible study, two representatives from the Bay Area Chinese Catholic Living Camp (BACCLC) came for a visit. The purpose of their visit was to promote its annual and 10th camp.
Theme: Worry Less, Travel Light with God
When: Labor Day Weekend, 8/31-9/3
Where: El Retiro Jesuit Center in Los Altos
Spiritual Director: Fr. Ivan Tou
If register before 7/25-$125/student and $180/adult.
If register after 7/25-$145/student and $200/adult.
To register or to learn more about this camp, please go to http://www.bacclc.org

Friday, July 20, 2007

Lighthouse: 8/4 Workshop/Jenny

Dear Lighthouse,
Earlier I sent you an email about Fr. Aldrich's talk on 8/4. The format was messed up and difficult to read. Now this is a much more clear-version-Jenny
What: Theories & Models of Catholic Evangelization (and more) by Fr. Louis Aldrich, S.J.
When: 8/4/07, 9am-12pm
Where: North Hall, St. Claire Church
Fr. Aldrich grew up in Redwood City and has been in ministry in Taiwan since 1980s. He holds a PhD in Theological Ethics and was the principal of Theological Seminary at Fu-Jen Univeristy near Taipei. In the last few years, he has devoted himself in program development for lay missionary and evangeliists.
O 8/4, Fr. Aldrich will share his personal missionary experience and evangelization responsiblities as baptized Christians. In additions, he will introduce the modules and share the lessons learned from the feasibility done in the Center of Evangelization at Fu-Jen Univeristy. He comes with rich methodologies and analytical views along with many years' real world practicies.
For those who seek to grow in faith by sharing the good news of the Lord to others, you will find Fr. Aldrich as an inspiration and a role model.
For those who have passion in spreading the Words fo God but has little confidence on what to do and where to begin, bring your questions for dicussion and guidance.
If you can attend the workshop and able to provide on-site assistance, please contact Jade

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Invitation to a public hearing of community status and future directions/Li-Peng

Dear All,

Many people has shown their concerns about the current difficulties to the election of our chair board members. Many thoughts have been exchanged privately only among small groups. In order to have a better picture from the community as a whole, the council meeting decides to hold a public hearing for everybody to share their thoughts and suggestions. The meeting will be held on July 26, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, at the North Hall, Saint Clare church. Attached is a proposed meeting proceeding. Since this is a semi-opened forum, please pre-register with me if you want to ensure a time slot for your chance to speak.

In Christ


很多人對目前主席團難以產生的狀況感到憂心,也不断的尋找原因和解決問 題的方法,只是所有的討論僅止於私人之間的交流,無法匯聚成團體的共識。做為一個成熟的團體,首要的就是有自我檢討的能力。為此,同工會一致同意有必要舉 行一次公聽會,瞭解教友們對此問題的看法,作為未來決策的依據。

會議進行的方式如下:首先我們將邀請六位,積極参預教會事工,有代表性的教友,每人以 5 分鐘的時間發表對下列問題的個人感受:

  1. 我對團體現況的看法為 ….
  2. 我認為問題出在 ….
  3. 我建議解決的方法可以是

之後,我們將開放講壇給在場的其他六位教友 ,對同樣的問題發表高見 。最後我 們再以40 分鐘的時間, 自由發言,聆聽所有的意見。

時 間 :7 月 26日 ,下 午 7:00 ~ 9:30;

地 點 :North Hall, Saint Clare Church.

Invitation to an Evangelic workshop/Li-Peng

Dear All,

We are glad that Fr. Louis Aldrich can share the latest development of Evangelic theory and real life models with us. The workshop will be held on Aug 4, Saturday, from 9:00AM to 12:00 AM. Attached are two documents, one for the meeting notice, and the other for the coverage of the workshop. Please join us for an informative and educational program.

In Christ,

Friday, July 13, 2007

SJCCC Council meeting summary (7/12)/Joseph Ku

Here is the summary of our council meeting yesterday (7/12/07)
Event coming up:
1.TJ mission was successfully carried through. Want to hear more? please come
re-union meeting on 7/14 in Parish hall 4:00-10:00PM,
another outreach event will be hold in September.
2.Li-Peng will hold a few Q&A sessions for our community in the coming week.
(community leadership, direction.......) schedule will be announced.
3.Ken Wang is soliciting input from community regarding to the successor of
Fr. Koo. Please let him know your opinion.
4.Light house will invite Fr. Louis to their group to talk about
Evangelization in August 4th.
5.Kerching and evangelization team organize a meeting after 7/15 Suday Mass and
invite Fr. Louis to share his view. all welcome.
6.Corner Stone will hold a family related workshop in the week of 8/25.
(Sister Fu Shi-Ing will lead this WS)
7.Fr. Lynch will hold a 8 week spiritual program in next Lentent season.
(not clear who will coordinate this program, no champion yet)
20/20 status:
1."Church is our home" group (Eddie Liu), so far 5 people committed.
- looking for activity center
- find ways to attract people "coming home" (Cris Chen is working on)
2."Youth is our future" group (Isabel Chou), 5 people committed.
- Build up a team in August
- Figure out activity plan in September
3."Faith is our Foundation" group (Li-Peng), 17 people participated
- Fr. Lynch WS (Lent '08) / Light House (8/4) / Corner Stone (8/25)
- Advent Retreat, Fr. Lin (Mike Pan will coordinate)
4."Service & Evangelization " group (Kerching), 16 people particiapted
- Team meeting & Fr. Louis talk 7/15
- Evangelization (1 major meeting + 4 events) estimated annual budget $11K.
if you have different opinion, please let Kerching know.
Fr. Koo encouraged us to be a happy volunteer to serve in the community.
If you felt being burdened on what you don't like to do, please let us know.
Joseph Ku
on behalf of
SJCCC Advisory board

This Sunday & upcoming evangelization events/Jenny

Dear Lighthouse,
1. St. Clare's Chinese Catholic Community (SJCCC) is presenting a talk on evangelization this coming Sunday.
What: Fr Louis' Evangelization Presentation and Evangelization
When: After Mass on 7/15/07, around 4:15pm
Where: Lower Church at St Clare
2. In the upcoming weeks, SJCCC will set up a booth at the following Chinese public events in the bay area. SJCCC will hand out information about our faith, our communities and our Catholic church. Please mark your calendar and join.
See attachment for details.
Chinese Athletic Tournament
De Anza College
from 8:30AM,
8/11/07 & 8/12/07
Chinese Athletic Federation
James Logan HS in Union City
from 9AM
9/29/07 & 9/30/07
Moon Festival of the Silicon Valley
Cupertino Memorial Park
from 10Am

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You are invited to Fr Louis' Presentation and Evangelization Team Meeting/KerChing

Thanks be to God for sending Fr Louis to our community as we begin to renew our pledge and effort of spreading the Good News of Jesus and His Salvation.
We are very happy to announce that Evangelization Team Meeting will be held together with Fr. Louis' presentation on evangelization. Below is the info on this meeting.
What: Fr Louis' Evangelization Presentation and Evangelization Team Meeting
When: After Mass on 7/15/07
Where: Lower Church at St Clare
Refreshments will be provided. Please come and join us.
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring (the) good news!" Romans 10:15 (NAB)
SJCCC will reserve a booth at the following Chinese public events in bay area. We will hand out information about our faith, our communities, and our Catholic Church.
Please mark your calendar and join us.
Chinese Athletic Tournament
De Anza College
from 8:30AM,
8/11/07 & 8/12/07
Chinese Athletic Federation
James Logan HS in Union City
from 9AM
9/29/07 & 9/30/07
Moon Festival of the Silicon Valley
Cupertino Memorial Park
from 10Am

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th and some update/Kerching

Dear Tony and Wendar,
I have not talked to you for a while. How are you doing?
Here is some update.
1. Albert, Lucia, and I are working on the design of bookmark series 2.
2. I have booked a booth at Chinese American Athletic Tournament to be held on 7/21 and 7/22.
3. We will hold a Evangelization Team (ET) meeting after Mass on 7/15. Please join us.

Happy 4th,

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cornerstone Bible Study - 7/6: 20/20 Faith is our Foundation discussion and sharing/Maria Wong

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This is a reminder that this Friday, instead of our usual Bible study, we will have a 20/20 discussion/sharing session on Faith is our Foundation, facilitated by Albert Wu and Li-Peng. Please see the details below and in the attachment. Please come with your ideas and needs on faith formation for young adults and young families.
We will have our usual praise and worship session starting at 7:30pm and the discussion will start 8:00pm.
Attached is the schedule for this quarter. Please invite a friend!
God Best,

From: Wu, Albert
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 3:49 PM
To: Wong, Maria
Cc: Li-Peng Chou (Engineering)
Subject: FW: The faith is our foundation - meeting

Dear Maria :
Please help to remind the Corner Stone group of the first meeting for "Faith is our foundation" effort on Friday evening (07/06/2007 8 PM PST), your regular Bible Study time slot.
I got projector for the presentation, please see if there's a wall that I can project the images to.
English & Young Adult
Mike Chen
Maria Wong
Patricia Chong Cornerstones
Please feel free to invite anyone that is interested in this subject to the meeting.
I am looking forward to meeting you all in our first gathering.

From: Wu, Albert
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 5:06 PM
Subject: The faith is our foundation - meeting

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

You are invited to the first 'The faith is our foundation' meeting. Below is the final summary from the 20/20 meetings. Ana, Li-Peng, and I will be the coordinators of 'The faith is our foundation' effort:

2. 信仰是我們的基礎- The Faith is our Foundation

為各年齡層在信仰陶成活動的參與上,提供更多的管道及協助,以幫助信仰生活的實踐並鼓勵聖召的追求。 Offer access and assistance to participate in faith and formation programs across all age groups including activities focused around religious vocation, and faith application programs for different life stages.

Please also find attached MS Word document for this email just in case your email client can not read Chinese properly.

CornerStone Bible Study group kindly shared their precious Bible study time and space with us. All CornerStone members will attend this meeting as their regular Bible study gathering. The meeting time and location are:

· When: 07/06/2007 (Friday) 8 PM

· Where: St. Joseph of Cupertino School. 10110 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino,

Our agenda for the meeting is:

· Welcome and a short introduction to the background and objectives to the program (10 minutes, Albert and Li-peng)

o facilitate individual, family, and community faith growth

o extend the scope to support the larger community

· Share personal disciplines in faith growth in your marriage, parenting, church, and yourself, etc. (50 minutes)

o What do you see you like? 目前做的好的,可以繼續做的

o What do you like to see? 可以改進的空間

· Our next steps (10 minutes)

· Conclusion (10 minutes)

You are welcome to invite your friends to the meeting.

Should you have questions, please feel free to let me or Li-Peng know.

Love in Christ,

Albert Wu, 吳明達

PS 1! URLs for 20/20 ‘The faith is our foundation’ efforts:


PS 2! You can also find CornerStone Brog in below URL:
